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 CHAPTER 1 Marketing Principles and Strategies
1.1 What Marketing and its Traditional Approaches?
1.2 Goals of Marketing
1.3 Contemporary approaches to marketing
 CHAPTER 2 Customer Relationship
 CHAPTER 3 Market Opportunity Analysis and Consumer Analysis
3.1 Strategic Marketing versus Tactical Marketing
3.2 The Marketing Environment
3.3 Marketing Research
3.4 Consumer and Business Markets
3.5 Market Segmentation, Market Targeting and Market Positioning
 CHAPTER 4 Developing the Marketing Mix

 CHAPTER 5 Managing the Marketing Effort
5.1 Market Analysis (SWOT Analysis)
5.2 Marketing Planning
5.3 Marketing Implementation
5.4 Marketing Control
 CHAPTER 6 Workshop and Presentation of Marketing

An Overview of
Activity 1. Based
on the picture,
write below your
thoughts or ideas
about the
importance of
=> tip of the
marketing iceberg
Making goods is one
thing; making sure that
they are bought is
To facilitate the implementation of
the latter, a new tool was invented
which came to be known later as
What is

defined as exchange activities

conducted by individuals or organizations
for the purpose of satisfying human wants
with the view of accomplishing individual
or organizational objectives.
Marketing are activities of a company
associated with buying and selling a
product or service. It includes
advertising, selling and delivering
products to people.
People who work in marketing
departments of companies try to get the
attention of target audiences by using
slogans, packaging design, celebrity
endorsement, etc.
Marketing is everything a company does to
acquire customers and maintain a
relationship with them. Even the small
tasks like writing thank-you letters, playing
golf with a prospective client, returning calls
promptly and meeting with a past client for
coffee can be thought of as a marketing.
The ultimate goal of marketing is to match
a company’s products and services to the
people who need and want them, thereby
ensuring profitability.
Purpose of
 Ifwe ask 100 business people this simple question,
we’ll get 100 different answers. Some people would
say marketing’s job is to get your name out in the
marketplace. Others would say marketing positions
your company or builds your brand name. Most
hope marketing generates sales. Others would say
that marketing’s job is to generate leads that are
then handed over to the sales department. Still
others would say it’s to build brand awareness,
hoping people remember the name when they go to
buy. And there’s always the group that just says
marketing’s job is to make money.
Purpose of

Allof the answers are results of what

happens when your marketing and
advertising does what it supposed to do.
Regis McKenna
Basic Concepts of Marketing
Human Needs- refers to thing or service
that is required by a human being for the
health and well-being of his body and mind.
Human Want- are preferred products of an
individual that will satisfy his needs. It is
simply our desire.
Demand- it involves one’s need or want.
Wants become demand when backed up by
purchasing power. It also deals with the
market’s capacity to buy products that it
needs or wants.
Basic Concepts of Marketing [continued]
Product- is anything that can be offered to a
market to satisfy a need, wants or demands.
Product is not limited to tangible or physical
items or objects. It also includes experiences,
ideas, persons, organizations and

Service- any activity or benefit that one

party can offer to another party that is
essentially intangible and does not result in
the ownership of anything.
Basic Concepts of Marketing [continued]
 Customer Value- is the difference between the
values that the customer gains from owning and
using a product and the cost of obtaining the
 Customer Satisfaction- the extent to which a
product perceived performance matches a buyer’s
expectation. If performance exceeds expectation,
the customer is delighted.
 Total Quality Management- programs designed
to constantly improve the quality of products,
services and marketing processes. It is an
approach in which all the company’s people are
involved in constantly improving the quality of
company’s operation.
Basic Concepts of Marketing [continued]
Exchange- refers to the trade of things or
service of value between buyer and seller

Relationship Marketing- the process of

creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong,
value-laden relationship which customers and
other stakeholders. The goal of relationship
marketing is to deliver long-term value to the
customer and thereby obtain customer
satisfaction and retention of customers.
Basic Concepts of Marketing [continued]
Market- the set of all actual and potential
buyers of a product or service. This refer to
people patronizing the company’s product or
availing various services.

2 categories of Market:
1. Consumer Market- purchases products for
its own personal consumption.
2. Industrial Market- purchases products in
order to produce another product
Principles of Marketing (also Known 4
P’s or Marketing Mix)

*Product- is anything offered for sale by a firm

to buyers to satisfy their physical, social,
symbolic, and psychological wants and needs.”
*Price- the money, good or service exchanged
for the ownership or use of a good or service
*Place- the process of moving products from
the producer to the intended user. Also called
Distribution Channels.
*Promotion- is how companies communicate
their product to consumers. It is also referred
as Portfolio of Media.
1.2 Benefits of Marketing.pptx

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