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Vitamins and Minerals

By Aishika
Vitamins are organic
substances which are only Vitamins
needed in tiny amounts. If
we do not have enough of
a vitamin then we might Vitamin C
get a deficiency disease. If we don’t have enough of
the vitamin C then we
It is needed in our might have a deficiency
The Vitamin C body to make the disease called scurvy,
can be found in stretchy protein which causes pain in joints
collagen, found in and muscles, and bleeding
citrus fruits such our skin and other from gums and other
as oranges, limes, tissues; keeps places; this used to be a
and in raw tissues in good common disease of sailors,
vegetables repair who had no fresh
vegetables during long
If we don’t have enough
Vitamins of Vitamin D then we
might have a deficiency
Vitamin D disease called rickets, in
which the bones become
soft and deformed; this
The vitamin D can be It is needed in our disease was common in
found in butter, egg body because it helps young children in
yolk, but most of our calcium to be industrial areas, who
vitamin D is made by absorbed, for making rarely got out into the
the skin when sunlight bones and teeth. sunshine
falls on it
Minerals are inorganic substances which are only needed in small
amounts in the diet.

Calcium can be Calcium is needed If we don’t have

found in milk for bones and teeth; enough calcium then
and other dairy for blood clotting we will have brittle
products and bones and teeth; poor
bread. blood clotting

If we don’t have enough

Iron can be found Iron is needed for Iron then we will get
in liver, read meat, making anaemia, in which there
egg yolk, dark are not enough red blood
haemoglobin, the
green vegetables red pigment in cells so the tissues do not
get enough oxygen
blood which carries
delivered to them.

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