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Traffic Education

The process of giving the training to travel and

practice in the actual application of traffic safety

It is a priceless gem in the entire scale of social

order on the road. Traffic Education must be free
and there must be no economic barrier to its

Traffic Education comprises all

means for public information and the
safety education of both drivers and
pedestrians as to traffic laws
and the use of traffic facilities and
adequate training programs in
traffic control throughout the police unit
Traffic Safety Education can be carried out on the following

1. Imparting knowledge concerning traffic safety;

2. Training and practice in the actual application

of traffic safety; and
3. Developing traffic morality
Means of Imparting Public Safety
 Newspaper
 Conference (Press)
 Public reporting
 Police publication
 Advertisement
 Demonstration
 Displays
 Commercial broadcast
 Seminars, training, symposiums, open forum,
Traffic Safety for Children

Traffic safety education for children is highly

unsystematic. This is usually carried out at home
through parental education and in kindergarten and
daycare nurseries. It is now necessary to make this a
systematic instruction to lessen the number of child
fatalities and injuries on public roads.
Traffic Safety for Adults

It is a general belief that being a better driver, it follows

that one becomes a better pedestrian. Knowing the
limitation of a driver and the vehicle as a driving student,
one learns to watch out for dangerous cues such as
Traffic Safety for Adults

Safety education for elder pedestrians and drivers is

relatively easier than the education designed for young
children since the former group is better positioned to
understand what is being taught to them.
The Basic Purpose of Adult Education

1. To develop good traffic citizens equipped to live in a

motorized society and achieving traffic safety; and

2. To develop citizens who are legally eligible to get a

driver’s license
Driver’s Education
In general, driving instruction aims primarily to teach the
rudiments of driving.
Secondary aims are:
a) to instill awareness of one’s legal and moral
responsibilities in traffic;
(b) to teach the abilities required for one to be eligible for
a driver’s license.
Essential Components of the Driving Task

1. Collection of Information – perceptual scanning and

2. Processing of Information – predicament and
decision making
3. Action – Motor skills and control of vehicle

4. Knowledge and subjective interpretation

Four (4) basic types of instruction methods
(driver’s education program)

1. Comprehensive and real-life method

2. Traditional instruction
3. Commentary driving
4. Simulated conditions and off the road training
The Driver (Section 19, RA 4136, as amended)

A driver is any licensed operator of a motor

Driver’s Duties

No person shall operate any motor vehicle without

first procuring a license to drive a motor vehicle for the
current year, nor while such license is delinquent, invalid,
suspended, or revoked
Driver’s Duties

The driver shall carry the license at all times when

operating a motor vehicle and shall be shown and/or
surrendered for cause upon demand by any person with
Driver’s Duties in Case of Accident
(Sec 44, RA 4136, as amended):

In case of an accident, the driver shall stop

immediately and if requested by any person present shall
show his driver’s license, give his true name and address,
and also the name and address of the owner of the motor
Driver’s Duties in Case of Accident

No driver of any motor vehicle concerned in a vehicular

accident shall leave the scene of the accident without aiding the
victim, except under the following circumstances:

1. If he is in imminent danger of being seriously harmed by any

person or persons by reason of the accident;
2. If he reports the accident to the nearest officer of the law; and

3. If he has to summon a physician or nurse to aid the victim

The Conductor

A person who is responsible for the loading of passengers,

freight, or cargo inside his public utility motor vehicle. As
mandated by law, he must pass the statutory qualification before
a license is issued in his favor, a condition precedent to his
employment. He shall be exclusively held liable if he allows
more passengers or more freight or cargo in his public utility
truck or bus
The Passenger

A person who is carried or conveyed in an automobile,

truck, airplane, or other conveyance. He has the right to be
transported safely from the point of origin to the point of
destination. He is also bound to observe the rules and regulations
imposed upon the common carrier for his safety. His failure shall
cause the common carrier to terminate or deny him the right to
be transported.
The Passenger

• A passenger is one who has entered into a contract or carriage

express or implied with a carrier
 The presence or absence of money or a ticket is however not
important as long as the entrance to the vehicle is made, the
entrant becomes a passenger as ruled in the case of Baker vs
Ohio River
 One who had stepped on any parts of the vehicle regardless of
whether or not he has already purchased a ticket. Villa vs
United Electric Co.
Passenger’s Diligence to be Observed

1. The law only requires the passenger to observe ordinary

diligence and not extraordinary diligence;

2. Ordinary diligence requirements extend even to an

invited guest or accommodation passenger. Lara vs
Valencia, L-9907, June 30, 1958;
Passenger’s Diligence to be Observed

3. Common carrier is not also liable if the passenger

negligently thrusts his arm out of the window and is hurt
in the process. Isaac vs Ammen Trans Co. 101 Phil

4. Common carrier is not liable if an invited guest falls off

the vehicle because of his negligence. Lara vs
Valencia, Supra.
The Pedestrian

One who goes or travels on foot or in a perambulator.

He is bound to observe or obey the existing traffic
management rules and regulations for his safety.
Pedestrian Crossing (Driver’s Duties)

 A driver approaching the pedestrian crossing shall travel at such a

speed that he will be able to stop his vehicle before reaching the
pedestrian crossing;

 A driver shall give way to any pedestrian who is at a pedestrian

 A driver shall not permit any portion of his vehicle to enter upon a
pedestrian crossing even if any vehicle headed in the same direction
is stopped on the approach side of, or upon the pedestrian crossing.
Duties of the Pedestrian

 When on a footway, marked crosswalk, or pedestrian crossing,

shall keep as close as practicable to the right side of the footway
 When crossing a thoroughfare at an intersection shall keep right of
pedestrian crossing in the opposite direction

 When crossing a thoroughfare or portion of a thoroughfare shall

do so promptly by shortest and most direct route, as may be
practicable, to the thoroughfare boundary
Restrictions on Pedestrian

 While waiting for a vehicle, standing on any portion of the


 Proceed from the footway towards a vehicle that has not

fully stopped for the purpose of boarding it.

 Alight from or boarding a moving vehicle, or do so to an

area where loading and unloading is prohibited
Restrictions on Pedestrian

 Remain on a pedestrian crossing, or marked crosswalk

longer than necessary for the purpose of passing over the
thoroughfare with reasonable dispatch

 Stand up at footway thoroughfare to obstruct, hinder or

prevent the free passage of any other pedestrian or any
Pedestrian Control

Pedestrian safety is a primary urban traffic problem because

enforcement action has been directed toward motorists rather than
pedestrians. Enforcement action against pedestrians is unpopular but
necessary. The program of pedestrian enforcement basically depends
on the following:

 Campaign
 Guiding on the post
 Warning ticket
Right of Way to Pedestrians

Hitting a pedestrian is the height of irresponsible driving.

As drivers, we must be our brother’s keeper. We must always
yield the right of way to a pedestrian whether he is on the wrong
side of the road or not. As much, a responsible driver must be
alert for pedestrians darting across the street from unexpected
Reasons why people violate traffic laws

 Ignorance of traffic laws, rules and regulations

 Mental disorder
 Habitual traffic violators
 Lack of training and experience
 Physical disabilities and infirmities
 Wrong attitude towards driving, risk taking, enforcement and traffic
 Drivers of public utility vehicles to increase compensation and
Safety Campaign

A safety campaign is mass publicity aimed to make

road users behave more safely. These focus on public
information attitudes, particular behavior, or combinations
of this. Road propaganda may be intended simply to
inform, or it may be felt that the public is already aware of
the recommended behavior needed to be persuaded into
adopting it.
Safety Campaign Classification

1.According to purpose – may be categorized as

informational, attitudinal and behavioral

2. Kind of appeal – used to reason by simply feeding the

public with authentical factual data
The Biorhythm

Biorhythm is the theory that asserts that a man exhibits a

constant variation of life, energy, and mood states. Man’s theorized
cycles and interpretations of rhythm is peculiar characteristics of most
natural phenomena, some examples of which are:

 The exchange of light and darkness

 The four seasons
 Our wet and dry season
 The waxing and waning of the moon
The Biorhythm

The observation of the rhythm mentioned and their possible

correlation with the habits of man led to a host of different theories
that tend to explain this correlation in terms of physical,
psychological, etc, the most recognized and controversial is the
theory of biorhythm.
 23 days physical cycle – also known as our “cycle of strength,
endurance and courage (the male component of a person);
physically high - energetic, strong, and full of vitality
physically low – get tired quickly and tend to succumb to illness
The Biorhythm

 28 days emotional cycle – equal to a girl’s 28-day menstrual cycle. It

is also known as our cycle of sensitivity, love, and intuition (the
female component of a person);

emotionally high - creative, artistic, cheerful and happy

emotionally low – moody, irritable, or depressed
The Biorhythm

 33 days intellectual cycle – associated with thinking, judgment,

and concentration

intellectual high – able to think quickly and logically

intellectual low – difficulty in concentrating and remembering,

poor judgment. This is called a critical day wherein our system
seems to be in a state of transition. During such critical period,
people tend to get sick easily, seem to lack coordination, and
tend to be accident-prone
The Biorhythm

Importance in the Field of Safety

It should be borne in mind that biorhythm does not predict what
will happen. All it does is give us a hint on how we will tend to feel on a
certain day. The theory asserts that people are accident prone if their
biorhythm crosses the centerline or is totally below the line on a certain
day. So theoretically, if we know our biorhythm for a certain day, we can
psychologically cope with any situation. These ideas have been put into
use in different countries in the world, and the result, it helped reduce
accident rates until it is totally refuted.
Licensing System

Chapter 3, Article 1, Section 19, RA 4136, as

amended provides that the issuance of a driver’s license
shall be administered by the Land Transportation Office
Driver’s License

The authority in the form prescribed by LTO granted to a

person to operate a motor vehicle that is either a non-professional
or professional driver’s license. (RA 4136, as amended by RA

The license is not a right but only a privilege. It is also a

public document that had the legal presumption of genuineness
Licensing Procedure
Generally, the issuance of a driver’s license is open to all citizens. The
following are the qualifications an applicant must possess.

Student-driver’s Permit – must be at least 16 years old, physically and

mentally fit and literate in either Filipino or English

Non-professional Driver’s License - must be at least 17 years old,

physically and mentally fit, literate in either Filipino or English, and a
holder of a valid student permit.
Licensing Procedure

Professional Driver’s License - must be at least 18 years old,

physically and mentally fit, literate in either Filipino or English and
must not have been cited for 2 or more counts of reckless driving
during the validity of his/her existing license. (For RC 1, 2, 4, and 6
must be a holder of valid SP issued at least 6 months prior to the
application/ For RC 3,5,7 and 8, must be a holder of NPDL at least 1
year prior to the application
Kinds of Driver’s License

Student Permit – the authority valid for a period of one (1) year
embodied in a form prescribed by the LTO granted to a person who
desires to learn to operate a motor vehicle when accompanied by a duly
licensed driver with the appropriate restrictions/codes for the type of
motor vehicle to be operated by the student driver. It is at this stage
where a novice driver learns the rudiments of driving. It is valid for 1
year, but after 30 days and the holder’s competency is proven beyond
question, he is eligible to apply for a non-professional driver’s license.
Student’s Permit


Allowed to drive only in the presence of a duly licensed driver. A

licensed driver duly accredited by the LTO, acting as an instructor to the
student driver shall be equally responsible and liable as the latter for
any violation of the provisions of RA 4136, as amended, and for any
damage done by the motor vehicle or a result of its operation
Kinds of Driver’s License

Non-professional Driver’s License

The authority in the form prescribed by LTO granted to a

person to operate a private motor vehicle. There are two (2) kinds
of applicants for a non-professional driver’s license: the holder of
a student permit and the applicant for renewal of the expired non-
professional driver’s license
Non-professional Driver’s License


The holder is allowed to drive his own vehicle and any other
privately-owned vehicle only (private) and not to earn a
livelihood. The category of the vehicle authorized to be driven is
indicated on the face of the license.
Kinds of Driver’s License

Professional Driver’s License

The authority in the form prescribed by the LTO granted to any driver
hired or paid for driving or operating a motor vehicle, whether for
private use or for hire to the public.

The holder of PDL is privileged to make driving a means of

livelihood and can drive almost all types of vehicle in the country
including those which weigh more than 4,600 kilograms and above, such
as trucks and heavy construction equipment.
Professional Driver’s License


The type or category of vehicles authorized to drive is

indicated on the face of the license
Kinds of Driver’s License

International Driver’s License

This is one of the 2 special types of license issued for special

purpose by the Philippine Motor Association (PMA) now known as the
Automobile Association of the Philippines (AAP). In other countries like
the Philippines, it is mandatory that the applicant must be a holder of a
domestic driver’s license, a sine-qua-non before the issuance of an
International Driver’s License. This kind of license is also issued to
foreigners or tourists with a foreign driver’s license who desires to drive
after a period of 90 days stay in the Philippines, provided the applicant
complies with the basic requirements for licensing.
International Driver’s License

A Filipino holder of this kind of driver’s license is not authorized to
drive on the roadways unless he carries with him a valid local driver’s


Valid as indicated on the driver’s license face and recognized in

countries signatory to the Geneva Conventions on Road Signs and Signals.
Kinds of Driver’s License

Military/Government Driver’s License

This is the second special type of driver’s license issued

by the agency for a limited and special purpose. While the
issuance is made by the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the
holder has to pass all the tests and examinations in compliance
with the rules and regulations thereof.
Military/Government Driver’s License


The holder must be a military personnel and

authorized to drive a military vehicle only.
Driver’s License Restriction Code (Old)

Number 1- Motorcycle or Motorized Tricycle

Number 2- Motor Vehicle with a total gross weight of not more than
4500 kilograms
Number 3- Motor Vehicle with a total gross weight of more than 4500
Number 4- Motor Vehicle with automatic clutch and a total gross weight
of not more than 4500 kilograms
Driver’s License Restriction Code (Old)

Number 5- Motor Vehicle with automatic clutch and a total gross weight
of more than 4500 kilograms

Number 6- Articulated Motor Vehicle with a total gross weight of not

more than 1600 kilograms

Number 7- Articulated Motor Vehicle with a total gross weight of more

than 1600 kilograms but not more than 4500 kilograms

Number 8- Articulated Motor Vehicle with a total gross weight of more

than 4500 Kilograms
Driver’s License Restriction Code (New)

A- Motorcycle A1- Tricycle

B- Up to 5000 KGS GVW/8seats B1- Up to 5000 KGS GVW/9 or more seats
B2- Goods 3500 KGS GVW
C- Goods > 3500 KGS GVW
D- Bus > 5000 KGS GVW/9 or more seats
BE- Trailers 3500 KGS GVW/9
CE- Articulated C >3500 KGS combined GVW
Motor Vehicle

shall mean any vehicle propelled other than muscular power using
the public highways, but excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street
sweepers, sprinkles, lawnmowers, bulldozers, graders, fork-lifts,
amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used on public highways and vehicles
run only on rails trucks, and tractors, trailers and traction engines of all
kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes.

any conveyance or other device propelled or drawn by any

means and includes a bicycle and, where the context permits,
includes an animal-driven or ridden, but does not include a train.

Having any number of wheels, when propelled or

intended to be propelled by attachment to a motor vehicle,
shall be classified as a separate motor vehicle with no power
rating. It is also defined as a vehicle not otherwise self-
propelled, usually attached to the rear of a motor vehicle.
Articulated Vehicle

Any motor vehicle with a trailer having no front axle and

so attached the part of the trailer rest upon the motor vehicle
and a substantial part of the weight of the trailer and of its load
is borne by the motor vehicle. Such trailer shall be called a
Motor Vehicle Registered Plate Number

The identification number and letters of the plate number issued by

the LTO to the registered owner of the motor vehicle and trailers shall be
permanently assigned to such motor vehicle during its lifetime. All the
time, every MV shall display in conspicuous places, in front and the rear
thereof. The number plates shall be kept clean and cared for and shall be
firmly affixed to the MV in such a manner as will make it entirely visible
and always legible. No person is allowed to transfer number plates, from
one motor vehicle to another.
MV Registered Plate Number Distribution (1 st Letter)

A- 1/CAR G/Y- 7 (NCR)

B - 2 H- 8 N, P, T, U, W, X, Z
C/R- 3 J- 9
D/V- 4 K- 10 (Middle Letter)
E- 5 L- 11 (Only MV reg at NCR)
F- 6 M- 12 following is a PUV
V, W, X, Y
Plate Number Last Digit (Month of Registration)

1. January 6- June
2. February 7- July
3. March 8- August
4. April 9- September
5. May 0- October
Middle Number (Week of Registration)
Vehicles may be registered one month in advance

1,2,3 - 1st week of the month

4,5,6 - 2nd week of the month
7,8 - 3rd week of the month
9,0 - 4th week of the month
Newly Designed License Plate

ABC 1345

last digit (month of registration)

2nd to the last digit (week of registration)
Types of Motor Vehicle
and Description of Registered Plate Number

Private Motor Vehicle - Not to be used for hire. License plate number with
white background with green markings

Public Motor Vehicle – covered by a certificate of public convenience or

special permit issued by the LTFRB. License plate number with yellow
background and black markings
Types of Motor Vehicle
and Description of Registered Plate Number

Government Motor Vehicle – owned by the government of the Republic

of the Philippines or any of its political subdivision. License plate number
with white background and red markings.

Diplomatic Motor Vehicle – owned by foreign governments or by their

duly accredited diplomatic officers in the Philippines and used in the
discharge of their official duties. The license plate number is with white
background and blue markings.
Types of Motor Vehicle
and Description of Registered Plate Number

“Commemorative Plates” – issued to groups, organizations,

or associations subject to the approval of the DOTr
Salient Provisions of RA 10930


Rule II, Section 6 – “Validity of Driver’s License”

Except for the student driver’s permit, all driver’s licenses shall be
valid for five (5) years reckoned from the birthdate of the licensee,
unless sooner revoked or suspended. Provided, however, that
subject to Sec 26 of RA 4136, as amended by BP Blg 398, any
holder of a professional or non-professional driver’s license who has
not committed any violation of RA 4136 and other traffic laws, rules
and regulations shall be entitled to a renewal of such license for ten
(10) years.
Rule III, Section 11 – “Violation Demerit Point Schedule”

Every violation of RA 4136, as amended, and other traffic rules and

regulations including local ordinances, subject to reportorial requirements
provided under Section 23 of this IRR, shall automatically be assigned a
corresponding demerit point depending on the gravity of the traffic
violation and habituality of its commission based on the succeeding table:
Rule III, Section 11 – “Violation Demerit Point Schedule”

Categories of Demerit Point/s

Grave Violations 5
Less Grave Violations 3
All other violations not 1
otherwise enumerated
as grave or less grave
shall be considered as
Rule III, Section 11 – “Violation Demerit Point Schedule”

Traffic Violations – acts and omissions, whether intentional

or unintentional, prohibited and penalized by traffic laws,
rules and regulations, and local ordinances which are
classified as grave, less grave, and light violations
Traffic Violations

Grave Violations

A traffic violation committed in willful or wanton disregard

for the rights or safety of persons which poses a real threat of
serious injury to the driver, his/her passengers, or the general
public, or which may cause undue ruin or substantial damage to
property as listed in the Violation Demerit Point Schedule.
Grave Violations


 Driving a motor vehicle used in the commission of a crime

upon conviction by regular court or competent jurisdiction;
 Colorum violation

 Driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and

dangerous drugs upon final conviction. ( RA 10586 – Anti-
Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013)
Grave Violations

 3rd and succeeding offense (Sec 3, RA 10666 – Children’s

Safety on Motorcycle Act of 2015)
 Failure to wear standard protective helmet (MC), failure to
require back ride (3rd and succeeding offense)
 Driving unregistered MV

 Driving without a valid driver’s license

 Illegal overtaking
Traffic Violations

Less Grave Violations

a traffic violation identified as having been committed to

endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property which
is not so serious as to qualify under grave violations
Less Grave Violations


 2nd offense (Sec 3, RA 10666 – Children’s Safety on

Motorcycle Act of 2015)
 Failure to wear standard protective helmet (MC), failure to
require back ride (2nd offense)
 Reckless driving for 2nd offense
Less Grave Violations


 Obstruction

 Illegal parking

 Improper attachment of license plate

Traffic Violations

Light Violations

may refer to a minor or simple infraction of traffic laws,

rules, regulations, and ordinances and those not otherwise
classified as grave and less grave.
Light Violations


 1st offense (Sec 3, RA 10666 – Children’s Safety on

Motorcycle Act of 2015)

 Failure to wear standard protective helmet (MC), failure to

require back ride (1st offense)
 Reckless driving (1st offense)
Light Violations


 Failure to carry DL, OR/CR while driving MV

 Illegal turn
 Unsafe towing
 Failure to give proper sign
Rule III, Section 12 – “Double Demerit Points”

Drivers of Public Utility Vehicles (PUV) shall be meted

double the number of demerit points for every traffic violation
committed while operating a For-Hire motor vehicle. This
provision shall likewise apply to a driver of a private motor
vehicle operating as a PUV but without proper authority from
the Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board
Rule III, Section 14 –
“Condition Precedent to Driver’s License Renewal”

Every applicant for renewal of a license to operate any

motor vehicle who has accrued at least five (5) demerit points
during the accumulation period shall be required to complete a
driver’s reorientation course to be conducted by LTO and a duly
accredited service provider.
Rule III, Section 14 –
“Condition Precedent to Driver’s License Renewal”

Subject to the examination requirement under Sec 26 of

RA 4136, a driver who shall accumulate ten (10) or more total
demerit points shall, in addition to the completion of the driver’s
reorientation course, be required to pass the theoretical
examination before he/she may be allowed to renew his/her
Rule III, Section 16 – “Outright Revocation”

Without prejudice to the authority of the court in

appropriate cases and except as otherwise provided in RA
4136, as amended, and other laws and issuances, the driver’s
license of a person who has accumulated at least forty (40)
demerit points, even if confiscated by, and/or in the
possession of any other law enforcement agencies, shall be
revoked immediately without need for any proceeding for two
(2) years reckoned from the date of settlement of fines and
Rule III, Section 18 – “Demerit Points Accumulated During
the Validity of a Student Driver’s Permit”

- In addition to the accessory penalties provided under existing

laws and issuances, incurring at least five (5) demerit points during the
validity of the student driver’s permit shall cause the confiscation and
revocation after due notice thereof, and bar the student driver from
applying for another student driver’s permit for one (1) year from the
date of revocation. In no case shall a person whose student driver’s
permit has already been revoked for the third time be allowed to apply
for a student driver’s permit.

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