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Grounded theory

-By Rahul P
IMSc Psychology VII semester
Central University of Karnataka
What is grounded theory?
Grounded theory is a qualitative research design in which the inquirer
generates a general explanation (a theory) of a process, an action, or an
interaction shaped by the views of a large number of participants
The intent of a grounded theory study is to move beyond description and to
generate or discover a theory
A key idea is that this theory development does not come “off the shelf” but
rather is generated or “grounded” in data from participants who have
experienced the process (Strauss & Corbin, 1998)
Procedures to conduct grounded theory
1. Determine if grounded theory is best suited to study the research problem-
use when theory is not available to explain or understand a process. i.e.,
incomplete theories, didn’t address valuable variable or categories of
interest of the researcher.
2. Focus the interview questions on understanding how individuals experience
the process and identify the steps in the process. Once explored, try to figure
out the core phenomenon, causal condition, strategies, consequences etc.,
The point is to gather enough information to fully develop (or saturate) the
model. This may involve 20 to 60 interviews (approx).
Procedures cont..
3. Theory-building emerges through the simultaneous and iterative data
collection, analysis, and memoing processes.
Memoing- researcher writes down ideas about the evolving theory throughout
the data procedures in an effort to discover patterns (Lempert, 2007).
4. Structure the various analysis procedures as open, axial, and selective coding
Open coding- researcher forms categories of information about the
phenomenon being studied by segmenting information.
Procedures cont..
Axial coding- the researcher trying to assemble the data in new ways after
open coding. i.e., developed codes and categories are connected. Here,
researcher tries to identify the central phenomenon, causal conditions, specific
strategies, and intervening conditions about the phenomenon.
Selective coding- storyline that connects the categories. i.e., defining a new
theory or modifying the existing theory based on the research.
5. Present the theory as a discussion or model- general reporting structure
includes introduction, rationale, details about data collection and analysis,
descriptions about coding. Conclude with discussion, connections and
contradictions with extant literature, significant findings and implications and
Characteristics of grounded theory
1. Grounded theory as theoretical- sensitivity, sampling, and saturation
2. Grounded theory as analytical- open, axial, and theoretical (selective)
3. Grounded theory as cyclical
Advantages of grounded theory
 Fosters creativity and critical thinking
 Systematic approach to data analysis
 Richness in data
Challenges in grounded theory
 Difficulty to determine when categories are saturated or when the theory
is sufficiently detailed.
 Large amount of data, which leads to difficulty to code and manage
 Data collection process might go for years together
 High level of skill is required to conduct the study
Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative Inquiry & Research
Design: Choosing among Five approaches. SAGE Publication Inc.
Thank you!!!

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