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Welcome to our presentation!
What is Bermuda Triangle?
 An imaginary unique triangle

 Mysterious area that referred to as the Devil's Triangle

 Located in a western part of the North Atlantic Ocean

 A place where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under
mysterious circumstances

 reports of disappearances and mysterious occurrences there began in the mid-19th


 TV documentary The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters

Strange things that happened there
Flight 19  It is the mission name for a group of five torpedo bombers that mysteriously
disappeared while flying over the Bermuda Triangle in 1945. The remains of
the bombers have never been found, and the reason for their disappearance
remains a mystery.
Unexplained occurrence
Ellen Austin

In 1881, an American schooner, sailed into the

Bermuda Triangle on a journey from London to
New York. The crew spotted another ship sailing
aimlessly toward them without people on board.
A crew from the Ellen Austin went aboard and
confirmed that the ship was empty, yet it had been
sailing perfectly. The captain attempted to bring
the empty ship back, but a storm separated the
ships' paths. It is not known what happened to the
ship after that, and it has never been found.
Unique USS Cyclops

disappearance The disappearance of USS Cyclops

marks the largest loss of life in the
history of the US Navy. In March 1918,
this ship set out to sail from Brazil to
Baltimore through the Bermuda region
with about 309 crew members on
board. Then, the ship disappears and
no remains of the ship or any crew
members aboard have ever been found.
Due to its mysterious disappearance,
Cyclops has become part of the list of
more than 100 ships and planes that
disappeared in the Bermuda triangle.
Different Theories
1. Magnetic
 Theforces
Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on
Earth where a compass will point to true north
instead of magnetic north. While true north is
the fixed point where lines of longitude
converge on a map, magnetic north is
constantly shifting; it’s the point on Earth’s
surface where its magnetic field points directly
downward. Around that area, there are thick
white clouds called air bombs, and the weather
changes are the strongest storms according to
the magnetic force, and the currents change.
Different Theories
2. Aliens
 No surprises here: there are conspiracy
theorists. In this case, the story goes that aliens
use the Bermuda Triangle as a portal to our
planet. There, they gather the people and
technology they need to conduct their research
on our species. This theory explains why many
of the ships and planes that go down in the
Bermuda Triangle are never recovered.
Different Theories
3. Weather
 The Bermuda Triangle area sees rough storms
that enter from multiple directions. This can
create rough waves, which some believe reach
up to 100 feet. While the scientists’ work
garnered a ton of attention, it couldn’t explain
what would cause an airplane to crash in the
Bermuda Triangle.
Different Theories
4. Methane
 In 2016, a group of researchers from The
Arctic University of Norway announced that
they had discovered massive, half-mile craters
at the bottom of the Barents Sea off the coast
of Norway. The craters, they hypothesized,
were caused by sudden explosions of deep,
underwater deposits of methane.
Our Opinions
 Bermuda Triangle is such a fascinating and mysterious
area known for its supernatural explanations of different
 But to be more practical, this accident can’t be caused
unless the weather changes severely which can lead to
magnetic force.
 Even though myth believed it is a gate that connect with
time travelling, more evidence and should be provided
cause it is still an unsolved case.
Thanks for your time & we
hope you guys will enjoy it &
have a nice day.

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