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Name : Vamana T K
Group : Dhoopharh 02
■ Lesson Title

How to start And run pack

Session learning Objective

■ Describe 6 systems
■ Enrichment Of pack
■ Communication Skill ( Relationship)
Pre assessment time: 1 min

■ Asking questions?
■ Who is the leader of the cub pack?
■ What is cub motto?
■ How many members are in a pack?
Opening lesson time:1 min

Doing Activity- do as I say

■ When I say cub salute - You have to salute
■ When I say shake hand - You have to shake the hand
■ When I say cub sign – You have to do cub sign
■ If you do mistake- you will be out
Learners engagement and participation
Time : 5 min

■ Interacting with the participants asking questions.

Lets learn about How to start a Pack and run a Pack

How to start a Pack and run a Pack

■ Conduct meeting
Head of the institutions and staff, management, parents and students.
■ Collecting basic needs to the Pack.
Materials, register, finance, uniforms, flag etc.
■ Inform to LA and DA.
For registration and support
■ Time table
Either Saturday Afternoon Or weekdays
■ Taking permission
To conduct out door activity
■ Planning
To conduct pack meeting.
Supporting materials/resources
Time: 1 min

■ (What teaching aids do you plan to use?)

■ Power point presentation with visuals (e.g., graphs summarizing major findings, pictures)
Post assessment Time : 1 min

■ Asking questions
■ How can you impress parents to send their children to the Pack?
■ How Can you collect uniforms?
Closure Time : 1 min

■ Everyone make a plan How to collect material to the Pack?


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