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1. What is the origin of the word
"education" based on its Latin roots?
a) Educate
b) Educare
c) Educatum
d) Educing
b) Educare
The word "education" traces its roots
to the Latin verb "educare," which
means "to bring up," "to rear," or "to
educate." The process of education
involves nurturing and developing
individuals, imparting knowledge, and
guiding them to grow intellectually and
2. Define education according to the provided
a) The process of acquiring skills only.
b) The process of acquiring knowledge,
habits, attitudes, interest, skills, and abilities.
c) The process of acquiring knowledge only.
d) The process of acquiring habits only.
b) The process of
acquiring knowledge,
habits, attitudes, interest,
skills, and abilities.
3. List the three levels of formal
education mentioned in the
a) Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
b) Elementary, Intermediate,
c) Elementary, Secondary, University
d) Basic, Intermediate, Higher
a) Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
• Primary Education: This is the initial stage of formal education and
typically covers the early years of a child's schooling, generally from
kindergarten or first grade to around the sixth grade. The emphasis
at this level is on foundational skills, basic literacy, and numeracy.
• Secondary Education: Also known as high school or intermediate
education, this level follows primary education and usually spans
from the seventh grade to the twelfth grade. Secondary education
builds upon the foundational knowledge acquired in primary
education and provides a more comprehensive and specialized
• Tertiary Education: Tertiary education refers to higher education
beyond the secondary level. This includes universities, colleges, and
vocational institutions. Tertiary education is where students pursue
advanced academic and professional studies, often leading to
4. Explain what is meant by
"hierarchically structured chronological
graded learning."
a) Learning based on age hierarchy.
b) Learning based on time hierarchy.
c) Learning based on a structured
d) Learning based on hierarchical
b) Learning based on time hierarchy.
• Hierarchically structured: This refers to the organization of educational content
in a systematic and ordered manner, often with a clear hierarchy of skills or
knowledge. Concepts are typically introduced in a logical sequence, building
upon each other in a structured way.
• Chronological: This term implies that the learning progression is based on a
chronological order or timeline. It suggests that students move through the
curriculum in a sequence that aligns with their developmental stages or
academic years.
• Graded Learning: "Graded" in this context means that the difficulty level of the
learning content increases progressively. As students advance through their
education, they encounter more complex and advanced topics, building upon
the foundation laid in earlier stages.
Therefore, "hierarchically structured chronological graded learning" describes an
educational approach where the curriculum is organized in a structured
hierarchy, follows a chronological order aligned with students' developmental
stages or academic years, and involves a progressive increase in the difficulty
5. What is the specific aim of non-formal
a) To provide education to children.
b) To provide education to illiterates and
out-of-school youths and adults.
c) To provide education to university
d) To provide education to teachers.
b) To provide education to illiterates and out-of-
school youths and adults.
• Non-formal education is designed to cater to
individuals who, for various reasons, may have
missed out on formal education or need education
beyond traditional schooling. It includes programs
and initiatives targeted at illiterates, out-of-school
youths, and adults seeking education and skills
development outside the formal school system.
The goal is to address the diverse learning needs
of individuals who may not be part of the regular
formal education system.
6. Who are the target audiences for
non-formal education?

a) Illiterates and out-of-school youths

and adults.
b) University students.
c) Primary school children.
d) Teachers.
a) Illiterates and out-of-school youths and adults.
•Non-formal education is specifically
designed to reach individuals who
may have missed out on formal
education, such as illiterates, out-of-
school youths, and adults seeking
education and skills development
outside the traditional formal
school system.
7. What distinguishes informal
education from the other types?
a) It is structured and follows a
b) It is provided by schools.
c) It can be acquired anytime and
d) It is certified.
c) It can be acquired anytime and anywhere.
• Informal education distinguishes itself by being
flexible and not bound by formal structures like
schools or traditional curricula. It is often
acquired through daily life experiences,
interactions, and self-directed learning that can
occur anytime and anywhere, outside of formal
educational settings. Informal education is more
spontaneous, learner-driven, and may not
necessarily result in a formal certification.
8. Which type of education plays a more
significant role in preparing individuals
for real-world challenges and
a) Formal Education
b) Non-formal Education
c) Informal Education
d) All play equally significant roles.
c) Informal Education
• Informal education, characterized by everyday
life experiences, self-directed learning, and real-
world interactions, often plays a more significant
role in preparing individuals for practical
challenges and opportunities. It allows for a
more flexible and adaptable approach to
acquiring knowledge and skills beyond the
structured confines of formal or non-formal
9. What were the primary
institutions for religious
education in Jewish culture?*
a) Synagogues
b) Temples
c) Churches
d) Mosques
a) Synagogues
•Synagogues were the primary
institutions for religious education in
Jewish culture. They served as places of
worship, community gatherings, and
centers for studying religious texts and
10. Which religious texts were
central to Jewish religious
a) Vedas
b) Bible and the Talmud
c) Quran
d) Tripitaka
b) Bible and the Talmud
• The central religious texts associated with
Jewish religious education are the Bible
(particularly the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh)
and the Talmud. These texts contain the
sacred scriptures and commentary that
form the basis of Jewish religious learning.
11. Who served as both teachers and priests
in Jewish religious education?*
a) Monks
b) Rabbis
c) Imams
d) Pundits
b) Rabbis
•Rabbis served as both teachers and
religious leaders in Jewish culture.
They played a crucial role in
interpreting religious texts, providing
guidance, and imparting knowledge
to the community.
12. What is the central text associated with
Chinese career-oriented education?*
a) Tao Te Ching
b) Analects of Confucius
c) I Ching
d) Art of War
b) Analects of Confucius
• The central text associated with Chinese career-
oriented education is the "Analects of
Confucius." Confucianism, with its emphasis on
ethics, morality, and social harmony, has had a
significant influence on Chinese education,
including career-oriented aspects.
13. Describe the Civil Service Examination
system during the Han Dynasty.
a) Multiple choice exams
b) One-day exam for all
c) Gradual promotion through exams
d) No examination system
c) Gradual promotion
through exams
• During the Han Dynasty, the Civil Service
Examination system involved a gradual
promotion through a series of exams. Successful
candidates could advance through the ranks
based on their performance in these
14. What was the ancient Egyptian writing
a) Alphabets
b) Hieroglyphics
c) Cuneiform
d) Sanskrit
b) Hieroglyphics
• The ancient Egyptian writing system was
hieroglyphics, which consisted of pictorial
symbols representing objects and sounds. It
was used for monumental inscriptions on
temples and tombs.
15. Name an ancient paper-like material used
by the Egyptians.
a) Parchment
b) Papyrus
c) Vellum
d) Manuscript
b) Papyrus
•The ancient Egyptians used
papyrus, a paper-like material made
from the pith of the papyrus plant,
as a writing surface. It was widely
used for scrolls and documents.
16. What mathematical concept did the
Egyptians approximate with a value of pi?
a) Square root
b) Pi
c) Golden ratio
d) Fibonacci sequence
b) Pi
• The Egyptians approximated the
mathematical concept of pi, representing
the ratio of the circumference of a circle to
its diameter, with an approximate value.
17. What major event exemplified Greek
competitive spirit and physical education?
a) World Cup
b) Olympic Games
c) Super Bowl
d) FIFA World Cup
b) Olympic Games
• The major event that exemplified Greek
competitive spirit and physical education
was the Olympic Games. These games, held
in ancient Olympia, were a significant part
of Greek culture and involved various
athletic competitions.
18.What was a notable feature of the
University of Alexandria?*
a) Largest campus
b) Oldest university
c) Advanced library facilities
d) No library
c) Advanced library facilities
•A notable feature of the University of
Alexandria was its advanced library
facilities, including the famous Library of
Alexandria, one of the largest and most
significant libraries of the ancient world.
19. Who were the Sophists, and what did they
emphasize in education?*
a) Traditionalists
b) Philosophers
c) Wandering scholars
d) Mathematicians
b. Philosophers
• The Sophists were a group of itinerant teachers and intellectuals who
flourished in ancient Greece, particularly during the 5th century BCE.
They were primarily concerned with rhetoric, or the art of persuasive
speaking and argumentation. The Sophists emphasized the importance
of effective communication skills, including public speaking,
persuasion, and debate. They taught their students techniques for
winning arguments and persuading audiences, regardless of the truth
or morality of their positions. This emphasis on rhetoric and
persuasion rather than absolute truth or moral values was a significant
departure from the traditional philosophical concerns of earlier
thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
20. What idea did Socrates advance in
a) Virtue is knowledge
b) Virtue is power
c) Virtue is wealth
d) Virtue is authority
a) Virtue is knowledge
• Socrates advanced the idea that "virtue is
knowledge." He believed that people would
act virtuously if they truly understood what
virtue was, suggesting that ignorance was
the root of moral wrongdoing.
21. What was Plato's proposal for the societal
division of classes based on?*
a) Wealth
b) Intelligence and talents
c) Birthright
d) Physical strength
b) Intelligence and talents
• Plato's proposal for the societal division of classes was
based on intelligence and talents. In his work "The
Republic," Plato advocated for a system where
individuals would be assigned to different societal
roles based on their natural abilities and aptitudes.
22. Who was the tutor of Alexander the Great
and established the Lyceum?*
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Euclid
c) Aristotle
•Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the
Great and established the Lyceum, an
institution for philosophical and
scientific research.
23. Which university is considered the
world's first comprehensive university in
ancient Greece?*
a) University of Alexandria
b) University of Athens
c) Plato's Academy
d) Lyceum
d) Lyceum
• The Lyceum, founded by Aristotle, is
considered one of the earliest
comprehensive universities in ancient
24. What was a notable feature of the
University of Alexandria?*
a) Largest campus
b) Oldest university
c) Advanced library facilities
d) No library
c) Advanced library facilities
• A notable feature of the University of Alexandria
was its advanced library facilities, including the
famous Library of Alexandria, which housed a
vast collection of scrolls and manuscripts.
25. What was the primary
language of education in ancient
a) Greek
b) Latin
c) Sanskrit
d) Aramaic
b) Latin
•The primary language of education
in ancient Rome was Latin
26. Jesus Christ conducted his ministry and
taught along with his disciples during which
part of his life on Earth?
a. The years when he was age 20 to
b. His teen years in Nazareth
c. The last three years of his life
d. The years he spent in Galilee
c. The last three years of his life
•Jesus Christ conducted his ministry and
taught along with his disciples during
the last three years of his life on Earth.
27 When searching for biblical sources for
history of the life of Jesus Christ, the best
place to look is:
a. The Old Testament of the Bible
b. The Gospel of Thomas
c. The Psalms and Proverbs
d. The Gospels of the New Testament
d. The Gospels of the
New Testament
• When searching for biblical sources for the
history of the life of Jesus Christ, the best
place to look is the Gospels of the New
28.According to Catholic doctrine, which of
the seven sacraments provides a special
outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
a. Eucharist
b. Holy Orders
c. Confirmation
d. Reconciliation
c. Confirmation
•According to Catholic doctrine,
Confirmation provides a special
outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
29.Which of the seven sacraments involves
the forgiveness of sins?
a. Marriage
b. Holy Orders
c. Confirmation
d. Reconciliation
d. reconciliation
• In the Catholic Church, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known
as Penance or Confession, is the sacrament through which individuals
confess their sins to a priest and receive absolution for those sins. This
sacrament is seen as a way to reconcile with God and the Church, and
it is one of the seven sacraments in the Catholic tradition.

Reference: Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part Two, Section Two,

Chapter Two, Article 4, 1422-14
30.Which religion was at the roots of early
Christian church?

a. Buddhism
b. Islam
c. Judaism
d. Hinduism
• The early Christian church has its roots in Judaism. Jesus Christ,
considered the central figure of Christianity, was born into a Jewish
family, and many of the early followers of Jesus were Jewish. The
teachings of Jesus and the early Christian communities were deeply
influenced by the Jewish religious traditions, scriptures, and beliefs.
Over time, as Christianity developed and spread, it evolved into a
distinct religious tradition separate from Judaism, but the connection
between the two is foundational to the history and origins of
31.The early Christian church sprang from
Judaism during the reign of the _____
a. Byzantine
b. Roman
c. Ottoman
d. Persian
e. Phoenician
b. Roman
• The early Christian church emerged during the reign of the Roman
Empire. The life and ministry of Jesus Christ, as well as the subsequent
activities of his followers, occurred within the context of the Roman-
ruled region of the Eastern Mediterranean. The rise and spread of
Christianity occurred during a time when the Roman Empire held
significant influence over the territories where early Christian
communities formed.
32.Almost the entire Christian Bible was
written by _____ men.
a. Greek
b. Persian
c. Jewish
d. Hindu
c. Jewish
• Almost the entire Christian Bible was written by Jewish authors. The
Old Testament, which is shared by both Judaism and Christianity,
consists of texts written before the birth of Jesus Christ, and these
were primarily authored by Jewish individuals. The New Testament,
which specifically pertains to Christianity, includes writings by early
followers of Jesus, many of whom were Jewish. The Christian Bible is a
compilation of various books and letters written by individuals from a
Jewish cultural and religious background.
33.Why is the sacrament of baptism deemed
as a requirement for every real Catholic?
a. Because it is how Jesus washes away the
sins of a person.
b. Because it is the only way a person can
become a Catholic.
c. Because it is how a person can confirm his
or her place in the Church.
d. All the answers are correct
a. Because it is how Jesus
washes away the sins of a
• The sacrament of baptism is deemed as a
requirement for every real Catholic because
it is believed to be how Jesus washes away
the sins of a person.
34. Why is the Eucharist important for Catholics?
a. Because it represents the Last Supper in which Jesus instructed His disciples to
remember His death.
b. Because it represents God's willingness to forgive sin when Catholics confess.
c. Because it represents the commitment of a person to the Catholic Church and to
d. All the answers are correct.
a. Because it represents the Last
Supper in which Jesus instructed His
disciples to remember His death.
• The Eucharist is important for Catholics
because it represents the Last Supper in
which Jesus instructed His disciples to
remember His death.
35. The first four books of the New
Testament are the main source for
information on the life of Jesus Christ.
Collectively, they are known as the _____.
a. Tripitaka
b. Vedas
c. Upanishads
d. Torah
e. Gospels
e. Gospels
• The first four books of the New Testament
are the main source for information on the
life of Jesus Christ. Collectively, they are
known as the Gospels.
36. Why were so many of Jesus's disciples persecuted
and martyred by the Roman Empire?
a. They wouldn't pay their taxes to the Roman Empire.
b. They wouldn't acknowledge the Roman Emperor as
a god.
c. They taught that the Roman Empire was evil and
instigated uprisings.
d. They proclaimed that both Jesus and the Roman
Emperor were gods.
e. They disagreed with the Jews which was perceived
as a crime against Rome.
b. They wouldn't acknowledge
the Roman Emperor as a god.
• Jesus's disciples were persecuted and martyred
by the Roman Empire because they wouldn't
acknowledge the Roman Emperor as a god,
which was a requirement of Roman loyalty and
The leaders of Rome did their best to squelch Christianity, but quite ironically, we now name our
dogs Nero and our sons Paul!
37. The statement above shows the eventual success of Christianity even though _____.

a. all of the original twelve disciples and the Apostle Paul were put to death.
b. eleven of the original twelve disciples and the Apostle Paul were put to death by Roman forces.
c. Nero was put to death by the Apostle Paul in a well-known Christian uprising.
d. all of the original twelve disciples and the Apostle Paul went on to long lives in exile outside of
e. Nero and the Apostle Paul became close friends and worked together to spread the news of The
b. eleven of the original
twelve disciples and the
Apostle Paul were put to
death by Roman forces.
• The statement acknowledges the eventual
success of Christianity even though eleven
of the original twelve disciples and the
Apostle Paul were put to death by Roman
38. Why was Charlemagne crowned with the
crown of the Holy Roman Emperor?
a. Because he threatened the Pope until he got
what he wanted.
b. Because he helped restore order in Rome
when the Pope was attacked.
c. Because he spread Christianity peacefully
among the Saxons.
d. Because he helped the Pope in the 787
Battle of Verden.
b. Because he helped restore order in Rome when the
Pope was attacked.
• Charlemagne was crowned with the crown of
the Holy Roman Emperor because he helped
restore order in Rome when the Pope was
attacked, showing his support and protection of
the Papacy.
39.. Which of the following is an assertion of
the Divine Right of Kings?
a. A monarch's rulings can only be reversed by
the Supreme Court
b. Attempts to limit a monarch's power violate
God's will
c. Monarchs are subject only to the will of the
d. The ruler of Rome has a right to rule the rest
of Europe
b. Attempts to limit a
monarch's power violate
God's will
• An assertion of the Divine Right of Kings is that
attempts to limit a monarch's power violate
God's will, as monarchs are believed to rule by
divine appointment and are answerable only to
God, not to the will of the people or other
40.. How did the Carolingian Renaissance impact
a. It neglected it by emphasizing the divine status of
b. It saw the formation of many monastic schools and
many scholars were invited to encourage education.
c. It was the period when the first printing press was
designed, providing books that were affordable to
d. It created the first systematic scholarly system, although
Charlemagne failed to address the issue of illiteracy.
b. It saw the formation of many monastic schools and
many scholars were invited to encourage education.
• The Carolingian Renaissance impacted education
by seeing the formation of many monastic
schools and inviting many scholars to encourage
education. It was a revival of learning and
culture initiated by Charlemagne in the
Carolingian Empire.
41. The Philippine Elementary School
Curriculum gives greater emphasis on the
development of basic skills like reading,
writing, and arithmetic. What is the
philosophical basis for this?
A. Pragmatism C. Essentialism
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism
C. Essentialism
• Essentialism in education focuses on the idea of transmitting essential
knowledge, skills, and values to students. It emphasizes a core
curriculum that includes fundamental subjects such as reading,
writing, and arithmetic, which are seen as essential for functioning
effectively in society.
42. Teacher H asks one of her students,
"What do you want to become when you
grow up?" This question is an indication of
what kind of philosophy?
A. Progressivism
C. Existentialism
B. Naturalism
D. Idealism
A. Progressivism
• Progressivism in education emphasizes the importance of individual
interests, needs, and experiences in the learning process. This
philosophy encourages student-centered approaches where learners
are actively involved in shaping their own education.
43. Teacher X has not only explained the
concept of Philosophy of Education but also
imparted this to her students. This
demonstrates what kind of philosophy?
A. Naturalism
C. Realism
B. Idealism
D. Perennialism
B. Idealism
• Idealism in education emphasizes the importance of ideas, values,
and principles in the teaching and learning process. It holds that
education should focus on the development of the mind, intellect,
and character of individuals. Teachers in the idealist tradition often
strive to impart philosophical concepts, ethical principles, and higher
ideals to their students, aiming to cultivate their intellectual and
moral growth.
44. In his class, Teacher M always presents
principles and values so as to encourage his
students to examine them and decide for
themselves whether to accept them or not.
What kind of philosophy does he practice?
A. Idealism
C. Humanism
B. Essentialism
D. Existentialism
C. Humanism
45. When a teacher emphasizes that man's
sense should be trusted because they are the
only way to acquire knowledge, the teacher
can be regarded as.
A. Naturalist C. Empiricist
B. Realist D. Pragmatist
C. Empiricist
• Empiricism upholds that the only source of knowledge is the senses
and sense-based experience.
46. Teacher K views her pupils as unique,
free choosing, and responsible individuals.
She plans activities where the pupil can
develop his unique personality. What theory
underlies this nature of the pupil?
A. Realism C. Existentialism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
C. Existentialism
• Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of self hood whose
fundamental doctrine proclaims man’s freedom in the
accomplishment of his destiny. In this case, emphasis is given on the
students rather than on the curriculum content.
47. "Learning is the process of retrieving
prior learning", this is a statement from
A. Constructivist C. Progressivist
B. Reconstructivist D. Empiricist
B. Reconstructivist
• Reconstructivism in education emphasizes that learning involves
building upon and reconstructing prior knowledge and experiences.
According to this philosophy, learners actively engage in the process
of constructing new understandings by reflecting on and retrieving
their existing knowledge base. Therefore, the statement reflects a
reconstructivist perspective on learning.
48. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that
pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher's
teaching is against what philosophy?
A. Realism C. Epicureanism
B. Hedonism D. Empiricism
B. Hedonism
• Epicureanism is just a form of Hedonism. Hedonism is the general,
Epicureanism is the specific. Always select the general answer.
49. After listening to the homily of the Priest
about fidelity, Catherine has a moment of
reflection. Her understanding of the value of
fidelity has become deeper as she related this to
her past experience.This typifies what kind of
A. Constructivism
C. Humanism
B. Reconstructivism
D. Existentialism
• Existentialism in philosophy emphasizes individual experiences,
personal reflection, and the importance of subjective meaning in life.
It holds that individuals create their own meaning and understanding
of concepts through their unique experiences and reflections. In this
scenario, Catherine's deeper understanding of fidelity arises from her
personal reflection on the concept and its relevance to her past
experiences, which aligns with the existentialist emphasis on
individual reflection and subjective interpretation. Therefore, the
scenario reflects an existentialist perspective.
50. After studying the Principle of Identity,
Teacher W asks her students to determine
which among the given set of problems
conforms to the said identity. This shows that
Teacher W upholds what kind of Philosophy?

A. Perennialism. C. Essentialism
B. Progressivism
D. Naturalism
C. Essentialism
• Essentialism in education emphasizes the importance of teaching
essential knowledge, skills, and values to students. It focuses on core
academic subjects and the transmission of fundamental principles
and concepts. Teacher W's emphasis on studying the Principle of
Identity and then applying it to solve problems reflects an essentialist
approach, as she prioritizes the mastery of foundational principles in
her teaching method.
51. Thea listened to the advice given by her sister
to end the relationship that she has with Gilbert.
However, her sister learned that the advice she
has given was not followed and Thea decided to
continue the relationship. This action of Thea is a
manifestation of what kind of philosophy?
A. Essentialism
C. Perennialism
B. Existentialism
D. Humanism
B. Existentialism
• Existentialism in philosophy emphasizes individual freedom, choice,
and responsibility. It holds that individuals are responsible for creating
their own meaning and purpose in life through their actions and
decisions. Thea's decision to continue her relationship with Gilbert
despite external advice reflects her exercise of personal autonomy
and choice, which are central tenets of existentialist philosophy.
Therefore, her action aligns with existentialism.
52. After finishing the degree in Education,
Teacher M learns that learning never stops. In
fact, she accumulates more knowledge after
leaving the portal of her alma mater. This
typifies what kind of philosophy?
A. Constructivism C. Progressivism
B. Perennialism
D. Humanism
D. Humanism
• Humanism in education emphasizes lifelong learning and the
continuous development of individuals throughout their lives. It
values the idea that learning is a lifelong process that extends beyond
formal education. Teacher M's realization that learning continues
beyond her formal education aligns with the humanist belief in the
ongoing growth and development of individuals. Therefore, the
scenario reflects a humanist perspective.
54. Matilda is an advocate of the principle
"making the most of your life". She is indeed an
advocate of what kind of philosophy?
A. Humanism
C. Realism
B. Perennialism
D. Existentialism
D. Existentialism
• Existentialism in philosophy emphasizes individual freedom, choice,
and responsibility. It holds that individuals create their own meaning
and purpose in life through their actions and decisions. Matilda's
advocacy of making the most of one's life reflects existentialist values
of personal agency, autonomy, and the importance of individual
choices in shaping one's life. Therefore, her advocacy aligns with
55. Teacher X is a very dedicated teacher in
the nursery. Her foremost concern is for
students to learn how to adapt themselves in
the environment. This shows that Teacher X
upholds what kind of philosophy?

A. Naturalism
C. Progressivism
B. Pragmatism
D. Rationalism
• Naturalism aims to unfold the child’s potential, not to prepare him for
a definite vocation or social position but to prepare him to adapt to
the changing times and needs.
56. Teacher J serves as an inspiration to his
students because of his efficiency and
effectiveness as a teacher. The mind set of his
students towards him/her is an instance of
what kind of philosophy?

A. Realism
`C. Nationalism
B. Idealism D. Constructivism
• Idealism is a philosophy which asserts that what’s in the mind is the
only reality. In this situation, the teacher inspires his/her students
through the values that he/she possessed. Values are absolute are
told to belong in realm of ideas. Hence, these are considered as ideas
that exist only in the mind.
57 Which of the following is characteristic of
a positive correlation?
A. amount of food consumed and your weight
B. amount of partying you do and your GPA
C. amount of clothes worn and the
temperature of the air
D. amount of exercise you do and the size of
your clothes
D. amount of exercise you do
and the size of your clothes
58. Expert teachers are very concerned about
A. being reflective problem solvers
B. the specific techniques teachers apply
C. maintaining classroom discipline
D. adhering to lesson plans
A. being reflective problem solvers
•Expert teachers are often concerned
about being reflective problem solvers,
continuously seeking to improve their
teaching practices.
59. The Carnegie Foundation (1987) reported
that teachers felt most involved in making
decisions about
A. choosing textbooks
B. shaping the curriculum
C. setting standards for student behavior
D. designing staff development programs
D. designing staff
development programs
60.Research suggests that reasons for lack of
teacher participation in school wide decisions
stem from
A. teachers have little time or energy for these
kinds of activities outside of the classroom
B. teachers not wanting to step on administrator's
C. the fact that restructuring adds responsibilities
to teachers for which they are not compensated
D. all of the above
D. all of the above
• Research suggests that reasons for lack of
teacher participation in school-wide decisions
stem from teachers having little time or energy
for these activities, not wanting to step on
administrators' toes, and the fact that
restructuring adds responsibilities without
61. Educational Psychology is distinct from
other branches of psychology because
A. its findings are based upon research
B. expert teachers are the researchers versus
C. understanding and improving eduction is its
primary goal
D. most educational principles have their
foundation in common sense notions regarding
C. understanding and improving
education is its primary goal
• Educational Psychology is distinct from
other branches of psychology because its
primary goal is understanding and
improving education.
62. The change that occurs in human beings
between conception and death is referred to
A. maturation
B. development
C. growth
D. cognitive development
B. development
•The change that occurs in human beings
between conception and death is
referred to as development.
.63 Which of the following is FALSE
regarding a general principle of
A. Development occurs at different rates.
B. Development is rapid and dramatic.
C. Development takes place in an orderly
D. Development takes place gradually.
B. Development is rapid and dramatic.
• This statement is FALSE regarding a general
principle of development. In reality,
development is not always rapid and
dramatic; it can occur at different rates and
may take place gradually or in an orderly
64.According to Piaget's view, the child's
influences his or her cognitive development
as the child tests, explores and observes the
A. maturation.
B. activity and social transmission
C. equilibration
D. all of the above
B. activity and social
• According to Piaget's view, the child's
cognitive development is influenced by both
activity and social transmission as the child
tests, explores, and observes the
65. As a biologist, Piaget looked for patterns
in the human species, and concluded that
humans inherit the invariant functions of:
A. lateralization and plasticity
B. maturation and activity
C. organization and adaptation
D. equilibrium and disequilibrum
C. organization and adaptation
•Piaget concluded that humans
inherit the invariant functions of
organization and adaptation, which
contribute to cognitive
66. If you are puzzled about a situation and
don't understand why present attempts to
solve the problem aren't working, Piaget
would say you are in a state of:

A. adaptation
B. accommodation
C. equilibration
D. disequilibrium
D. disequilibrium
• If you are puzzled about a situation and
don't understand why present attempts to
solve the problem aren't working, Piaget
would say you are in a state of
67. The ability to use language and think
symbolically, is a characteristic of and is referred to
A. sensorimotor development; goal directed action
B. preoperational development; the semiotic
C. preoperational development; collective
D. concrete operational development; classification
B. preoperational development;
the semiotic function
• The ability to use language and think
symbolically is a characteristic of preoperational
development and is referred to as the semiotic
68. The approach called cognitive self-
instruction is consistent with Vygotsky's view
A. sociocultural theory
B. scaffolding
C. the Zone of Proximal Development
D. private speech
D. private speech
• The approach called cognitive self-
instruction is consistent with Vygotsky's
view of private speech.
69. You have taught a new math skill to your class, and
find that some students have caught on quickly, while
others are still having difficulty applying the skill.
Based on Vygotsky's principles of assisted learning /
zone of proximal development, you should
A. give all students more practice problems
B. pair students for more practice, pairing students who
have mastered the skill with those who have not.
C. give all students for more instruction in the
performance of math skill.
D. go on to the next skill and put students in
cooperative learning groups.
B. pair students for more practice,
pairing students who have mastered
the skill with those who have not.
• Based on Vygotsky's principles of assisted
learning/zone of proximal development,
you should pair students for more practice,
pairing students who have mastered the
skill with those who have not.
70. Normal language development patterns
would anticipate that most children have
mastered the basics of pronunciation, grammar
and vocabulary in their native language by
A. 3-4
B. 4-5
C. 5-6
D. 6-7
B. 3-4
• Based on normal language development patterns, most children
should have mastered the basics of pronunciation, grammar, and
vocabulary in their native language by the age of 3-4.
71. In order to learn and understand rules of
grammar and syntax (word order), children
need to have developed:
A. a large vocabulary
B. a cultural tool kit
C. literacy
D.metalinguistic awareness
D.metalinguistic awareness
• In order to learn and understand rules of
grammar and syntax, children need to have
developed metalinguistic awareness, which
involves the ability to think about and
analyze language.
72. Institutions of learning are required to meet
the minimum standards for state recognition
but are encouraged to set higher standards of
quality over and above the minimum through
____ as provided in Educational Act of 1982.
a) life-long education
c. formal education
b) voluntary accreditation
d. academic freedom
b) voluntary accreditation
• Institutions of learning are required to meet the
minimum standards for state recognition but are
encouraged to set higher standards of quality
over and above the minimum through voluntary
accreditation, as provided in the Educational Act
of 1982.
73.) Which of the following is NOT provided
in Education Act of 1940?
a) the national support of elementary
b) the double-single session plan in the
elementary schools
c) the six-year elementary course
d) vocational education in the public schools
d) vocational education in the
public schools
• The Education Act of 1940 did not provide for
vocational education in public schools.
74 The primary objective in the regionalization of
the educational system is to ___.
a) encourage the undertaking of language
researches in various regions
b) take into account local needs and condition and
encourage local development planning
c) get assurance that all educational policies are
implemented nationwide
d) promote quality education at all levels and in
all communities of the country
b) take into account local needs
and condition and encourage
local development planning
• The primary objective in the regionalization of the educational system
is to take into account local needs and conditions and encourage local
development planning.
75. What statement is inconsistent with one of the provision of
Republic Act No. 4670, otherwise known as the Magna Carta
for Public School Teachers?

a. teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall be

required to render more than six hours actual classroom
b. no teacher shall be transferred without his consent
c. every teacher shall enjoy security of tenure
d. a teacher is entitled to a study leave not exceeding one
school year
a. teacher engaged in actual
classroom instruction shall be
required to render more than six
hours actual classroom teaching
• This statement is inconsistent with one of the provisions of Republic
Act No. 4670, the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. Teachers
are generally not required to render more than six hours of actual
classroom teaching.
76. Which of the following is not a right of
public school teachers?
a. freedom of expression
b. establishes and joins organizations
c. intellectual property
d. stage a strike and protests
e. academic freedom
d. stage a strike and
77.) Mr. Melgo, a public school teacher of
Cantoratoy National High School plans to
pursue Master’s studies. When he is entitled
to go on study leave?
a. if his principal approves his leave
b. if he has rendered seven years of service
c. if a substitute teacher is available
d. if there is a decrease in the enrollment
b. if he has rendered seven years of service
78. This act is also known as the “ Philippines
Teachers Professional Act of 1994”.
A. Republic Act 4670
b. Republic Act 7836
c. Republic Act 10533
d. Republic Act 9293
b. Republic Act 7836
• Republic Act 7836: Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
79.This Republic Act is known as the “Magna
Carta for public School Teachers”.
A. Republic Act 4670
b. Republic Act 10533
c. Republic Act 7836
d. Republic Act 9293
A. Republic Act 4670
• Republic Act No. 4670 otherwise known as “The Magna Carta for
Public School Teachers” was passed into law in view of providing
professional rights and safeguards to our public school teachers in
consideration of the exigency and level of difficulty of the exercise of
their profession.
80.Which among the following refers to the
Republic Act that enchances the Philippines Basic
Education System by strengthening its curriculum
and increasing the number of years for basic
A. Republic Act 4670
b. Republic Act 10533
c. Republic Act 7836
d. Republic Act 9293
b. Republic Act 10533
81. The National Competency- Based Teacher
Standards(NCBTS) is composed of how many
A. 5
b. 7
c. 6
d. 8
b. 7
• This framework is known as The National Competen- cy – Based
Teacher Standards (NCBTS). The framework is composed of 7
domains- Social Regard for Learning, Learning Environment, Diversity
of Learners, Curriculum, Planning, Assessing, Re- porting, Community
Linkages and Personal growth and Professionalism Variable.
82. Who among the following Philippines
president approved a Republic Act that
professionalizes teaching and that trengthens the
regulations and supervision of the practice of
teaching in the Philippines?
A. Marcos
b. Estrada
c. Ramos
d. Arroyo
c. Ramos
• President Fidel V. Ramos was the president who approved Republic
Act 7836 on December 16, 1994. Republic Act 7836 is an act that
strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching
in the Philippines. It is also known as the “Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994.”
83. What is the heart of the Teacher
Education Development Program(TEDP)?
d. LET
84. According to the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers”, the term teacher
includes the following EXCEPT for:
a. Full-time Preschool Teacher
b. Part - time Elementary Teacher
c. Full-time High School Teacher
d. Full- time College Teacher
d. Full- time College Teacher
85. The following are some of the features of
the “ Enchanced Basic Education Act of
2013” EXCEPT for ?
A. Junior High School
b. Bilingual Education
c. Senior High School
86. One of the strength of the Filipino
character is “ pakikipagkapwa-tao”. This is
manifested in all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Malasakit
b. Pakikiramay
c. Lakas ng loob
d. Pakikiramdam
c. Lakas ng loob
87. The Philippine Constitution, recognizing
the natural right and duty of parents in rearing
the youth for civic efficiency and developing
moral character, mndates that this should be
supported by the ?
a. Community
b. Schools
c. Church
d. Government
d. Government
• It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the
unborn from conception. The natural and primary right and duty of
parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the
development of moral character shall receive the support of the
Government. SECTION 13.
88. The breakdown of feudalism started first
in ?
a. Hungery
b. France
c. Russia
d. England
b. France
89. Which institution had a
significant role in Roman governance
and education?*
a) Roman Library
b) Roman Senate
c) Roman Forum
d) Roman Colosseum
b. Roman senate
• The Roman Senate was a central institution in the Roman Republic
and later in the Roman Empire, responsible for legislative, executive,
and advisory functions. It played a crucial role in governance,
policymaking, and decision-making processes. While the other
options mentioned (Roman Library, Roman Forum, Roman
Colosseum) had their own significance in Roman society, they did not
have the same level of influence or direct involvement in governance
and education as the Roman Senate.
90. What was the primary focus of
the Elementary school in ancient
a) Rhetoric
b) Literature
c) Grammar
d) Philosophy
c) Grammar
91. Which branch of education was
emphasized in Higher education or rhetorical
schools in ancient Rome?*
a) Mathematics
b) Rhetoric
c) Medicine
d) Philosophy
b) Rhetoric
• Rhetoric was highly valued and taught extensively in Roman
education, particularly in schools dedicated to higher learning.
Rhetoric encompassed the art of persuasive speaking and writing, and
it played a crucial role in politics, law, and public discourse in ancient
92. Which Roman emperor founded
the Roman University and Library?*
a) Trajan
b) Hadrian
c) Vespasian
d) Antonius Pius
b) Hadrian
93. During the rule of Gratian, what financial
support did Roman schools receive?*
a) Tax exemptions for teachers
b) Subsidies for all Roman schools
c) Nationalization of all schools
d) Legalization of private schools
a) Tax exemptions for
94. The acronym NCBTS means _____.
A. National Competency-Based Teaching
B. National Competency-Based Teacher
C. National Competence-Based Teaching
D. National Competence-Based Teacher
b.National competency based
teacher standards
• NCBTS means National Competency-Based Teacher Standards. It is an
integrated theoretical framework that defines the different
dimensions of effective teaching.
95. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the
learner’s work only in ____.
A. attendance, character, merit and quality of
academic performance
B. attendance, beauty, merit and quality of
academic performance
C. attendance, merit and quality of academic
D. merit and quality of academic performance
d. Merit and quality of
academic performance
• According to Article VIII, Section 6 of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers, a teacher shall base the evaluation of the
learner’s work only in merit and quality of academic performance.
96. According to Republic Act 10533, secondary
education includes _____.
A. Four (4) years of senior high school and two (2)
years of junior high school education.
B. Four (4) years of junior high school and two (2)
years of senior high school education.
C. Three (3) years of junior high school and three (3)
years of senior high school education.
D. Five (5) years of junior high school and one (1) year
of senior high school education.
b. Four (4) years of junior high school
and two (2) years of senior high school
• Republic Act 10533 is also known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013”. In this curriculum, secondary education includes four (4) years
of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school
97. Cirilo is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology. He wants to proceed the
teaching profession by earning units in professional
education. Now, how many units in professional
education does the law require for a non-education
graduate to earn before he can take the LET?
A. 10 units
B. 32 units
C. 12 units
D. 18 units
d. 18 units
• According to Republic Act 9293, an individual with a bachelor’s
degree in education or its equivalent with a major and minor, or a
bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences with at least eighteen (18) units
in professional education is qualified to take the LET.
98. Can Lea Salonga be given a special permit to
teach Music in high school?
A. No, she cannot. In the very first place, she is
not an education graduate.
B. No, she has not passed the LET.
C. Yes, she is a graduate of ALS.
D. Yes, she has excelled and gained international
d. Yes, she has excelled
and gained international
• According to Republic Act 9293, a special permit may also be issued
by the Board to a person who has excelled and gained international
recognition and is a widely acknowledged expert in his or her
respective field of specialization.”
99. Pia took the LET last March 2015.
Unfortunately, she failed in the examination. Is
she qualified for the position of para-teachers?
A. No.
B. Yes, if her LET rating is below 75.
C.Yes, if her LET rating is 71-74.
D. Yes, if her LET rating is 70-74.
D. Yes, if her LET rating is 70-74
• According to Republic Act 9293, those who have failed the licensure
examination for professional teachers, with a rating of not lower than
five percentage points from the passing general average rating, shall
be eligible as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a two-year
special permit, renewable for a non-extendible period of two (2)
100. Mr. Jhoejhoe Binoy, a private high school teacher
is being hired by a certain senatorial candidate to serve
as one of the UNA Party poll watchers for the 2016
elections. Is this allowed?
A. Yes, it is one his rights as a Filipino citizen to
support a political party that he wants.
B. No, unless his principal allows him to do so.
C. Yes, he is a private school teacher, not a public
school teacher.
D. No, it is not allowed regardless if he is a public or
private school teacher.
D. No, it is not allowed
regardless if he is a public
or private school teacher.
• According to Article II, Section 5 of the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political,
religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not, directly or
indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or service or
other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes.
This applies to all public and private school teachers, from preschool
up to high school, on full-time or part-time basis.

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