The Industrial Revolution: - Key Concepts

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The Industrial Revolution

-Key Concepts-

I. The Other Half of the Dual Revolution

A revolution recognized by 1820 Changes occurred rather suddenly Changes in the workplace In 1860, Britain produced 20% of the entire worlds output of industrial goods Two caveats --scope of the revolution --impact of the revolution

II. The Essential Nature of the Industrial Revolution

Dates vary according to nation 18th century origins --expanding Atlantic economy --flourishing English agriculture --effective central bank and credit system --stable and predictable government --mobile rural wage earners

II. The Essential Nature of the Industrial Revolution (cont)

Fundamental nature = adaptation and change Continuous nature of adaptationa permanent revolution Impact of the industrial revolution Beginnings in Great Britain Pre-industrial cottage industry

III. A Case Study: Cotton Manufacturing in Manchester

Great location By-product of overseas trade --1 million bags of cotton imported into Liverpool in 1825 Tremendous opportunity New Technology

James Hargreaves Spinning Jenny (1765)

Richard Arkwrights Water Frame (1769)

James Watts Steam Engine (1790s)

Significance of the Steam Engine

Requires a specialized facility for its use near a ready source of coal Changed the location of factories, freeing the factory to be located in the most economical location

IV. Economic Explosion Mixed with Fear

Availability of cotton clothing to all Temporary bottleneck means higher wages for British weavers --Edmund Cartwrights power loom (1785) The cityscape of Manchester was dramatically transformed by 1800 New machines and factories were both fascinating and horrifying


The Crowning Invention: The Railroad

The worlds first railway line ran from Manchester to Liverpool The first locomotive = The Rocket (1830) Revolution in land transportation = dropping prices Laborers shift to the city and factories Cultural changes produced A feedback mechanism

VI. The Invention of a Free Market

Transportation advances broke down traditional local markets Significance of economic freedom --abolition of the Corn Laws in 1846 A free market in labor The main goal = profit Praise for the free market Criticism: A sense of destruction and alienation

VII. The Industrial Revolution on the Continent

Industrialize in a different pattern than Britain Later industrialization as you move east Entered industrialization at an advanced stage Railroads and banks were instrumental State-managed capitalism --Friedrich Lists Zollverein

VII. Continental Industrialization (cont)

Delayed industrialization was more explosive Process of industrialization is far from automatic --Competition from cheap British goods --Complicated technology --Expensive technology --Shortage of laborers --Authorities suspicious at first

VIII. The New Working Class

Who were they? A group with genuine hesitation --initial reluctance --incomplete conversion The significance of kinship ties Slow evolution in some kinds of manufacturing employment

VIII. The New Working Class (cont)

Early attempts to organize workers --Combination Acts, 1799 --1834 attempt at a national labor union by Robert Owen --Chartist movement, 1830s and 1840s

VIII. The New Working Class (cont)

Working conditions --long hours --unbroken routine -- Separate Spheres for married and single women Labor Discipline --fines --low wages --Thomas Malthus --David Ricardo and the Iron Law of Wages

VIII. The New Working Class (cont)

Bells Speed up and stretch out Employment of women and children Subcontracting Subjected to real danger The notion of hands

IX. Living Conditions in New Factory Cities

The symbolism of the East End Enormous population shifts Problems of disease, alcoholism and crime Occupied row houses near factories No rise in real wages until after 1850 Middle-class reform efforts --leads to vote for women

X. A Divided City
West End = winners of the industrial revolution East End = losers of the industrial revolution Urban geography displayed the extremes of industrial capitalism

XI. Symbol of Industrial Success: The Crystal Palace

The Great London Exhibition of 1851 Intended to show off the industrial might of Great Britain The need for a special building to house the exhibition --Joseph Paxton Construction problems: light and speed The answer: a machine building

XI. The Crystal Palace (cont)

Softening the industrial design The popularity of the exhibition A variety of exhibits --Grandest spectacle was the Machinery Court The significance of period revivalism used for the exhibits

XI. The Crystal Palace (cont)

The Crystal Palace as a vision of the futurea haunting modern dream Its transparency symbolized a sense of limitlessnessno boundaries Became the basis for modern architecture Ambivalence for a controlled, orderly world

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