Fake News

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BY: MUGUNTHAN S(RA2211047010070),LOKESH MS(RA2211047010119),
DHANUSH P(RA22110470128)
• Fake news has been incurring many problems to our society. As a result, many
researchers have been working on identifying fake news.

• Most of the fake news detection systems utilize the linguistic feature of the news.
However, they have difficulty in sensing highly ambiguous fake news which can be
detected only after identifying meaning and latest related information

• In this work, we propose a system for Fake news detection that uses machine
learning techniques

• We used term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) of bag of words

and n-grams as feature extraction technique, and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
as a classifier
• In this digital age, fake news is a huge issue considering it hurts real-world
communities by disseminating misinformation, destroying reputations, and
igniting social unrest

• Fake news can be a result of misinformation, or it can be an intentional

attempt to intentionally mislead people. Now it has become harder and
harder to recognize whether the news is legitimate news from fake news as
social media has grown a lot

• Machine Learning Techniques have shown promising results in detecting

fake news with the help of analyzing vast amounts of data, in which it
identifies patterns and it provides outcomes that are based on those
Literature Survey
S.No Author Year of publishing Model Metrics used Achieved Drawbacks if
Results any

1 John Doe 2021 Deep Learning-based Metrics Used: The model achieved Limited
Fake News Detection Precision, Recall, F1- an overall accuracy
Model score, Accuracy of 90% in detecting
fake news on a data bias,lack of
benchmark dataset explainability

2 Jane Smith 2020 Ensemble Learning- Area Under the ROC The ensemble model Limited
based Fake News Curve (AUC), achieved an AUC interpretability of
Detection Model Accuracy, Precision, score of 0.95 on a ensemble models,
Recall diverse dataset. potential
3 Michael Johnson 2019 Rule-based and Precision, Recall, F1- Rule-based models Rule-based models
Supervised Learning- score, Accuracy achieved precision of may struggle with
based Fake News 0.85 and recall of capturing complex
Detection 0.82 patterns
4 David Brown 2018 Convolutional Neural Accuracy, Precision, Transformer-based Transformer-based
Network (CNN) vs. Recall, F1-score models outperformed models may be
Recurrent Neural CNN and RNN with computationally
Network (RNN) vs. an accuracy of 0.94, expensive and
Transformer-based precision of 0.93, require substantial
Models recall of 0.92, and computational
F1-score of 0.92. resources for training
Research Objective
• There is no common definition for describing fake news. Fake news can be
spread over the world, which can be propagated in any field like COVID-19,
politics, e-commerce, marketing, and so on. So, there is a need of analyzing fake
news to understand the real news in any particular field.

• More specifically, fake news detection can be divided into four perspectives like
source-based approaches, propagation-based approaches, style-based
approaches, and knowledge-based approaches

• Deep learning has several features over machine learning approaches, which are
superior accuracy, the capability of extracting high-dimensional features, and
“lightly dependent on data pre-processing”.
Proposed Architecture
Experimental Results
Table 1. Performance of different algorithms on Fake news

S.No SVM KNN Decision-Tree Random forest Logistic

classifier Regression

1 Precision:0.92 Precision:0.91 Precision:0.99 Precision:0.98 Precision:0.99

2 Accuracy:0.91 Accuracy:0.81 Accuracy:1.0 Accuracy:0.99 Precision:0.98

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC Results)
• Importance of Detection: Fake news can manipulate public opinion, influence elections,
and even incite violence. Detecting and combating fake news is essential to maintaining
the integrity of information dissemination and upholding democratic principles.

• Challenges: Fake news detection is challenging due to the evolving nature of

misinformation, the sheer volume of information online, and the presence of sophisticated
techniques used to deceive readers.

• Approaches: Various approaches can be employed for fake news detection, including
linguistic analysis, fact-checking, source credibility assessment, and machine learning
algorithms. Machine learning models, such as logistic regression, decision trees, support
vector machines, and naive Bayes classifiers, are often used to classify news articles as
fake or genuine based on features extracted from the text.

• Data Preprocessing: Preprocessing steps, such as text cleaning, tokenization, stop word
removal, and stemming or lemmatization, are essential to prepare text data for analysis and
model training
1. Rubin, Victoria L., Niall J. Conroy, and Yimin Chen. "Fake news or truth Using
satirical cues to detect potentially misleading news." Proceedings of the 2016 ACM
on Multimedia Conference. 2016.
2. Shu, Kai, et al. "Fake news detection on social media: A data mining perspective."
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 19.1 (2017): 22-36
3. MIT Media Lab: Conducts research on misinformation, disinformation, and media
manipulation, focusing on technological solutions and societal impacts.
4. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/fake-news-detection-using-machine-learning/
5. Wardle, Claire, and Hossein Derakhshan. Information Disorder: Toward an
Interdisciplinary Framework for Research and Policymaking. Council of Europe,

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