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Approach of agile model.


 The five values of XP are communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and respect which are described in more detail below.

 Communication
 Simplicity
 Feedback
 Courage
 Respect
 Software development is inherently a team sport that relies on communication to transfer knowledge from one team member to everyone else on the team. XP
stresses the importance of the appropriate kind of communication – face-to-face discussion with the aid of a whiteboard or other drawing mechanism.

 Simplicity means “what is the simplest thing that will work?” The purpose of this is to avoid waste and do only absolutely necessary things such as keep the
design of the system as simple as possible so that it is easier to maintain, support, and revise. Simplicity also means addressing only the requirements that you
know about; don’t try to predict the future.

 Through constant feedback about their previous efforts, teams can identify areas for improvement and revise their practices. Feedback also supports simple
design. Your team builds something, gathers feedback on your design and implementation, and then adjusts your product going forward.

Courage(discipline , casual attitude)

 Kent Beck defined courage as “effective action in the face of fear” (Extreme Programming Explained P. 20). This definition shows a preference for action
based on other principles so that the results aren’t harmful to the team. You need courage to raise organizational issues that reduce your team’s effectiveness.
You need courage to stop doing something that doesn’t work and try something else. You need courage to accept and act on feedback, even when it’s difficult
to accept.

 The members of your team need to respect each other in order to communicate with each other, provide and accept feedback that honors your relationship,
and work together to identify simple designs and solutions.
Adaptive Software
Development (ASD)
 It focused on rapid software development

1. Speculation

2. Collaboration

 3. Learning
 1. Speculation:
During this phase project is initiated and planning is conducted. The project plan uses project initiation information like project
requirements, user needs, customer mission statement, etc, to define set of release cycles that the project wants.
 2. Collaboration:
It is the difficult part of ASD as it needs the workers to be motivated. It collaborates communication and teamwork but
emphasizes(forced) individualism as individual creativity plays a major role in creative thinking. People working together must trust each
other's to
 Criticize without animosity,(बिना दुश्मनी के आलोचना करो,)
 Assist without resentment,(बिना किसी नाराजगी के सहायता करें,)
 Work as hard as possible,
 Communicate problems to find effective solution.
 3. Learning:
The workers may have a overestimate of their own understanding of the technology which may not lead to the desired result. Learning
helps the workers to increase their level of understanding over the project.
Learning process is of 3 ways:
 Focus groups
 Technical reviews
 Project postmortem
 Scrum is the type of Agile framework. It is a
framework within which people can address
complex adaptive problem while productivity
and creativity of delivering product is at highest
possible values. Scrum uses Iterative
process. Silent features of Scrum are:
 Scrum is light-weighted framework
 Scrum emphasizes self-organization
 Scrum is simple to understand
 Scrum framework help the team to work together
Dynamic Systems Development Method

The Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is an agile framework that addresses the entire project lifecycle and its impact on the

The framework is built on four principles:

1. feasibility and business study,

2. functional model and prototype iteration,

3. design and build iteration,

4. implementation.

DSDM was invented in 1994, when project managers using another agile framework, Rapid Application Development (RAD), determined
that the new iterative approach to software development needed more governance and stricter guidelines.
What are the Strengths and Weakness of

DSDM’s strengths include:

 Basic product functionality can be delivered rapidly
 Developers have easy access to end-users
 Projects are reliably completed on time

DSDM’s weaknesses include:

 Costly to implement
 Not ideal for small organizations
Self study
 1 Crystal Method?
 2 selection criteria for software process model
Ch 2 requirement engineering.

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