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Second order systems

Dr. M.S.Rao
Outline of the presentation
• Representative process
– Step response
– Impulse response
• Under damped second order system
– Manometer system
• Over damped second order system
– Two interacting tanks in series
• Pseudo second order system
– Control valve
Damped vibrator
• Table is frictionless • K is Hooks constant
• Spring is linear • C Viscous damping
• Initially bloc is at rest coefficient
• At t=0 ; Y=0; • F(t) driving force
• Forces acting are
– Spring –KY
– Dashpot -C dY/dt
– External force F(t)
Force balance
• Rate of change of momentum= sum of all forces
acting on the system
– Mass* acceleration= sum of all forces
Force balance
• Divide both sides with K gives

• Can also be written as

• Where
Force balance
• Application of Laplace transform gives

• This is second order transfer function

– is time constant of the system
– is damping coefficient
Step response
• Transform of step is 1/s
• The step response transfer function is

• The quadratic terms can be factored into

• The transfer function can be written as

Step response of under damped system

• Here is less than one

• The response will be of the form

Step response of under damped system
Step response of critically damped system

• Here is equal to one

• The response will be of the form

Step response of over damped system

• The response will be

• The hyperbolic functions are

Step response of over damped system

• This is similar to the system of tanks in


• Time constants are

• If time constants are same

– Damping coefficient becomes zero
Under damped system definitions
Under damped system definitions
• Over shoot
– Measure of how much response exceeds ultimate
– Expresses as A/B

• Decay ratio
– Defined as ratio of successive peaks
– Expressed as C/A
Under damped system definitions
• Rise time
– Time taken for the response to first reach its
ultimate value
• Response time
– Time required for response to reach with in
+_ 5% of ultimate value
Under damped system definitions
• Period of oscillation

• Radian frequency
• Natural period of oscillation
Under damped system definitions
• Natural frequency of oscillation
– Frequency of oscillation with damping
coefficient is zero
– The natural frequency is
– Cyclic frequency and period are

– Relation between natural actual frequency

Impulse response
• This can be obtained by simply
– Multiplying with s is s domain
– Differentiating with respect to time in t domain
• For under damped system

• For critically damped system

• For over damped system
Sinusoidal response
• The forcing function is

• The response function

• The response after factoring

Sinusoidal response
• The response for all damping coefficients

• The first two terms gives at t inf.

• After evaluating constants C1 and C2

Sinusoidal response
• The ratio of input and output amplitude
– It can be greater than or less than 1
– It depends on gita, tau and Wamega
• It is deferent compared to first order

Transportation lag
Thank you

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