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The Grade Six pupils decided to make their room clean, orderly
and beautiful. Here are some of the rules everyone needs to follow:
Wipe your shoes on the doormat before entering the room.
Put the wastepaper, fruit peelings and candy wrappers in the
waste basket.
Keep the walls, desks and tables free from pencil and chalk
marks and scratches.
Put the cleaning materials in a box.
Arrange the furniture properly.
Put away your pencils, books, notebooks after using them.
Hang umbrellas and raincoats in one corner of a room.
Keep books clean and well-covered.
1. What did the pupils decide to do?
2. What did they agree upon? QUE
3. What will they do with their shoes?
4. From what will they keep the furniture free?
5. Where should the cleaning materials be kept?
6. How should the furniture be arranged?
7. Where should one keep his pencils, books and
notebooks after using them?
8. Where should wastepaper be thrown?
9. Where should one hang raincoats and umbrellas?
10. What should be kept clean and well-covered?
Daphne was a beautiful nymph. The son God, Apollo, fell in
love with her but she rejected him. Once, Apollo saw her and
pursued her. Daphne sought shelter behind a big tree. She was
out of breath from running. Now, as she leaned on the tree, she
looked back with frightened eyes. Was Apollo still running after
her? She threw herself upon her knees and prayed to be saved
from her pursuer. She rose with outstretched arms. Then her
fingers fluttered gently, as if blown by a gentle breeze. Little by
little she was changed from a beautiful nymph to a laurel tree.
Slowly she broke into a smile. Now, she was safe. Apollo could
not carry her away anymore.
1. Daphne sought shelter behind ____. QUESTIONS
2. As she leaned on the tree, she looked back with ____.
3. She was out of breath from ____.
4. She prayed to be saved from her ____.
5. Slowly she stretched out her ____.
6. She threw herself upon her ____.
7. She was changed from a beautiful nymph into ____.
8. Her fingers fluttered ____.
9. She felt safe, after she became a ____.
10. She could not be carried away anymore by ____.
Long ago the Romans used to cook their food just as the
way hunters today sometimes do. They dug out an oven in
the ground, lined it with stones and made a fire in it. When
the improvised oven was well heated, they raked out the
ashes, put in the food and covered it. We learned it from
excavations in the city of Pompeii. Pompeii was destroyed
and buried during the eruption of a volcano hundreds of
years ago. When the city was excavated, ovens with wood and
ashes were found around the ruins. It is believed that just as
the cooks were about to bake, the fiery volcano rained out
ashes and boiling lava and burned down the city.
1. In ancient times, how did the Romans cook their food?
2. What did they use to line the ground where they built the
ovens? QUE
3. What did they do with the oven before putting in their food?
4. Where did they dig their ovens?
5. What did they rake out of the oven before putting in their food?
6. Who cooked their food in underground ovens?
7. Who had ovens with food ashes in them?
8. What destroyed Pompeii?
9. What were the cooks about to do when the volcano erupted?
10. What was done with the buried city?
It was Lynn’s first night in the city. She woke up with a
stun and then she remembered where she was. She had
never spent the night in a city before. She lay still and
listened. Cars and jeepneys seemed to race like ants heading
straight towards her. A new house was being built next to
her aunt’s house and the cement mixer was roaring angrily.
Downstairs, in the kitchen, she heard the cluttering of pans.
Then, she heard the chime of the big clock. She turned over
and asleep again.
1. What did Lynn remember when she woke up?QUESTIONS
2. Has Lynn ever spent a night before in the city?
3. Where did Lynn imagine the cars and jeeps going?
4. Where did the roaring sound come from?
5. How did she know the time?
6. Why did Lynn wake up with a stun?
7. What did she do when she woke up?
8. What did Lynn hear passing in front of the house?
9. Where did she hear the clattering of the pans?
10. Did Lynn fall asleep again?
Narcissus was out of breath from running when he came to a clear
pool. He stopped to drink. Just as he was about to sip the cool water,
he saw a face in the pool. It was handsome and he was attracted to it.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“Who are you?” echoed someone.
“Why are you mocking me?” asked Narcissus.
“Mocking me,” said the voice.
Narcissus was puzzled. He wanted to talk with the face in the pool
but it would not answer. He tried to catch it but no to avail. At last, he
lost hope and plunged into the pool hoping to see the owner of the
1. Why was Narcissus out of breath? N S
2. Which of these sentence is true?
3. Why did he stop?
4. How did he feel when he saw a handsome face?
5. What did he see in the pool?
6. What did he want to do with the face in the pool?
7. What did he hear?
8. Does Narcissus able to talk with the face in the pool?
9. How does he feel when he tried to catch the face in the pool but
to no avail?
10. What did he do at last?
Rene was tired from the day’s tramp. He rolled himself in
his scout blanket and laid still. It was very quiet in the
woods. Then he heard some queer noises. There was a
flapping of wings. A night owl was on its way to hunt. Tiny
raindrops started to fall on the leaves. The shower was over
though, in a moment. The cicadas and other insects started
their night songs which ended into a forest symphony.
“Those queer night sounds in the forest is a good lullaby.”
Rene thought as he drowsed off to a sound sleep.
1. Where did Rene go? N S
2. How does it feel in the woods?
3. Where did he roll himself?
4. What did he hear?
5. What is flapping softly?
6. Wat was on its way to hunt?
7. Where did tiny raindrops fall?
8. For how long did the shower last?
9. What did Rene hear singing?
10. For Rene, what was the sound of the insects?
“I have good news today, Mother,” said Norma as she put
down the big basket she was carrying.
“What’s your news, Norma?” asked Mother.
“Look at my basket,” said Norma excitedly. “I bought
many things today: meat, sugar, fish, vegetables and fruits.
See, I still have a change left.”
“But why?” Asked Mother puzzled.
1. Where did Norma came from? S T I ON S
2. What was she carrying?
3. What was Norma’s news?
4. How did Norma fell after coming from the market?
5. What did she show to her Mother?
6. Why was Norma happy?
7. Which of these did Norma buy?
8. How did Mother feel after listening to Norma?
9. Why was Norma’s news good?
10. Why do you think was Mother puzzled?
Select some ripe tomatoes. Wash them thoroughly. Cut them
crosswise into halves. Then separate the pulp from the seeds.
Cook the pulp in an enameled kettle, stirring it occasionally until
the thin peelings separate and rolled up. Remove the pulp from
the fire. Pass the pulp through a wire strainer and get the juice.
Mix the juice with the pulp. Add some vinegar. Put onion juice,
powdered cinnamon, pepper, cloves of garlic and spices in a small
cloth bag and dip it into the mixture. Cook the mixture until it is
thick. Take out the bag of spices. Bottle the cooked pulp and seal.
1. How is the pulp separated from the seeds? STIONS
2. When is the pulp removed from the fire?
3. What is the first step in preparing catsup?
4. What kind of tomatoes are used?
5. What is used in cooking the pulp?
6. What kind of strainer is used?
7. What is wrapped in a cloth bag?
8. When is the mixture removed from the fire?
9. What is added to the juice and pulp?
10. What is the last step in preparing the catsup?
Those who cannot read are pitiful because they cannot enjoy books.
Books tell us about the wonderful things in the world. They tell us the
interesting things people do. Books can answer the “whys” and “hows”
of things that puzzle us. They can take us faraway places through
imagination. They can show us, too, the things happened a long time
ago as well as those happening at present. Books tell us about the
children in other lands. They hold the key to the greatest treasures in
the world. A wise man once said that he would rather be a poor boy in a
cellar surrounded with books than a prince who had no chance to read.
1. What do you call people who do not know how to read ? S
2. What do books do for us?
3. Where can books take us?
4. What questions can books answer?
5. What do books hold for their readers?
6. What do books tell us?
7. Do books tell us about the children in other places?
8. Who says he would rather be in a cellar with books than in a palace
with a single book?
9. What do books unfold before us?
10. What is preferable than a prince in a palace without the love for
A skillful diver can see clearly what lies underneath a vast
body of water. He sees swaying seaweeds, acres of sea plants
that have large, bright colored leaves. He finds countless giant
crabs and lobsters. A diver also encounters sea snakes, sea
horses, fierce sharks and other wild fishes. He takes delight in
watching the different species of fish, splendid in their brilliant
colors. To a diver, the life underworld is full of thrilling
1. What can the diver see through the clear water? N S
2. Are there plants in the sea?
3. What kind of a diver can stay in the water for a long time?
4. Do the divers find only wild fishes under the sea?
5. What does a diver find in the sea?
6. What makes a seaweed sway?
7. How does a diver feel while watching the different species of fish
8. How wide is the place underwater where sea plants grow?
9. What may possibly happen to a diver who is not skillful?
10. Do you think deep sea diving is safe?

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