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At the outset researcher must find any

 Social,
 Economic,
 Managerial
 Business problem and
formulate it into research problem.
Problem formulation from the researcher
point of view represents translating
 Economic
 Managerial
 Social and
 other problems in to a research problem
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining the research problem (Cont …)
What is a Research problem?
“A research problem, in general, refers to
some difficulty, which a researcher faces
(experiences) in the context of both a
theoretical or practical situation and
wants to obtain a solution for the same”
We say a research problem exist, if the
following conditions are met

04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

What is a Research Problem? (Cont..)
There must be an individual (or group or
organization), I, to whom the problem can be
There must be at least two courses of action;
say, C1 and C2 that can be taken to solve the
A course of action is defined by one or more
values of the controlled variable.
There must be at least two out comes, O1 and
O2 of the courses of action of which one should
be preferred to the other.

04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

What is a Research Problem? (Cont..)
In other words, there must be one out come
that the researcher wants to achieve, i.e., an
The courses of action available must provide
some chance of obtaining the objective,
 but they cannot provide the same chance,
otherwise the choice would not matter.
P (Oi / I, Ci, EN) the probability that an
outcome Oi will occur, if I selects Ci (course of
action) in N then,
(Oi / I, C1, EN)By: 
P04/05/24 P (O
Milkiyas j / I, C2, EN)
What is a Research Problem? (Cont..)
If "I" do not know what course of action is
best, then the individual said to have
That is, "I" must be in doubt about the
Components of the research problem
The problem is consists of,
1) The decision-maker who has some
difficulties or problem.
2) The objective to be attained at.
If one wants nothing then, cannot have a
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Components of the research problem
The objective provides motivation to solve
the problem.
Objective can be defined from different
Economic: objective can be
 profit maximization,
 Reducing unemployment (by …%)
Marketing: - increasing market share,
creating product image (positioning)
Managerial: - Reducing
employees’ turnover
By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Components of the research problem
3. Alternative courses of action to achieve the
desired objective.
4. A state of doubts as to which course of
action is the best
This means that researcher must answer the
question concerning the relative efficiency.
5. The environment (or context of the problem)
to which the difficulty pertain
These factors may individually or collectively
 the efficiency of the course of action
 The value of the outcome
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining the research problem is
 crucial and
 very hard part of a research process.

“The problem clearly stated is a problem

half solved”
This signifies the importance of properly
defining the problem
A proper definition of research problem
will enable the researcher to answer
like, By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

What kind of data are relevant and needed

for the study?
What technique has to be used to collect and
analyze data? Etc.
What relationship is to be explored among
Therefore, defining a research problem
properly is a prerequisite for any study and
a very important step
it is more essential than its solution.
By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

There are techniques to define a problem?

The research problem should be defined
in a systematic manner.
The technique of defining a research
problem has a number of steps,
1. Statement of problem in a general way
For that purpose the researcher must
immerse him self completely in the subject
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

2. Understanding the nature of the problem:

The best way of understanding the problem is:
To discuss with those who first raised the
To discuss it with those who have a good
knowledge of the problem concerned or similar
other problem
3. Survey the available literature !!!
All available literature concerning the problem
must be identified and examined
This means the researcher must be familiar
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)
a) The relevant theory in the area.
Role of Theory
 It provides frameworks within which concepts
and variables acquire special significance.
 Theory provides patterns of interpretation of
the data
 It allows us to understand and explain the
large meaning of our findings for ourselves
and others
b) Reports and records and other literature in
the concerned area
c) Previous research works undertaken on related
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

Generally, survey literature will enable

researcher to know
If there are certain gap in the theory
Whether the existing theory is applicable to
the problem and consistent with each other.
Whether the findings of the research is
consistent with the theoretical expectation.
Study on a related problem is also useful
for indicating the type of difficulty that
may be encountered in the present study.
It links one study
with the other
By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

4. Developing ideas through discussion:

Discussion on a problem produces useful information.
The researcher should discuss his problem with
colleagues and others who have enough
experience in the same area.
Various new ideas can be discovered and
developed through it.
Such practice is called “experience survey”
5. Rephrasing the research problem
(reformulation of the problem):
The researcher at this stage should be able to
the problem
By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
into working
Defining The Problem (Cont…)
The researcher should narrow and break down
the problem into its components variables and
That is, problem should be expressed as:
 a relationship between two or more variables
 the problem should be stated either in
question form or hypothesis form
a) Question form
Question form is appropriate mostly when the
research is descriptive in nature.
Note that,
The formulated problem should be free from
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

Is there a relationship between employees'
age and their productivity?
Does a relationship exist between workers
qualification and their commitment?
Does a relationship exist between income of
university students and score on their
In above examples, the study’s main
elements are identified in reasonably
fashion. By: Milkiyas Ayele (Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

b) Hypothesis
This is used when the state of the existing
knowledge permits the prediction of the
relationship among variables.
The word hypothesis is a compound of two
words, “hypo” and “thesis”
Hypo means, under or below and
Thesis means a reasoned theory or rational
Thus, hypothesis would mean a theory,
is not fully reasoned
By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

Hypothesis is a set of suggested tentative

solution of a research problem, which may
be or may not be a real solution
How hypothesis differs from research
Hypothesis indicate both the question in
testable form and predict the nature of
the answer.
Hypothesis proposes a relationship
between two or more variables.
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

Example of Hypothesis,
Alienation Increases with poverty
Political participation Increases With
Productivity decreases with age
The result of the hypothesis test is the
substance of our conclusion and expressed
as generalization.

04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

What are possible Sources of
Research problem?
Professional experience
From existing theory
Previous research works
Technological and social changes
 Change due to Covid-19
 Political Impact of Covid-19 in
selected African countries.
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Sources of problem (Cont. …)
Consider the following points when
selecting a research problem!
A subject that is overdone should
not be normally chosen,
 Because it will be a difficult to
throw any new light to such a
Avoid too narrow or too vague
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

Select a subject for research which is

familiar and feasible
Consider the problem in terms of
 qualification and training area of the
 the cost,

 the time factor are the few points

that must be considered in selecting a
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

How to Evaluate the problem ?

Before selecting the research problem its
feasibility to be tested
Evaluate the problem in terms of the
following criteria
Is the problem feasible (researchable)?
Is the problem new?
Is the problem significant?
04/05/24 Competence
By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Defining The Problem (Cont…)

Interest and enthusiasm

Financial consideration
Time requirement
Administrative consideration

04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

Research is not something that a researcher
goes into accidentally
The researcher need to identify the research
 through reading and developing interest in
specific subject
Students have opportunity to identify and
develop interests when they take different
 even some sections of a specific course may
interest a student more than others.
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Identifying Research Area (Cont…)

If you have developed a strong personal

research interest,
 this is very fortunate, and build
on it.
Note that !
You should never let yourself be led into
a research area by someone else’s
enthusiasm if that issue has no appeal
for you.
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Important tips in selecting topic
1.Start with what interests you most deeply
 because nothing contributes the quality of
your work more than your commitment to it.
2. Start by listing two or three interests that
you would like to explore
3. Look for sources in the libraries before you
decide to choose one
 because you may choose an interesting topic
that does not have enough sources.
4. Try to have more specific topics
04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
tips to selecting (Cont. …)
In Addition
Systematically ask analytical questions
i. the contribution of the topic,
 what values the topic add in terms of
contributing to existing knowledge?
ii. History of the topic, i.e.
 how and why the topic changed through
 how have different stories developed
differently? By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
tips to selecting (Cont. …)
In Addition
Extension to your previous studies
Incorporating your knowledge background and
Project based topics
Literature search (updating and sufficient scope
Literature reading (comprehension, thinking, curious, inspiration )
Recommendations in the published papers

04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

End of Lecture II

04/05/24 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

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