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What is Big Data?

 Big data is the type of data which is collected from multiple sources and
processed for various purposes.
 It is a new term which is gaining popularity in recent years. With the increasing
use of internet and smartphones, we are generating an enormous amount of data
every second. The growth of big data is a result of huge advancement in
technologies. It is very much possible that you have generated a lot of data in your
 As per statistics, every person generates around 3.2 TB of data per month. There
are different types of data which are generated by us. These include text, images,
video, etc.
Introduction – contd..

 There is an increasing trend of storing data in the cloud and in a server. These
days, people prefer to use mobile devices rather than desktop computers. Mobile
phones and tablets are the main sources of data generation.
 The growing popularity of social media and online shopping websites has also
increased the amount of data generation.
 Big data is an amalgamation of all the information which has been gathered from
multiple sources. It can be stored in a database.
How is big data used?

 Big data has made a major impact in the world of IT. It has revolutionized the way
businesses operate and manage their operations.
 Big data has a variety of applications and uses. Here are the top 5 popular big data
 Ecommerce
 Analytics
 Marketing
 Research
 Customer Relationship Management
1. Ecommerce

 Big data is a major driving force behind the emergence of ecommerce. It is the
most powerful tool for improving and facilitating online transactions.
 Companies like Amazon, eBay, and Flipkart have made the world of ecommerce a
lot easier. These companies have helped millions of people to buy products from
any corner of the world.
 Amazon has helped hundreds of thousands of sellers to increase their business and
make it a success. It has become a major platform for people to sell their products.
 eBay has also helped a lot of small entrepreneurs to earn a lot of money. It has
also helped millions of buyers to find products at affordable prices.
2. Analytics

 Analytics is the most effective method to predict future trends and patterns.
 It helps companies to find the best solutions and strategies to optimize their
operations. Companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter have used analytics to
predict the demand for a product and offer it to the customers in the best way.
3. Marketing

 Marketing is the process of attracting potential clients through various techniques.
 Companies like Facebook and LinkedIn have used marketing to attract potential
clients and drive sales.
4. Research

 Companies have started using big data to conduct research to understand the
consumer behavior better.
 It helps them to improve their products and services. Companies like Google,
Facebook, and Amazon have used research to understand the consumer behavior
5. Customer relationship management

 It is a way to keep track of a customer’s buying history and preferences.
 It helps to create a better relationship with the customers. Companies like
Facebook, Amazon, and Google have used CRM to build a good relationship with
their customers.

 The growth of big data has led to significant advancements and changes across
various industries and fields. With the emergence of sophisticated tools and
techniques, the processing and analysis of vast amounts of data have become
possible, allowing businesses to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior,
market trends, and other critical aspects.
 The expansion of big data has also resulted in the development of new job roles,
such as data scientists and analysts, contributing to the growth of the job market.
As big data continues to evolve and expand, it is expected to play an increasingly
significant role in shaping the future of various sectors, including healthcare,
finance, and education. With the right approach and application, big data has the
potential to fuel innovation, drive growth, and solve complex problems.

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