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Food and Nutrition Policies

 Policy: is a set of principles guiding decision-making,

which is a proposed course of action of a person, group, or
government within a given environment providing
opportunities and obstacles to reach a goal

 Health policy focuses on:

Health promotion

Health protection

Health services
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 Goal of Food and Nutrition Policy:

Goal: To attain optimal nutritional status at all stages of

life at a level that is consistent with a high quality of life,
productivity and longevity of life.

Objective of Food and Nutrition Policy: to promote the

nutritional status of the people through multi-sectoral and
coordinated interventions that focus on food security,
improved nutrition and increased incomes.

Ethiopia has food and nutrition policy launched 2018

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Ethiopian National Nutrition Strategies (NNS)

• It is achieved when food security is coupled with a

healthy environment, adequate health services, and
knowledgeable care for all.

• The strategies are based on a conceptual framework of the

causes of child malnutrition.

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NNS (cont’d…)

 Target groups:

Infants and children under-five years of age,

particularly under-two years old

Women of childbearing age, particularly pregnant and

lactating women

Individuals infected with HIV

Those coping with acute food insecurity crises

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Food and Nutrition Security

• Nutrition security: is a broader concept that refers to

access to individuals to nutrients and their utilization for

optimal health.

• It exists when food security is combined with a sanitary

environment, adequate health services, and proper care

and feeding practices to ensure a healthy life for all

household members.
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Nutrition security (cont’d...)

• Availability and accessibility of food and health services

alone cannot be a guarantee for nutrition security.

• Vulnerable segments of the population need someone to

cater for them, to feed them, to take them to the nearby
health institution for preventive and therapeutic care and
to give them psychosocial support.

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Food security
• Food security: exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and
economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary
needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (World Food Summit
Declaration, 1996, FAO 2000).

• This definition is based on three core concepts of food security:

• availability (physical supply),
• access (the ability to acquire food) and
• utilization (the capacity to transform food into the desired nutritional
• Stability/Sustainability

• If these conditions are not fulfilled a person is said to be in the state of food
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Dimensions of food insecurity

• Chronic food insecurity:- is the result of overwhelming

poverty indicated by lack of assets

• Acute food insecurity:- is a transitory phenomenon

related to man made and natural shocks such as drought.

• Both chronic and transitory problems of food insecurity

are widespread and severe in Ethiopia

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Different stage of food insecurity & copping mechanisms
Stages of Food insecurity, coping mechanisms1

Stage of food insecurity process Coping mechanisms (household level)

Food insecurity Insurance strategies

 Reversible coping
 Preserving productive assets
 Reduced food intake, etc.

Food crisis Crisis strategies

 Irreversible coping
 Threatening future livelihood
 Sale of productive assets, etc.

Famine & death Distress strategies

 No coping
 Starvation and death
 No more coping mechanisms

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What is Famine?

• According to USAID background paper on famine, famine

is defined as catastrophic food crisis that results
widespread acute malnutrition and mass mortality…with
beginning, a middle and an end

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Why are African countries prone to Famine?

Extreme production fluctuation

Limited employment other than farming

Lower level of saving

Regional break up of major markets

High rate of natural erosion

High rate of illiteracy and school attendance

Poor health and sanitation

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• Rapid population growth


• Often poor governance which leads to

• poor distribution of resources

• Civil war

• High rates of chronic malnutrition

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