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Type of news:

hard news
Biden at gun violence vigil: Shared grief and another call to

Straight headline
Broadsheet headline
Deletions: was
Space-saving-punctuation: colon: and
Tense: simple past
Size: Close-up
The angle of the shot: eye-level angle
Gaze direction: looking down
Facial expressions: showing sadness and sorrow
Lead paragraph
Nearly a decade after 20 children and six educators were killed at Sandy
Hook Elementary School, President Joe Biden joined their loved ones and
survivors of the mass shooting at a national vigil Wednesday for victims of
gun violence.
Type of paragraph: hard lead
Dateline: 12/07/2022 08:19 PM EST
5 W’s and H
Who? President Joe Biden
What? joined their loved ones and survivors of the mass shooting
Where? –
When? Wednesday
Why? for victims of gun violence
How? –
“Together, we made some important progress: the most significant gun law
passed in 30 years, but still not enough,” Biden said, asking once again for
a ban on assault weapons and what he called other “common sense”

 What?
 Direct quote
 Details (the whole paragraph)
 Number (30 years)
Biden became the first president to attend the National Vigil for All Victims
of Gun Violence, which has honored more than 1 million gun violence
victims since the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting in Newtown, Conn. He said
attendees had turned “pain into purpose,” as he underscored his
administration’s accomplishments on guns so far and promised the hundreds
of people in a packed room that his work was far from done.
 Who?, Why?
 Details (the whole paragraph)
 Indirect quote
 Numbers (1 million, Dec. 14, 2012)
The president hugged Jackie Hegarty, a Sandy Hook survivor and now a rising
senior at Newton High School, after she introduced him. “I heard and saw
things no child, no person should ever have to see,” Hegarty said. She added,
“Thankfully, we have a president who does more than send thoughts and
 Details (the whole paragraph)
 Direct quotes
For 10 years, parents, siblings, spouses and survivors of Sandy Hook have
poured into St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill, some clinging to
photos of the 6- and 7-year-old children they lost. The group has been joined
over the years by other grieving Americans, including those who lost loved
ones at a high school in Parkland, Fla., nearly five years ago and, earlier this
year, at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, where some families face
their first holiday season without their child.
 Where? St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill
 Details (the whole paragraph)
 Numbers (10 years, the 6- and 7-year-old children, five years ago)
 Background information
The national vigil, organized by the Newtown Action Alliance Fund and
partners, has become a yearly gathering place for gun survivors and
advocates across the country. Lawmakers and their staff were also invited to
attend. Attendees held white candles, as photos of gun violence victims and
their names played on a projector. Democratic Sens. Chris Murphy and
Richard Blumenthal and Rep. Jahana Hayes of Connecticut; House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi; and Rep.-elect Maxwell Frost also attended the vigil.
 Details (the whole paragraph)

Biden’s mood was somber as he leaned into his own experiences with grief,
recounting the loss of his wife and infant daughter in a car accident 50 years
ago this month. He led the room in a moment of silence before leaving the
stage. “Everyone’s different, but I know that feeling,” Biden said, of grieving.
“You know. It’s like a black hole in the middle of your chest you’re being
dragged into.”
 Details (the whole paragraph)
 Indirect and direct quotes
 Number (50 years ago)
Thanks for listening!
Mohammad Hossein Molaahmadi


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