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Fr. Bernard D. Pascual, EHM



You just have to guess the name of the books in the Bible
using the images that will be displayed. Two images will be
combined to form the name of the book. You have 10
seconds to guess it.





The New Christian Morality

Christian morality consists of living one's life with

guidance and inspiration from the Christian scriptures and
traditions. Christian ethics as an academic discipline uses
these scriptures and traditions in developing and critiquing
ethical norms and theories and applying them to ethical
What are the norms of morality?

In ethics we can find two kinds of norms: the

subjective norm of morality and the objective norms of
morality. In the subjective norm of morality, the moral
authority dwells within the individual. In ethics, conscience
can be understood as the subjective norm of morality.
Social Norms Regarding Public Behavior

• Shake hands when you meet someone.

• Make direct eye contact with the person you are speaking
• Unless the movie theater is crowded, do not sit right next
to someone.
• Do not stand close enough to a stranger to touch arms or
What is the main concern of Christian Morality?

In most ancient religions the primary focus is on

humankind's relationship to nature, whereas in the Christian
ethic, the primary focus is on relationship with God as the
"absolute moral personality". This is demonstrated as a
focus on relationship itself as a primary concern in all
Christian ethics.
What are the moral standards of Filipino?
Filipinos reiterate the importance of values related to
society such as good governance, love for country, honesty
and integrity. As for personal values, value of the self, life
and purpose, resilience, and happiness are important.
What are the ways you can do to observe a
Christian moral life?
• appreciating the gift of being human.
• using your intellect.
• looking to the law to guide your freedom.
• imitating Jesus.
• forming, informing, and following your conscience.
• repenting and seeking forgiveness when you sin.
• loving God above all.
• loving yourself.
What are your ways to develop better moral life?

• Make things better. We can improve our own lives and the
lives of others by acting in ways that carefully consider
the consequences of our actions on others. ...
• Follow the Golden Rule. ...
• Be civil at all times. ...
• Accept responsibility for your behavior. ...
• Reflect on your behavior.

What is Scriptures?

Scriptures (from the Latin word “scriptura”, meaning "a

writing") are sacred texts that serve a variety of purposes in
the individual and collective lives of a religious tradition.
Scriptures may be used to evoke a deeper connection with
the divine, convey spiritual truths, promote mystical Many
religions believe that their scriptures originated from divine
What’s the Function or Role of Scripture?

There are three areas or roles of Scripture :

• The Scriptures tells stories about God

• We encounter God Through the Scripture
• Invites Us to Participate
The Scriptures Tells Stories About God

The Bible is, in short, a huge narrative about the

greatest love story told–the all-powerful and almighty God,
who is perfect in holiness, continue to redeem a people by
motivation of his steadfast love, as pinnacled by the life,
death, and resurrection of Jesus, which when accepted in
faith, brings people of all races, languages, and all time into
right and restored relationship with God, so as to spend
eternity with these weak and sinful people.
We Encounter God Through the Scripture

The Bible is not God, but it bridges us to experience

God, as empowered by the Spirit. When we read the
scriptures, I certainly believe that we are encountering the
Triune God. His presence bleeds through the pages and
fulfills every soul who read it. Dogmatics and doctrine of the
church are a written merely to make sense of this
encounter. The Bible is only faithful for teaching, rebuking,
and instructing the church because by it we believe we
have encountered the living God and recognize his
Invites Us to Participate

In light of learning the story of God, and encountering

the living God, the scriptures give instruction in how we
should respond. If the scriptures are a love letter from God,
we must then respond to fully enjoy its purposes. We are to,
as Jesus said, listen, hear, and obey its message (Mat
7:26). We are to put our trust in God, as did the patriarchs
of old, follow Jesus with reckless abandonment, holiness
and uprightness, and obey the Holy Spirit who now resides
in us.
Pronouncements of the Magisterium

What is Magisteruim?

The magisterium of the Catholic Church is the church's

authority or office to give authentic interpretation of the
Word of God, "whether in its written form or in the form of
Tradition." According to the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic
Church, the task of interpretation is vested uniquely in the
Pope and the bishops, though the concept has a complex
history of development.
There are different types and levels of magisterium:

1. Ordinary Magisterium
2. Conciliar Magisterium
3. Pontifical Magisterium
Ordinary Magisterium
This is when the Bishops of the Church teach what the Church
has always taught. They teach the basics of the Catholic faith.

Conciliar Magisterium
This involves all the Bishops of the Church being called
together to form a council to discuss Church teachings and issues.

Pontifical Magisterium
This is when a papal infallible statement is made. Although
only the Pope himself can make a papal infallible statement, he will
have consulted with the Bishops of the Church by holding
discussions beforehand.

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