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Lesson 7

L.O. Developing skills for

understanding characterisation
Last Lesson...
• Reinforced our knowledge of what a
monologue is
• Shown empathy for the character of Sammy
• Explored why we think Terry started to get

c h a ra c t
g ht s e r
th o u
c e atic
i e n
u d
Scene 10 - 13
10. What do you think of Sammy for not
speaking up before?
11. What do you think of Jimmy when he takes
Terry’s crisps?
12. What is your opinion about Terry agreeing to
give Stubbs money to not beat him up?
13. Should Terry have tried to lie about why his
dad had once been in prison?
Scene 14
Head 1
Ross 2

What do you think

about the Head?
The Reporter’s Notepad
You have five minutes.
Look back through scene 14.
Write down what notes you think Ross would
have made during his interview with the head.
Scene 15
Head 1
Ross 2
Mr Dumpton 3

Why do you think the Head denied the existence of bullying at the
Why do you think the Head told Ross that the meeting with Mr
Dumpton had been pleasant?
What do you think the Head thought of Mr Dumpton?
What explanation would the Head give for Terry being killed?
Answer two questions in your book.
• Why do you think the Head denied the existence of
bullying at the school?
• Why do you think the Head told Ross that the meeting
with Mr Dumpton had been pleasant?
• What do you think the Head thought of Mr Dumpton?
• What explanation would the Head give for Terry being
We’ve already discussed them so you have an idea of what
to put.
Answer in full sentences and make it clear in your answer
which question you are answering (without using
numbers, as the questions are not numbered!).
When I mark your books...
I should be able to tell which questions you
answered from what you have written.

Swap your book with someone and check their

answers are clear and make sense.

Can you offer them advice to make their work

Scene 16
Mrs Williams4
Mrs Clark 5
Janet 6
Complete this PQE about Janet’s mother.

P Janet’s mother, Mrs Clark, doesn’t know about

her daughter’s involvement in Terry’s death.
Q Mrs Clark tells Mrs Williams that ‘.....................
(find a quote from page 68)
E Mrs Clark wants to protect her daughter and
doesn’t like to think of Janet being involved
with a gang. This shows that she doesn’t know
her daughter very well.
What have we done so far today?

•Formed our own opinions about characters based on

what they say and how they act.
• created notes based on a conversation.
• practised our answer-writing skills.
• practised our quote-finding skills.
Scenes 7 - 16
Write a short summary, in note form, of what
happens in each of these scenes.

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