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Object Oriented Programming using Java

Lecture 01
An Introduction to the Course

• Pre-requisite: Programming Fundamentals

– The most fundamental course and is going to form the foundation
for subsequent ones

• Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs: 3+3

– Two lectures/per week 1 hour 15 mins each
– 3 hours lab/ week
• To introduce students the basic Object Oriented
programming skills with an aim to:

– Familiarize the most powerful features of Java

programming focusing on OOP methodology

– Emphasize the correct and proper use of object-

oriented support in Java
Recommended Books and Other Material

• Recommended Books
– Java How To Program by Dietel 11th Ed.
• Some good reference books are
– Beginning Java by Ivor Horton
– An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java, 5th
Edition by C. Thomas Wu
• Lecture Slides
• Any other material on Object Oriented Programming
Course Contents

• Object Oriented Concepts

– Class Declaration,
– Class Members,
– Access Modifiers
– Encapsulation
– Information Hiding,
– Constructors etc
– Inheritance
– Polymorphism
Course Contents

• Introduction to object oriented design

• History and advantages of object oriented design
• Introduction to object oriented programming concepts
• Classes
• Objects
• Data encapsulation
• Constructors
• Garbage Collection
• Access modifiers
• const vs non-const functions
• static data members & functions
• Function overloading
Course Contents (contd.)

• Identification of classes and their relationships

• Composition, aggregation, inheritance
• Multiple inheritance
• Polymorphism
• Abstract classes and interfaces
• Generic programming concepts
• Function & class templates
• Standard template library
• Object streams, data and object serialization using object streams
• Exception handling.

• Instructor: Dr. Arif Jamal

• Office hours:
– Monday 10:00am to 12:00pm

• Quizzes will generally be announced

• Missing a quiz means zero marks
• A Quiz may also be conducted at anytime during the lecture

• There will be 3-4 assignments

• Related to the topics being studied in course
• DO NOT copy assignments
– Both of the copy cases will be graded zero
• Submission time will be 24 hrs on the due date
– 50% credit on 1 day LATE submission of any
– Zero credit after 1 day LATE
Lab Work

• Involves implementation of studied techniques and data

structures in Java.

• All the coding will be done in Java using NetBeans IDE (ver
8.2 or above)
• Each lab will comprise of a lab tasks/exercises to be
completed during the same lab time (3 Hrs.)
• Lab assignments will also be given to be submitted

• You will be required to do a project

• You will have full liberty to choose any application of your

Evaluation Breakdown

– Mid Term = 25%

– Final = 50%
– Assignments/Quizzes/Project = 25 %
Attendance Policy

• A person who comes late will also be marked absent.

• As per FURC attendance regulations, a student missing

more then 25% of the classes will not be eligible to appear
in final exam.
Why We Need OOP

• OOP was developed to overcome the limitations of the

traditional programming languages. Instruct
at each

• As the program gets larger in procedural programming it

becomes more complex to understand the logic and
Problems with structured approach
• Unrestricted access

Accessible by any function

Accessible Global Variables Accessible

only by only by
function A function B
Function A Function B

Local Variables local Variables

Problems with structured approach
-difficult to conceptualize
- Change in global variable
causes rewriting
dependent functions

Global Data Global Data Global Data

Function Function Function Function

Object Oriented Approach
• The fundamental idea behind object-oriented language is to
combine both in a single unit
– data and
– the functions that operate on that data.
– Such a unit is called an object

• Data and its functions are said to be encapsulated into a single

• Data encapsulation and data hiding are the key terms in the
description of object oriented languages
Object Oriented Approach




Member Member
Function Function

Object Object
Real World Modeling

• In physical world we deal with objects such as cars and

• Such kind of objects are not like the data and are not like
the functions
• Complex real world objects have both attributes and
• Sometimes called characteristics
• Example:
– People: Eye color and job title
– Cars: engine power and number of doors

• Attributes in the real world are equivalent to the data in a

• They have certain specific values such as blue (for eye
color) and four (for the number of doors)

• Behavior is something a real world object does in response

to some stimulus.
• Example:
– Saying something
– Stopping by applying brakes

• Behavior is like a function. You call a function to do

Why Objects?

A new way to think about software

Industrial revolution -- reuse software, not rewrite
– programmer productivity
– quality of software
– understandability of software
– lifetime of software
Characteristics of Object Oriented Languages

• When you approach Object-Oriented Language you no

longer ask how the problem will be divided into functions,
but how it will be divided into objects.

• This results from the close match between objects in the

programming sense and objects in the real world
Kinds of Objects

• What kinds of things become objects in Object-Oriented

• Physical objects
– Automobiles in a traffic flow simulation
– Electrical components in a circuit-design program
– Countries in an economics model
– Aircraft in an air traffic control system
Kinds of Objects
• Elements of the computer-user environment
– Windows
– Menus
– Graphics objects (lines, rectangles, circles)
– The mouse, keyboard, disk drives, printer
• Human Entities
– Employees
– Students
– customers
OOP Methodology

• Objects are self-contained “mini-programs”

– Each object has a specific set of responsibilities
– Operations (methods), and data form an interface

• Reusable Components
– Design or build new applications from existing object components
– Build new objects from existing objects
Objects and Behavior

John goes on a trip. Can you

think of
John makes reservations. various
John buys tickets. possible
John travels by airplane. Objects?

John checks into hotel.

OOP Methodology
• A Programming Methodology
– A different way to think about problems
– Adopt a new programming “Mindset”

• Models Real World

– Easier to identify, conceptualize, explain and document

• Objects are Primary Focus

– Data and functions or responsibilities are united in OBJECTS
Java Compilation Process
Features of Java

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