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• It is an epic poem • It consists of over • The poem did not

composed in Old 3,000 lines and is appear in print until
English and is one of divided into three 1815. It is preserved
the earliest and most main parts: Heroic in a single
important works of
Quest, The Defeat manuscript that
English literature. It is
notable for its rich of Grendel and His dates to circa 1000
language, heroic Mother, The and is known as the
themes, and Dragon and Beowulf manuscript
historical and cultural Beowulf's Last (Cotton MS Vitellius
significance. Battle A XV).
• It is an epic poem • It consists of over • The poem did not
composed in Old 3,000 lines and is appear in print until
English and is one of divided into three 1815. It is preserved
the earliest and most main parts: Heroic in a single
important works of
Quest, The Defeat manuscript that
English literature. It is
notable for its rich of Grendel and His dates to circa 1000
language, heroic Mother, The and is known as the
themes, and Dragon and Beowulf manuscript
historical and cultural Beowulf's Last (Cotton MS Vitellius
significance. Battle A XV).
• It is an epic poem • It consists of over • The poem did not
composed in Old 3,000 lines and is appear in print until
English and is one of divided into three 1815. It is preserved
the earliest and most main parts: Heroic in a single
important works of
Quest, The Defeat manuscript that
English literature. It is
notable for its rich of Grendel and His dates to circa 1000
language, heroic Mother, The and is known as the
themes, and Dragon and Beowulf manuscript
historical and cultural Beowulf's Last (Cotton MS Vitellius
significance. Battle A XV).
• It is an epic poem • It consists of over • The poem did not
composed in Old 3,000 lines and is appear in print until
English and is one of divided into three 1815. It is preserved
the earliest and most main parts: Heroic in a single
important works of
Quest, The Defeat manuscript that
English literature. It is
notable for its rich of Grendel and His dates to circa 1000
language, heroic Mother, The and is known as the
themes, and Dragon and Beowulf manuscript
historical and cultural Beowulf's Last (Cotton MS Vitellius
significance. Battle A XV).
The story of Beowulf explores a time and history of
contesting clashing clans most of which are from
Scandinavian. For the Anglo-Saxons, life was harsh.
To survive, these people had to fight a lot of demons;
not dragons and monsters, but real-life threats like
enemy tribes, bad frigid weather, lack of sufficient
food, and the ever-present threat of disease. Life
wasn't just hard, but extremely brutal. Grendel and
his mother may represent the evils of life in this
Thanes — are the Queen — one
King — who sits warriors who go out who's able to
on the throne and and use their prowess ceremoniously
and their fighting
gives out gold and ability to win honor
express honor
rings and treasure for themselves as well towards the
to his thanes. as for their king and thanes who most
their culture. deserve it.
Thanes — are the Queen — one
King — who sits warriors who go out who's able to
on the throne and and use their prowess ceremoniously
and their fighting
gives out gold and ability to win honor
express honor
rings and treasure for themselves as well towards the
to his thanes. as for their king and thanes who most
their culture. deserve it.
Thanes — are the Queen — one
King — who sits warriors who go out who's able to
on the throne and and use their prowess ceremoniously
and their fighting
gives out gold and ability to win honor
express honor
rings and treasure for themselves as well towards the
to his thanes. as for their king and thanes who most
their culture. deserve it.
Thanes — are the Queen — one
King — who sits warriors who go out who's able to
on the throne and and use their prowess ceremoniously
and their fighting
gives out gold and ability to win honor
express honor
rings and treasure for themselves as well towards the
to his thanes. as for their king and thanes who most
their culture. deserve it.
Different Clans:
Swedes —
Spear Danes Geats — from located in the
- where king Southern north. This
Sweden. clan is
Hrothgar Beowulf belong constantly
roles to this clan. clashing with
the Geats.
Different Clans:
Swedes —
Spear Danes Geats — from located in the
- where king Southern north. This
Sweden. clan is
Hrothgar Beowulf belong constantly
roles to this clan. clashing with
the Geats.
Different Clans:
Swedes —
Spear Danes Geats — from located in the
- where king Southern north. This
Sweden. clan is
Hrothgar Beowulf belong constantly
roles to this clan. clashing with
the Geats.
Different Clans:
Swedes —
Spear Danes Geats — from located in the
- where king Southern north. This
Sweden. clan is
Hrothgar Beowulf belong constantly
roles to this clan. clashing with
the Geats.
Comitatus—Means “escort” or “comrade”.
This term identifies the concept of warriors and
lords mutually pledging their loyalty to one
another .
Comitatus—Means “escort” or “comrade”.
This term identifies the concept of warriors and
lords mutually pledging their loyalty to one Scop —a bard or story-teller
another .
Comitatus—Means “escort” or “comrade”.
This term identifies the concept of warriors and
lords mutually pledging their loyalty to one Scop —a bard or story-teller
another .

Vendetta Justice — a form of

payment for killinga member of a
Comitatus—Means “escort” or “comrade”.
This term identifies the concept of warriors and
lords mutually pledging their loyalty to one Scop —a bard or story-teller
another .

Vendetta Justice — a form of

payment for killinga member of a Wergild — an offering of
clan. payment and peace.
Comitatus—Means “escort” or “comrade”.
This term identifies the concept of warriors and
lords mutually pledging their loyalty to one Scop —a bard or story-teller
another .

Vendetta Justice — a form of

payment for killinga member of a Wergild — an offering of
clan. payment and peace.

Wyrd — an Anglo-Saxon word for

Comitatus—Means “escort” or “comrade”.
This term identifies the concept of warriors and
lords mutually pledging their loyalty to one Scop —a bard or story-teller
another .

Vendetta Justice — a form of

payment for killinga member of a Wergild — an offering of
clan. payment and peace.

Wyrd — an Anglo-Saxon word for Mead Hall — The large hall where the
lord and his warriors slept, ate, held
“fate”. ceremonies etc..
Written in Old
Written in Old
Style Originally composed
as music and song.
Alliterative verse
— repetition of
initial sounds
(occurs in every
"Hwæt. We
Gardena in
þrym gefrunon."
Kenning —a metaphorical
phrase or compound word
used to name a person, place,
thing , or event indirectly.
Example: Gold shining
hall=Herot Guardian of
crime= Grendel Strong-
hearted wakeful
sleeper=Beowulf Cave-guard
and sky-borned foe= Dragon
Litotes — a negative
expression; usually
an understatement.
Beowulf, heroic poem, the highest achievement of Old English literature and the earliest
European vernacular epic. The work deals with events of the early 6th century, and,
while the date of its composition is uncertain. It is believed to have been composed
between 700 and 750, and some scholars believe that it was written in the 8th century.
Although originally untitled, the poem was later named after the Scandinavian hero
Beowulf, whose exploits and character provide its connecting theme. There is no
evidence of a historical Beowulf, but some characters, sites, and events in the poem can
be historically verified. Beowulf is told by Northern Germanic Tribes that lived near the
Danes and Geats. These tribes were the Jutes, Anglos, and the Saxons. The Character
“Beowulf” belonged to a real group of individuals, named Geats they live in what is today
Sweden and Denmark. The events of Beowulf took place in the 6th century CE. The
character of Hrothgar is often connected to a historical figure of the same name who
reigned in Denmark in the early 6th century. The poem was written between 700 CE and
1000 CE by an anonymous poet referred to as the “Beowulf poet” out of convenience.
The poem blends historical events and figures with mythic elements such as Grendel and
his mother, as well as the dragon. It prominently features both Pagan and Christian
symbolism and represents the effects of the Christianization of England. The poem was
composed in Anglia—a region in southeast England—and was drawn from the stories of
the Saxon and Scandinavian peoples who settled there.
Opening line:

English: "Lo,
the Spear-
Danes' glory
The Heroic Quest: The
poem begins with the
Danish king Hrothgar,
whose mead hall, Heorot,
is being terrorized by the
monstrous creature
Grendel. Beowulf, a
Geatish warrior from
Sweden, hears of this and
decides to help Hrothgar.
He sails to Denmark with
a group of his men.
The Defeat of Grendel and His
Mother: Beowulf confronts
Grendel and, in a great battle,
manages to mortally wound the
monster. Grendel's mother seeks
revenge, and Beowulf must again
face a fierce adversary. With the
help of a magical sword, Beowulf
defeats her and brings peace to
the Danes.
The Dragon and Beowulf's Last Battle: Many
years later, Beowulf has become king of the
Geats. His kingdom is threatened by a dragon
guarding a hoard of treasure. Beowulf, now an
old man, decides to confront the dragon. In a
final epic battle, he defeats the dragon but is
mortally wounded. The poem ends with
Beowulf's funeral and a sense of mourning for
the loss of a great hero.
Fate and

Fate and
Fate and
Fate and

Good vs. Evil

"The hero of all heroes," Beowulf, strong and
Beowulf courageous, is the prince of Geats. Once he
makes a vow, he stands by his word, no matter
what the cost, even if it takes his life. He is
reluctant to back down from battle, just so he
can be there for the people who are in great
need to be saved from evil. He signifies the
true heroic character because he is willing to
risk his life for his ideals. Beowulf defeats
three gruesome monsters, two of whom are
descendants of Cain.
He is a warrior who aids Beowulf
against the battle with the
dragon. At this point, Beowulf is
Wiglaf an old aging king. He no longer
possesses the power he once
had to fight Grendel and his
mother. Wiglaf's relationship
with Beowulf is parallel to
Beowulf's relationship with King
He is the King of Danes. He has a great deal of
compassion for his warriors and his people.
This man isn't afraid to hide his emotions. This
is important because at the time, according to
the warrior code, a man was not to show his
Hrothgar feelings publicly. He builds a mead-hall and
names it Heorot for his warriors to celebrate
success. Hrothgar is a wise and admirable king
to his people, but lacks strength to physically
combat his and his people's enemies, as he
is an aging King.
He is a monster that is half-man and half-fiend
He is the first monster that Beowulf kills. Also
he is enormous and possesses superhuman
strength, which makes him undefeatable by
the warriors of Denmark. He lives at the
Grendel bottom of the lake not far from Heorot.
Grendel is the descendant of Cain who
represents evil and corruption. He has been
attacking Heorot, where Denmark's warriors
live, for twelve years, causing suffering and
She is another monster that
Beowulf kills. She is virtually
undefeatable by any human.
She is a descendant of Cain.
She kills Aeschere as revenge
for her son's death. She
finally dies in an underwater
battle with the hero, Beowulf.
He is a courtier, jealous of Beowulf,
who feels inferior to Beowulf. He
doubts Beowulf's power to defeat
Grendel, claiming that it is luck that
has been helping Beowulf in his
previous encounters. Upon learning
of Grendel's defeat, Unferth is
impressed by Beowulf and presents
Unferth him with his sword as a sign of

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