Kratika Jain Minor Project

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By : Kratika Jain
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Roll no. - 2112040980024

By : Kratika Jain
Roll no:-2112040980024
This project takes a look at consumer Satisfaction with references to Amazon online shopping.
Online shopping is nowadays used everywhere or in every corner of the world, and it's
happening only because of Internet, customers directly make an order of something they need
through online. The meaning of online shopping is the process of buying goods and services
from merchants over the Internet. Amazon is one the site that customer used for purchasing
many product. Online shopping make easier for customer to choose different variety of product
which they want, that the reason online shopping is popularly used nowadays.
, Inc., doing business is an American electronic commerce and
cloud computing based in Seattle, Washington, that was founded by Jeff
Bezos on July 5, 1994.
The tech giant is the largest internet retailer in the word as measured by
revenue and market capitalization and second largest after Alibaba group in
terms of total sales.
 The website started as a online bookstore and later diversified
to sell video downloads and streaming. Amazon also sells certain low-end
products under its house brand Amazon Basics.

 To know the customer satisfaction on Amazon online

To study the gratification level of the Amazon customer based
on the respondent responses.
To evaluate and find out the factor that influences the
customer complacency.
This research work covered Amazon and also dealed with the
customers which are regulars used to shopping from Amazon.
The study also covered the quality of the service and how
they impact on the customer complacency and for instant it
come across with what factor that are accommodate and
enhance the satisfaction feeling of the customer on Amazon.
This study conducted relating to the Amazon online shopping application, so the
result which we gather is only applicable for the amazon customers.
The response from the sample may be biased, or may contain cooked up from the
 Another limitation was the relatively short period and within which this research was
carried out.
Questionnaires method is used only for data collection and the limitation of the
questionnaire method is applicable to the study.
 SHANTHI AND DESTIKANNAIAH (2021), This study establishes the internet marketing is
conceptually different from other marketing channels. Today business internet marketing is the fastest
growing segment of online commerce the objectives of the study is to know the type of product
purchased by consumers through online shopping. The study reveals that mostly the youngsters are
attached to the online shopping and hence the elder people don’t use online shopping much as compared
to the younger ones. The study also reveals that majority of the respondent buys clothes from which is thus one of the leading online shopping websites in India.
 Nandhini Bala Subramanium (2022) "A comparative study on customer satisfaction between Amazon
and Flipkart customers in an education institutions". The objective of this study was to identify the
respondents perception towards amazon and Flipkart shopping and also to compare the customer
satisfaction level and the post graduate student of the educational institution have been taking for the
study and in the finding they found that Amazon has highly quality and product variety when compared
to Flipkart and the evident that they convey was both provide equal service in terms of payment facility.
 Dr. A.B Santhi (2022) "A study on the customer satisfaction towards Online Shopping in Tirupati
Town". This research was been undertaken to know the factors influencing customer satisfaction.
The objective of this study is to understand the demographic factor affecting customer satisfaction
with respect to online shopping in India and also descriptive research used in this research, in
findings they come out with result that the respondents are becoming more internets savvy every
day and also they are ready to purchase the high quality product as well.
 Vikash and Vinod Kumar (2023) "A study on customer Perception towards Online Shopping". In
this research they found out that customer perceived online shopping with positive frame of mind
and another fact they find out that customers pertain to convenience, satisfaction and product
availability all these factors shows that online shopping provides convenience to the customer and
online shopper prefer because these revealed from the effort of going to the market and purchase the
product and finally concluded that there is a positive perception toward online shopping.
 Descriptive research design:-The study is purely descriptive research as it sought to identify the
Customer Satisfaction level based on the respondent responses. Descriptive research is involves
data in order to answer research questions concerning the current status of the study.
 SOURCE OF DATA :-The data was collected from the primary data and secondary data collection
is the term used to describe a process of data collecting.
1- Primary Data – Questionnaire was prepared and given to 100 respondents
2- Secondary Data – online journals and websites & review of literature from published articles.
 STRUCTURE OF QUESTIONNAIRE :-The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first
part was prepared to know the basic general information of the respondents. The second part
contained the questions about the customer satisfaction of online shopping to the respondents.
 SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING METHOD:-In a simple random sample, every member of the
population had an equal chance of being selected. My sampling frame included the population of
 PERIOD OF STUDY:-The duration of this study was from January 2024 to March 2024 which is three
months of study.
1-PERCENTAGE ANALYSIS – It refers to a special kind of rates, percentage are used in making
comparison between two or more series of data. A percentage is used to determine relationship between the
2-BAR GRAPHS – It is a chart or graph that represents categorical data with rectangular bars with
heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represents. The bars can be plotted vertically
or horizontally.
There is not much difference in gender for using online shopping.
• Students and salaried persons are most frequent users of Amazon. In.
• Frequency of purchase for electronics, books and music, apparels and accessories are more in
Amazon. In.
• Word of mouth was more influential in promotion as many people were made aware by their
friends and family when customers recommend this website to them.
• Highly discounted products got out of stock quickly, since customers purchased it as soon as
they could when they see high discount on good featured product.
• The services provided by Amazon. In are good and even more scope of development is there for
increasing the customer strength.
1-Percentage of respondents
2- Age distribution of respondents
Amazon. In has successfully placed itself into the prospects mind making it the India’s largest
online store with huge range of products. But it still needs to work on their core competence that is
books and stationery items.
• Delivery services can be improved mainly in rural areas by selecting appropriate courier service
which has services in customer area for dispatching an item.
• Can make free delivery to all priced products.
• Can include more coupon codes and gift vouchers for increasing the traffic of the
• customers.
• Out of stock items can made available as soon as possible and intimate the needed customers.
• The thorough study is based on the consumer behavior analysis which serves a great idea
regarding consumer perception when they go for online shopping.
• In order to satisfy themselves consumer perceive many things before buying products and they
will be satisfied if the company meet their expectation.
• The Overall Brand Value of Amazon. In is good, but it is facing some tough competition from its
global competitors like EBay and Amazon. Talking about domestic market i.e
• India, it is the most superior E-business portal which is aggressively expanding & planting its
roots deep into the Indian market & at the same time shifting the mind-set of the people from
going & shopping from physical store to online stores, which is magnificent!.
• Be very focused on consumers and build amazing experiences for the customers.
TEL. NO. :
MOB. NO. :
1. Gender
• Male
• Female
2.Please tick the age group you belong to.
• 16-25
• 25-35
• 35-50
• 50 or above
3. Please tick your occupation
• Professional
• Housewife
• Business
• Student
4. Please tick your education as relevant
• Post graduate
• Graduate
• Higher secondary school certificate
• High School certificate
• Less than 12 years in school
• Others (PHD)
5. Please tick your income range
• Less than Rs.3 lakhs per annum
• Rs.3 to Rs.5 lakhs per annum
• Rs.6 to Rs.9 lakhs per annum
• Rs.8 to Rs. 10 lakhs per annum
• More than 10 lakhs per annum
6. How frequently do you shop through e-commerce websites
• Always
• Often
• Sometimes
• Seldom
• Never

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