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Principles of Management
Term Report – Management Practices
NABIQASIM Industries Private Limited
Executive Summary
• This report is based upon

N a b i q a s i m , a p h a r m a c e u ti c a l
company in Karachi, which has
b e e n o p e r a ti n g i n t h i s i n d u s t r y
and providing high-quality
products for nearly 5 decades.
• This report discusses the basic
f u n c ti o n s o f m a n a g e m e n t i n t e r m s
of Planning, Organizing, Leading
and Controlling.
• The purpose of this business
report is to examine and
document in detail the
m a n a g e m e n t p r a c ti c e d i n a r e a l -
l i f e b u s i n e s s o r g a n i z a ti o n .
About the Company
• Nabiqasim is a pharmaceutical company that has been providing reasonable
medicinal items and services so that healthcare is affordable for everyone.
• For almost 50 years, Nabiqasim has been providing their services both
internationally and locally
• Nabiqasim’s belief of never thinking twice about quality has empowered it to
be among the main public pharmaceutical organizations.
• Their Products:
• They sell a huge variety of products, some of which include: “Antibiotics,
Psychiatry, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Peadiatrics, Gynae & Obs, General
medicine, Diabetology, Cardiometabolic, Orthopedics, Branded Generics.”

About The Company

Vision Statement Mission Statement

• To attain global recognition of being the • To raise the overall health standards by
leading Pakistani multinational setting ensuring reliable and sustainable supply
standards of high quality, innovation and of high quality effective medicines.
dedication for its products and services
offered to its customers around the

What is Management?
Management is a science. Management has to
perform a number of functions, such as planning,
organizing, coordinating, directing, controlling, etc.,
for the purpose of achieving its objectives

Need of principles of management: Basic Functions of Management

1. To increase efficiency
2. To highlight the true nature of management
3. To aid in the training of managers
4. To improve research
5. To attain social goals
Goals for the Company:
• They consider two types of goals: marketing goals and sales goals.
• A quarterly meeting is set to decide what must be achieved and how much of the time needs
to be given for the completion of each task.
• They make sure that in marketing goals they keep in mind the seasonal impact on the
products and services.
Comparing Strategic Goals & Financial Goals:
• The company believes that both of the goals are co-related.
• Sometimes, without strategies, one cannot achieve financial goals and without financial ones,
you cannot set strategic goals.
• One needs finance for the achievement of strategic goals, and must devise proper plans
whether it is beneficial to invest in this strategy.

Planning FR
Strategies for Planning:
• Their planning process is very unpredictable. As a pharmaceutical company, they
cannot control the sudden arrivals of different diseases and their variants.
• But if there are some sudden changes in departments, such as a sudden peak in the
number of corona patients, led them to take a sudden change of plans and take
precautionary measures and innovative new vaccine variants.
• It cannot be determined whether the company uses plans that are just single-use or
standing because the field in which it works is very capricious.
Strategic Goals:
• Strategic goals are those goals that must be set by the senior management.
• They set the goals for the organization as a whole.
Following are the strategic goals that must have had been set:
• To make sure the company does not limit their target audience
• Stay devoted to caring, sharing, innovating, and facilitating mankind.
• Work hard to become global (right now they are known in more than 60 countries) 7
Planning FR
Operational Goals:
• Operational goals are those that must be set for lower management.
Following are the operational goals that may be set:
• To rectify any mistakes the employees make.
• To provide them with one-to-one guidance and training, if required
• To make sure the team spirit remains alive
• To stay ready for any sudden changes of plans from the upper management
Long-term Goals:
• Their main goal is to become one of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies of Pakistan because
they believe in modernization and fulfilling far-sighted goals.
• The company carries out annual budget meetings where they observe the fact that where are
they headed within the next 5 years.
• They observe the portfolios of different segments.
• Then, they observe where that “portfolio” stands in the line of its competitors.
• The planning, in terms of these portfolios, is cumulative and after the planning-per-portfolio is
done, then, a separate meeting is held with all the heads of each portfolio where the company, as
a whole, is discussed. 8
Organizing FR
• Organization involves formulating an organizational structure, assigning tasks, grouping
tasks into departments, transferring authority, and allocating human resources to
ensure the attainment of objectives.
• Organizations are generally represented by an organization chart accentuating the chain
of command of the authority relationships among people functioning at distinct levels.

Organizational Hierarchical Structure

• A hierarchical structure, also referred to as a line organization, is the commonest form
of organizational structure.
• Its chain of command is the one that likely comes to mind once you think about any
• Power flows from the board of directors’ right down to the CEO through the rest of the
corporate from top to bottom.
• This makes the hierarchical structure a centralized organizational structure, hence
Nabiqasim is a centralized organization.

Organizational Structure FR

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Some advantages of a hierarchical structure are:
• It easily defines reporting connections, design association and division of authority.
• It specifies corporate hierarchy and promotional structure, thereby encouraging high- quality
• It helps to specialize each jobholder's work.
• It cultivates stronger connections among workers within a team.
• The organizing structure of Nabi Qasim is “Functional”.
• The advantage of functional organization is that it ensures higher degree of efficiency as the
workers get instructions from experts, they have to perform a limited number of tasks and
ensures a greater division of labor.

• Nabiqasim is divided into 18 departments (such as HR, Finance, Imports, Exports, Quality
Management Division and many more). Employees with ordinary skills and knowledge are
grouped according to their work, thus providing outstanding operational efficiency.
• The organizational structure sets the team, which typically report to the same manager or
• This helps ensure that all the staff members on the team are working towards the same goal.
• Nabiqasim is a big company having two sister companies, and follows vertical organizational
• The overall number of employees working in Nabiqasim is approx. 2000, while in head-office
currently 170 employees are working, in factory 600-700 employees, and in field about 1200-
1300 employees are performing their tasks effectively and efficiently.
• The company is keen to add any further departments if needed as per ISO’s required standard.
• The structure of company is very responsive to the changing conditions of the external market.

• Leading is the use of influence to inspire employees to achieve corporation goals.

Role of a leader in ‘Nabiqasim Industries (Pvt.) Ltd’.

• Nabiqasim observes transformational leadership
• This means the leaders here inspire and motivate their employees not just to believe
in the leader personally, but to also believe in their own potential to imagine and
create a better future for the organization.
• By using transformational leadership, they will be able to build a team of committed
employees who would certainly deliver the best possible organizational performance.

Practices Applied to Keep Employees Energetic at all times:

• Motivating Employees:
• Figuring out the needs and wants of employees, giving them what they need, and providing
praise for the job when they have done well.
• Guiding Employees:
• Nabiqasim’s leaders explain the tasks, provide the tools, direct the work and are available to
assist the team if they run into a problem.
• Building Morale:
• Employees are often placed in high-stress situations which can cause the department to lose
its focus on its goals. The organization leader, however, will let the team know how much their
work is appreciated.
• A simple gesture like throwing an impromptu party to recognize the team's small victories can
reignite the employee’s spirits.

Ideal Leadership Style for Nabiqasim:

• The General Manager believes democratic leadership style is beneficial, and in their organization, leaders
adopted this style which is more comfortable for their teams.
• The believe a democratic leader welcomes subordinate participation in decision-making.

Cultures and Ethnicities:

• Cultural and ethnicities in the workplace are when companies are open to hiring employees from all sorts
of different backgrounds; regardless of race, religion, and culture.
• Effects of Employees from Diverse Backgrounds:
• Increased productivity and profits
• Improved employee engagement and creativity
• Reduced employee turnover
• Improved company reputation
• In Nabiqasim, employees from all sorts of different backgrounds get to learn from their colleague's
experiences from a different perspective.

• Controlling means monitoring employees’ activities, determining whether the organization is moving
toward its goals, and making corrections as necessary.

Monitoring of Performance
• Monitors the performance of its employees through performance appraisals every fiscal year
• Evaluation forms have been developed to suit each individual’s job description
• Based on the grading in the evaluation form, if the employee lies in that bracket where performance
should be appraised, then an increment is given accordingly
• If an employee’s performance is not satisfactory, then the line manager engages with the low-
performing employee
• Often, training is required in certain matters or areas of improvement. Typical training includes but is
not limited to MS Office, (Word, Excel & PowerPoint), and other industry-specific software.
• However, if an employee’s performance is still found lacking, then the management is bound to issue
a warning letter.

Maintaining Confidentiality
• The IT department ensures that all relevant information pertaining to a department is held within and
not shared with any external parties.
• These measures include systemic firewalls, monitored internet traffic, avoiding any common internet
domains (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.)

Quality Assurance
• As per Nabiqasim’s mission statement, the prominent use of ‘high quality’ emphasizes that quality is
of paramount importance to the company’s operations and its products.
• ISO 9001 qualified to meet internal as well as customer expectations.
• There are various audits carried out at designated times of the year pertaining to Compliance, Health,
Safety & Environment (HSE), Quality, etc.
• That is why Nabiqasim proudly states on its website: “Nabiqasim’s philosophy of never compromising
on quality has enabled it to be among the leading national pharmaceutical companies.”

• The future of the pharmaceutical industry is about embracing technology and finding means to innovate
• Nabiqasim came into existence 50 years back in order to cater to the clients' diverse needs in the pharmaceutical
• The company tries to reach its local and worldwide clients and offer affordable services.
• The company consists of young individuals who are able to bring in newer ideas to the firm.
• Their structural hierarchy consists of 32 positions starting from the CEO.
• The company understands and researches what the clients need in a very efficient manner.
• The performance of the employees is assessed every year.
• They follow a functional organizational structure, where people are given tasks according to their efficiency.
• Employee training programs are also held to give provide help to employees and to polish them better.
• The company plans to see itself in the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the future.

The only way that the company motivates their employees are by holding competitions against each other and being
rewarded for the win, this can be motivating but it can also affect the unity amongst those employees and can lead
them to think and work on individual goals rather than working in a team and focusing on the same goal that has
been set by the company.


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