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Dr. Renato N. Manreza, Jr.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):
Is a multidisciplinary field of computer science that aims to
create machines or systems capable of performing tasks that would
normally require human intelligence. These tasks include learning,
reasoning, problem-solving, perception, language understanding, and
even creativity. The ultimate goal of AI is to develop machines that can
exhibit cognitive abilities similar to those of humans.
Key Concepts in AI
• Machine Learning (ML)
• Deep Learning
• Natural Language Processing (NLP)
• Computer Vision
• Robotics
1st Key Concept in AI
Machine Learning (ML):

A subset of AI that focuses on developing algorithms and statistical

models that enable machines to improve their performance on a task
through experience (learning from data).

Machine learning is widely used across various industries to solve

complex problems and make predictions based on data. Here are some
real-world examples:

• Disease Diagnosis: Machine learning models can analyze medical

images (like X-rays, MRIs) to detect diseases such as cancer or identify

• Personalized Medicine: ML algorithms can analyze patient data to

recommend personalized treatment plans based on individual
characteristics and genetic information.

• Credit Scoring: Banks and financial institutions use machine learning

to assess the creditworthiness of individuals by analyzing their credit
history, transaction patterns, and other relevant data.

• Fraud Detection: Machine learning helps detect fraudulent activities

by analyzing patterns in transactions and flagging unusual behavior.

• Recommendation Systems: Companies like Amazon and Netflix use

machine learning to suggest products or content based on a user's
past behavior and preferences.

• Inventory Management: ML algorithms can predict demand for

products, helping retailers optimize inventory levels and reduce
Autonomous Vehicles:

• Self-Driving Cars: Machine learning is crucial for autonomous vehicles

to recognize and respond to traffic conditions, pedestrians, and other

• Predictive Maintenance: ML algorithms can predict when components

in vehicles are likely to fail, enabling proactive maintenance and
reducing the risk of breakdowns.

• Quality Control: Machine learning is used in manufacturing to identify

defects in products by analyzing images or sensor data.

• Predictive Maintenance: Similar to the automotive industry,

manufacturing plants can use ML to predict equipment failures and
optimize maintenance schedules.
Natural Language Processing (NLP):

• Chatbots: Many customer service applications use machine learning-

powered chatbots to understand and respond to user queries.

• Language Translation: Services like Google Translate utilize machine

learning to improve the accuracy of language translation.

• Anomaly Detection: Machine learning helps identify unusual patterns

or behavior in network traffic, helping to detect and prevent cyber

• Malware Detection: ML algorithms can analyze code and network

activity to identify and block potential malware.
Human Resources:

• Recruitment: Machine learning assists in resume screening and

candidate matching to streamline the hiring process.

• Employee Retention: ML models can predict employee turnover by

analyzing factors such as job satisfaction, performance, and work
2nd Key Concept in AI
Deep Learning:

Is a subset of machine learning that involves neural networks with

multiple layers (deep neural networks) to model and process complex
data. Here are some real-world examples of deep learning applications:
Computer Vision:

• Image Classification: Deep learning is widely used for image

recognition tasks. For example, convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
can classify objects in images, such as identifying animals or everyday

• Object Detection: Deep learning enables the detection and

localization of objects within images or videos, essential for
applications like autonomous vehicles and surveillance systems.
Speech Recognition:

• Virtual Assistants: Deep learning powers the speech recognition

capabilities of virtual assistants like Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, and
Google Assistant, allowing users to interact with devices through
voice commands.
Natural Language Processing (NLP):

• Language Translation: Deep learning models, such as recurrent neural

networks (RNNs) and transformers, have significantly improved the
accuracy of language translation systems, like Google Translate.

• Sentiment Analysis: Deep learning is used to analyze and understand

sentiment in text data, which is valuable for companies to gauge
public opinion about their products or services.
Autonomous Vehicles:

Self-Driving Cars: Deep learning plays a crucial role in the perception

and decision-making components of autonomous vehicles. Deep neural
networks process sensor data to recognize objects, pedestrians, and
obstacles, making driving decisions in real-time.

• Medical Image Analysis: Deep learning is applied to analyze medical

images, such as CT scans and MRIs, to detect and diagnose conditions
like tumors, fractures, or abnormalities.

• Drug Discovery: Deep learning models assist in drug discovery

processes by predicting the biological activity of compounds and
identifying potential drug candidates.

• Algorithmic Trading: Deep learning is used in financial markets for

algorithmic trading strategies, analyzing patterns, and predicting
market trends.

• Fraud Detection: Deep learning models enhance fraud detection

systems by learning patterns of normal and anomalous behavior in
financial transactions.

Game AI: Deep learning is employed in gaming to create intelligent and

adaptive non-player characters (NPCs), allowing for more realistic and
challenging gameplay experiences.
Generative Models:

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Deep learning is used to

generate synthetic data with applications ranging from creating realistic
images to deepfake technology.

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