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Influence of Market

Demands on
This presentation will delve into the
dynamic relationship between
market demands and curriculum,
exploring factors influencing
market demands, the role of
curriculum in responding to these
demands, benefits and challenges of
h e p l an n e d s e t o f c o u r s e s ,
• Curriculum r e f e r s t o t
d e d u c a t i on a l c o nt e n t t ha t
learning ex p er i e n c e s, a n
u c a t i o n a l s y st e m o ff e rs t o
an institu t i o n o r e d
e s t h e s u b j e c t s , t op i c s , a n d
students. It e n c o m p a ss
e c t ed t o l e a r n d u ri n g t h ei r
skills that stude n t s a r e e x p
edu c at i on a l j o u r n e y .
• Market demands refer to the needs,
preferences, and expectations of consumers,
businesses, and industries within the
Factors influencing Market Demands:
Technological advancements

Shifting consumer preferences

Economic trends

Regulatory changes

How does curriculum responds to
market demands?
Curriculum development involves assessing current

and future market needs, identifying necessary

skills and knowledge, and designing educational

programs to meet those demands. Aligning

curriculum with market demands ensures that

graduates are equipped with relevant skills and

knowledge, enhancing their employability and

career prospects.
Benefits of Alignment
Enhanced employability: When the curriculum reflects the skills and knowledge sought
by employers, students are better prepared for the job market and have a higher chance
of securing employment.

Relevance: An aligned curriculum ensures that students acquire up-to-date and

relevant skills, keeping pace with the dynamic needs of the market.

Reduced skills gap: Aligning curriculum with market demand helps bridge the
gap between the skills possessed by graduates and the skills required by
employers, reducing unemployment and skill shortages.
Challenges of Alignment:
Rapidly changing market needs: The market demands can change quickly due to
technological advancements, economic shifts, and evolving industry trends.

Stakeholder collaboration: Aligning the curriculum with market demand requires

collaboration between educational institutions, employers, industry professionals, and

Resource constraints: Implementing changes in the curriculum to align it with

market demand may require additional resources, including funding, faculty
training, and updated learning materials. Limited resources can pose
challenges to achieving alignment.
• Aligning curriculum with market demands is

essential for producing graduates with the skills and

knowledge needed to succeed in today's rapidly

changing job market.

• Institutions that adapt their curriculum to meet

market demands position themselves as leaders in

education and contribute to the overall advancement

of society.
Crucial Qualities of the Filipino
Moral Identity in their own Moral
Filipino Culture
• Due to the ar ch ipel ag ic na tu re of th e P hi li pp in es ,
the cult ure of va ri ou s re gi on s ha s it s di st in ct .
Colonization of va ri ou s in va de rs su ch as S pa ni ar ds,
American s, an d Ja pa ne se ha d sh ap ed th e F il ip in o
culture and caus ed th e P hi li pp in es to ha ve a m ix ed
• When the young greet an elder or say goodbye, we do “MANO”. It is our
way of giving respect to our elders and requesting blessings from them.
• Filipinos are well-known to be hospitable. Filipinos treat foreign visitors
with the utmost respect.
• Filipinos are family oriented. It is one of our unique traits and one of the
outstanding values that Filipinos have.
• Filipinos are well-known for practicing “BAYANIHAN”. It is a type of
social or community spirit of unity of effort in achieving one objective.
• Filipinos are very resilient. Whenever you see a Filipino that is devastated by
calamity and catastrophe, we tend to rise with the challenge and manage to
pick ourselves up.
• Pakikipagkapwa-Tao /Fellowship – Filipinos are open to others, feel the
same as others, regard others with dignity and respect, and deal with
them as fellow human beings.

• Family Orientation - Filipinos possess a genuine and deep love for

family. It is a source of personal identity, emotional and material
support, and one’s main commitment and responsibility.

• Joy and Humor Filipinos have a cheerful and fun - loving approach to
life Through ups and downs. Pleasant disposition, a sense of humor and
propensity for happiness contribute not only to the Filipino charm but
also to the invincibility of the Filipino spirit.
• Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity - Filipinos can adapt and
adjust to any circumstance and environment, both physical and

• Faith and Religiosity - Filipinos have deep faith in God. Our innate
religiosity. Enables us to comprehend and genuinely accept reality
in the concept of God’s will and plan.
• Extreme Personalism - Filipinos view the world in terms of personal
relationships. There is no separation between an objective task and
emotional involvement.

• Extreme Family Centeredness - Excessive concern for the family

creates an in-group to which the Filipino is fiercely loyal to the
detriment of concern for the larger community or for the common good.

• Lack of Discipline- The Filipino’s lack of discipline manifests in a

causal and relaxed attitude towards time and space which further
manifests itself in the lack of precision and compulsiveness, in poor
time management and procrastination.
• Lack of Initiative: This weakness suggests a tendency to be passive
or reliant on others rather than taking proactive steps or showing

• Positivity (as a weakness): While positivity is generally considered

a positive trait, an excessive focus on positivity can lead to a lack of
critical thinking and a tendency to avoid or downplay problems or
Elements that Need to be Change
in Cultural Relativism

• Universal Human Right-
Issue: Cultural relativism may clash with the idea of universal human rights, as it
can be used to justify practices that violate these rights.

• Moral Progress:
Issue: Cultural relativism might hinder moral progress by discouraging criticism of
harmful cultural practices.

• Human Dignity-
Issue: In certain cases, cultural relativism may lead to the acceptance of practices
that violate the dignity of individuals.
• Ethical Frameworks-
The absence of a universal ethical framework in cultural relativism. Issue: The
absence of a it challenging to address ethical issues consistently.

• Balancing Respect and Critique:

Issue: Striking a balance between respecting cultural diversity and being critical
of harmful practices is a delicate task.

• Cultural Imperialism:
Issue: Critics argue that cultural relativism can inadvertently support cultural
imperialism by discouraging criticism of oppressive practices within certain

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