Chime Cry Deciphering Infants Cry

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Chime Cry: Deciphering Infants Cry

Project Guide :

Mrs.J. Ananda Lavanya

Assistant Professor
Presenting By:

K Hema Sri (320126551028)

B Akash(320126551002)
Vishnu Vardhan(321026551034)
D Benju Vivek(320126551014)
Problem Statement
Crying is the primary way that infants communicate their needs to their parents and caregivers.
However, understanding what a baby’s cry means can be incredibly challenging. For example, a
baby may cry because they are hungry, tired, or discomfort. But these cries can sound very
similar to an untrained ear, making it difficult to respond appropriately. So we are aiming to
propose a solution which helps people in better care giving

Our project aims to alleviate this challenge by creating a web application that can analyze baby
cries and accurately identify the causes, such as hunger, discomfort and tiredness. This
innovation will bring substantial benefits to parents, caregivers, and the infant care industry by
offering valuable insights into an infant’s needs. It will improve the well being of infants and
enhance the overall caregiving experience. Our solution will reduce stress and anxiety for
parents, enabling them to respond promptly and effectively to their baby’s needs
Utilizing a dataset of labeled cries, our approach is the preprocess and extract features , where audio signals are
transformed into a format that enhances the machine learning model's ability to learn from complex patterns.
Additionally, we explore dimensionality reduction techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to
optimize the classifier's performance further. Our model is trained to identify various reasons behind a baby's cry,
such as discomfort, hunger, or tiredness. This is achieved through the application of several classifiers, including K-
Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Trees, and XGBoost, each
evaluated for its effectiveness in making accurate predictions. Our methodology emphasizes not just the
classification accuracy but also the model's ability to operate in real-world scenarios, accounting for the nature of
noisy infant cries.
Baby Cry Analysis Existing Systems
Proposed Solution
Baby Cry Detection Proposed Solution
• Data Sources: Data is collected from resources like "Donate a cry corpus" which is open source.
• Preprocessing Steps: Before feature extraction, audio files are loaded with a specified sampling rate of
16000 Hz using librosa. This preprocessing step ensures that all audio clips are standardized, facilitating
consistent feature extraction.
• Chroma: Chroma features in audio analysis represent the distribution of energy in different pitch classes,
essentially capturing the tonal content of the audio signal. Chroma features are computed by first
transforming the audio signal into a time-frequency representation
• Mel Spectrogram: Indicates the power spectrum of different frequencies.
• Spectral Contrast: Shows the difference in amplitude between peaks and valleys in the spectrum.
• Tonnetz: Relates to the harmonic content of the sound.
• LFCC (Linear Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) :Used to describe the audio's timbre but with a linear
frequency scale.
• Feature Aggregation: Features from Librosa and Spafe are aggregated into a single feature vector for each
audio clip, providing a comprehensive representation of the sound characteristics.
• Classification Standardization and PCA (Principal Component Analysis: Features are standardized and then
reduced in dimensionality using PCA, retaining 40 principal components from 193. This step simplifies the
dataset while preserving most of the variance in the data.
• Classification Models: Several machine learning models are trained and evaluated, including:
• K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): A simple, distance-based classification algorithm.
• Random Forest: An ensemble method that uses multiple decision trees to improve classification
performance. Support Vector Machine
• (SVM): A powerful classifier that finds the optimal hyperplane for class separation.
• Decision Tree: A model that splits the data into subsets based on feature values, forming a tree-like
• XGBoost: An optimized gradient boosting library that provides efficient and effective classification.
Evaluation For each model, is based on accuracy, recall, F1 score, precision
Knn Evaluation XGBoost Evaluation
Summary of Literature Survey
Novel Architecture Preprocessing Algorithms
The papers proposes a deep learning-based The system uses mfcc, mel-spectogram to detect
framework that combines convolutional and
difference between cries.
recurrent neural networks for better classification
Conclusion and Future Directions
Conclusion Our research demonstrates the immense potential
of processing and machine learning techniques to
revolutionize baby cry analysis. By empowering
caregivers with deeper insights into infant
communication, this technology can foster stronger
bonds, provide more responsive care, and
ultimately improve the health and well-being of

Future Directions Collecting different types of data and labeling it

and also collecting data from different
environments to generalize the ability of the model
to classify

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