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ByPradnya Khobragade Faculty, DMT SBJITMR

Telecommunications, also called telecommunication, is the exchange of information over significant distances by electronic means. The simplest form of telecommunications takes place between two stations. However, it is common for multiple transmitting and receiving stations to exchange data among themselves. Such an arrangement is a telecommunication network.

Internet is the largest example. Smaller scale examples area. Corporate and academic wide- area networks (WANs) b. Telephone networks c. Police and fire communication systems

History of Telecommunication
Early communications included smoke signals and drums. Distance telecommunications: a. Prehistoric b. Audio signals c. Advanced electronic signals

Importance of Telecommunication
Problem of distance is removed Provides business, money and market stability in the world. Development in telecommunication provides helpful research and foundation for other technologies. e.g., development in radio & radio waves has become helpful in flights.

It has allowed science to develop in places that cant always be monitored directly or visibly. Very helpful in case of Emergency like war, weather problems, geographic problems, illness & health, trade.

Role of Telecommunication
Started with the operational landline in 1851 under the British rule. It is introduced in India in1881. After independence, all the foreign telecommunication companies were nationalized to form PTT( Posts, Telephone & Telegraph) under govt. MOC.

In 1980, private sector was allowed in telecommunication. In 1985, DOT was established, exclusive provider of domestic and long distance service and its own regulator. In 1986, two wholly government-owned companies were created. They are 1. VSNL 2. MTNL

Opening of the Economy in 1990. NTP 1994, India was divided into 20 circles corresponding to state boundaries, which would contain 2 fixed operators & 2 mobile operators. In 1997, TRAI was created to act as a regulator to facilitate the growth of telecom sector.....\TRAI.doc ..\TR-6.doc

Telecom Sector in India

It can be divided into two segments 1. Fixed Service Providers (FSPs) 2. Cellular Services It can further divided into two types : I. Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM) II. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Impact of Telecommunication on rural development

Telecommunication assumes special importance in the rural areas...\Downloads\Telecom.pdf Co-relation between telecom development and economic development of a region. Policy measures taken include a) Services to be provided to uncovered rural areas like hilly, remote and tribal areas.

Effects of technology and scale on cost of service

Effective Competition Cost reduction and expanded scope of product choice Regulatory environment Contributed in establishing of a new sector

Impact on cost of service

Changes in tariff rates Multiple licenses for various services like friends and family, unlimited usage free, zero rental, prepaid plans etc...\Downloads\cphandbook.pdf

Organization & Management

World class telecommunication infrastructure New telecom policy Various types of services like cellular mobile, radio paging, fixed line, cable, DTH services.

Financing in Telecommunication
Financial institutions- 15% Commercial banks- 10% FDI

Mobilizing resources for expansion

Proper interconnect regime Smooth conversion to new regime Dispute settlement mechanism Requirements of USO funds Utilization of telecom license fees CPP regimes Tax holidays Industrial undertaking status and other incentives

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