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Backup and Restore

on Amazon Web
Services (AWS)

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Deck guidelines
• Fonts, sizes, colors, and layouts are all pre-built into this template.
• Color palette

• Please do not use gradients, shadows, or outlines on shape elements. Limit color
use of chart graphics to grayscale plus one accent color.
• Pink boxes are placeholders for the insertion of Partner and Customer logos. Use
the slide master to insert logos.

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Industry trends
Cloud Storage Spending Is Growing
Use this space to note industry trends

Innovation is Key Driver of Cloud Use Cases

Use this space to note industry trends

More Workload-Specific Solutions Available

Use this space to note industry trends

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Customer pain points
Customer backup environments
may include agents running on
desktops and servers, or backup
servers/appliances transmitting
data to the cloud directly or
through a gateway appliance.
Data Unpredictable Challenges Expensive There are many contexts of
Growth Restore at Scale Conventional
backup: datacenter
As more businesses Utilizing tape media, Over-provisioning procurement of software infrastructure backup, endpoint
understand the value restores can often storage resources for licenses is slow, ongoing backup (often application
of data, data growth involve unpredictable backup workloads aims maintenance and refresh aware), remote office/branch
and increased elements such as to solve for uncertainty costs are unreasonably
diversity of data can delivery equipment around peak demand, high, and purchasing
office (ROBO), and
work against storage malfunction and more and inefficiently agreements require backup/restore of in-cloud
optimization solutions opportunities for user- allocates idle resources upfront commitments. resources.
such as deduplication error. during steady-state
and compression. periods.

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D E V E L /OBackup
P M E N Tand
E R V I Eoverview

• Build secure, efficient, and cost-effective backup and restore solutions

• Use solutions you know and trust
• Leverage the scale and reliability of AWS
• Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon S3 Standard-Infrequent
Access (S3 Standard –IA), and Amazon S3 Glacier facilitate faster backup times
through automated policies and easier data recovery, and reduce the need to
provision and maintain on-premises infrastructure.

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Benefits of AWS Backup and Restore

Address data growth Restore data Scale Cost

• Reduce up-front CapEx • Faster data recovery • Use and pay for only what • Lower total cost of
investment and capacity you need ownership
planning challenges • Maintain control of where
data resides • Scale resources up or down • Reduce up-front
• Eliminate bottlenecks and on demand as workload investment and need to over-
constraints of on-prem • Minimize network latency needs fluctuate provision

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Section Divider
Subtitle here

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[APN Partner]
• Briefly describe the features/capabilities of leveraging [APN
Partner] on AWS
• Briefly describe the features/capabilities of leveraging [APN
Partner] on AWS
• Briefly describe the features/capabilities of leveraging [APN
Partner] on AWS

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[APN Partner]
Use Cases


Use Case Use Case Use Case Use Case

Brief description of Brief description of Brief description of Brief description of
the use case the use case the use case the use case

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Benefits of Backup and Restore
With [Partner]


Benefit Benefit Benefit Benefit

Brief description of Brief description of Brief description of Brief description of
the benefit the benefit the benefit the benefit

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[Customer] Use Case
Use this space to note the customer’s main challenge

Use this space to note the features used to solve the customer’s challenge

Use this area to briefly describe the benefits the customer realized after
implementing the solution. Add stats if applicable

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Learn more

• Backup and Restore on AWS

• <link to partner resource>

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<link to customer case study>

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