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Group 3

Between softball and baseball

The rules of the game is just the same but with differences in practicing movements in bases and hitting the ball. The difference is the size is the size of the area and the materials needed in the game

Safety measures in baseball

Do not catch in front of your face Always look at the ball when catching, throwing and hitting Wear body protectors Do not throw the bat after hitting Slide on bases with caution

Basic movement skills: THROWING

To have a good throw in baseball, one should cosider four important elements of throwing- grip, windup, delivery and follow through Grip the ball across the seams with your index and middle finger Raise the throwing arm up and turn the shoulder in the direction of the throw Make a back swing with bent elbows, lean forward while transferring weight to the left foot and release the ball Point the throwing arm down forward putting the feet parallel in a ready positions

a. b.

. .

Gripping the ball Gripping the ball with the seams make the ball sink or curve downward Gripping the ball across the seams make the ball rise or curve upward Delivery- to control, use the overhand technique. Windup- keep the front part of the right foot in contact with the side of the plate

Pivot- a pivot on the ball of the front to turn parallel to the plate Stride- stride or step left foot Follow-through- after the release of the ball, continue the forward motion with the throwing arm pointing to the target.





This defensive school is very important in winning the game Below the waist- fingers and palm with the glove are pointing down Chest high- fingers and pala with the glove pointing out and the Above chest


Grip- use fingers in gripping not the thumb Stance- the standard stance in batting are: Stride- as the ball approaches stride right foot a little bit backward Swing-swing the body

Defensive strategies: INFIELD PLAYS

Always get the runner forced to run.


1. 2.

Once a player know where the basic positioning are located they can learn defensive positioning The batters hitting side How fast the pitcher is throwing the ball


They should be involved!

Relays and cut-offs

Capability in relays are important

Safety rules and regulation

The batter is out if 3 PICTED FAIL

A runner is out when

Caught ahead Hit by ball Tagged by a fielder

A pitched ball is strike is it passes within the strike zone Ball- pitched ball outside the strike zone Amateur- 3,5,7 ;professional- 9 innings

hand signals

Thats all and thank yu!! Lukz....

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