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Mini Project


Under the Guidance

MR. M. MRUTHYUNJAYA (Asst.professor)

206Y1A0587(S. SRAVYA)

206Y1A0597(T. SRIVANI)

•Web scraping automates the process of extracting and saving large amounts of data from different
websites with ease and in a small amount of time.

•Web scraping is a technique to fetch data from websites. Web scraping collects and categorizes all
the required data in one accessible location.

• Most of this data is unstructured data in an HTML format which is then converted into structured
data in a spreadsheet or a database so that it can be used in various applications.

•Web scraping finds many uses both at a professional and personal level, it can be used for Brand
Monitoring and Competition Analysis, Machine Learning, Financial Data Analysis, Social
Media Analysis, SEO monitoring etc.
• Data aggregation is the process of organizing data from various sources into a unified format.
It involves retrieving, cleaning, and storing data for analysis and decision making.

• Web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction is data scraping utilized for extracting
data from sites.

• Web scraping is like a computer program that goes to World Wide Web to collect information.
It can do this in two main ways using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or using a web

• Web scraping can be done manually by people using software, but most often, when we say
"web scraping," we mean automated processes where Web Crawler or Bots collect data from
the internet without human intervention.

• It is a type of duplicating in which explicit data is assembled and replicated from the web,
normally into a focal nearby database or bookkeeping page, for later recovery or examination.
The Existing System
In Existing system is the manual web data extraction
process has two major problems.

• Firstly, it can’t measure costs efficiently and can escalate it very

quickly. The data collection costs increase as more data is
collected from each website. In order to conduct a manual
extraction, businesses need to hire large number of staffs, this
increases the cost of labour significantly.

• Secondly, each manual extraction is known to be error prone.

Further, if any business process is very complex then cleaning
up the data can get expensive and time consuming.
The Proposed System

Automated Process Data Quality Real-Time Updates

By implementing web Using web scraping, you With web scraping, you can
scraping, data aggregation have more control over data retrieve fresh data in real-
becomes an automated quality since you can clean time, enabling you to stay up
process, reducing manual and organize the data to date with the latest
effort and increasing according to your specific information from various
efficiency. requirements. sources.
Web Scraping Tools and Libraries
Introduction to Python Beautiful Soup

Python is a popular programming language that A Python library, Beautiful Soup, simplifies web
provides powerful tools for web scraping. Its scraping by parsing HTML and XML documents.
simplicity and versatility make it an excellent It provides convenient methods for extracting
choice. data.

Scrapy Libraries for Data Aggregation

Scrapy is a powerful and scalable web scraping Python libraries such as Pandas and NumPy are
framework. It automates the scraping process, commonly used for aggregating and analyzing
handles asynchronous requests, and provides scraped data. Libraries like Requests and
advanced features. Selenium offer additional functionality for web
scraping tasks.
How Web Scraping
1. Inspect Your Data Source

2. Scrape HTML Content from a Page

3. Parse HTML Code with Beautiful Soup

4. Generating a CSV from the data

Code for Implementation of Scrapy

Scrapping of Website
Common Challenges in Web Scraping

1 Dealing with Complex Website Structures

Some websites have complex HTML structures that require careful navigation
and parsing techniques to extract the desired data.

2 Handling Anti-Scraping Measures

Many websites have implemented measures like CAPTCHAs and IP blocking to

prevent scraping. Discover strategies to overcome such obstacles .

3 Ensuring Data Quality

Web scraping may result in incomplete or inconsistent data. Learn how to

validate, clean, and filter the scraped data for better accuracy.
Examples and Use Cases

Real-World Examples Use Cases in Data Science

Web scraping can extract financial data for predicting Scraping social media platforms enables sentiment
stock market trends, improving investment decisions, analysis, monitoring brand reputation, and
and conducting market research. identifying emerging trends.

In conclusion, using Python for web scraping offers a robust and adaptable solution for automating

data extraction from the web. With libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy, developers can

efficiently navigate websites and collect valuable information. This approach significantly reduces

manual effort, enhances accuracy, and allows for scalability. However, it's crucial to adhere to ethical

and legal considerations, respecting website terms of service. The proposed system, featuring a web

scraping engine, configurable data sources, and secure storage, provides a comprehensive solution

for organizations aiming to streamline data aggregation.

1. D. M. Thomas and S. Mathur, "Data Analysis by Web Scraping using Python," 2019 3rd
International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA),
2019, pp. 450-454, doi: 10.1109/ICECA.2019.8822022

2.Website Scraping with Python - Using BeautifulSoup and Scrapy | Gábor Hajba | Springer

3.Beautiful Soup: Build a Web Scraper With Python – Real Python

4.Implementing Web Scraping in Python with BeautifulSoup - GeeksforGeeks

5.The Future of Web Scraping Services - ITS (

6.What is Web Scraping and Why You Should Learn It? - KDnuggets

7.Python | Tools in the world of Web Scraping - GeeksforGeeks

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