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Research Method
CreAted by
Kinjal .H.Shah
 meaning and Definition
 types of variables in experimental research
 importance of experimental research
 steps for Experimental research
 COntrol in Experimental Research
 care to be taken while selecting experimental design
 types of Experimental Research and Design
• It is an effort to see what happens in an known situation.
• It is an observation carried out in a controlled situation.
• It is a discovery of active relation associating between two
different factors / events
• It is a process of controlling all other factors save one and then
manipulate that factor to observe , measure and generalise its
effect on any phenomenon.
 “ Experimental research is the description and analysis of
what will be, or what will occur, under carefully controlled
- John W. Best ( 2002 )
 “ The experimental is the ultimate form of research design,
providing the most rigorous test pof hypothesis that is
available to the scientist.”
- Walter R. Borg ( 1996 )

Types of variables

Dependent variable

Control variable

Moderator variable

Intervening variable
Independent Variable :

An independent variable is a
variable which a researcher selects,
manipulates or measures to ascertain
its relation to an event under
Dependent Variable :

The dependent Variable is the

condition or characteristics that
appear , disappear , or change when
the independent variable is
introduced , removed or
changed.The variable which is in
effect from becomes a dependent
Control Variable :

The Researcher while

examining the effects of
independent variable on
dependent variable should take
care that other variables do not
have a confounding effect. The
researcher should control all
such other variables.
Moderator Variable :
Moderator variable is a special type
of auxillary independent variable
whioch is selected to examine the
effect of relation between main
independent variable and dependent
variable. In this way, the researcher
studies or observes on both the
categories or level of moderator
variable while he studies for effect of
independent variable to Dependent
Intervening Variable :

Intervening variable is such a

variable which affects the
dependent variable but which
cannot be observed, measured
or implemented. It means that
intervening variable is a
hypothetical variable.
Steps of Experimental
Research Method
Selection of the
Area of Research
Clarification of
Report Writing the problem and

Derivation of Formation of
Findings Hypotheses

Experiment Clarification of
Replication of Variables


Selection or
Construction of
Data Analysis and ADD A TITLE Research Tool
Interpretation ADD A TITLE IN HERE
Pre Test
Implementation of Selection of
Experiment Research Design
Data Collection Defining
Planning of and
Experiment Selection of
Selection of the Area Of Research

Area of research is selected first, in

which scope for developmental
research has been there. Most of the
areas concerned with education,
psychology provide opportunities for
conducting developmental researches.
By Reviewing theoretical literature, the
researcher can select a research area
according to his need and abilities.
Clarification of the problem and

Research Problem is finalised on

the basis of research gap and it is
defined precisely in clear and
easy language in the form of
research title.Objectives of
research are also decided at this
stage, By keeping in mind the
type of research method
formulation of hypotheses

Hypotheses are formulated at this

stage of experimental research.
Hypotheses must be based on
research objectives.Only such IVs
should be selected, that can be
manipulated properly in
controlled environment.
clarification of Variables

Variables of research are defined and

clarified precisely at this stage of
research. All five types of variables
must be defined in the context of the
research. No such dependent ,
independent and MVs should be
defined here, which are not
mentioned in the objectives and
hypotheses of research.
selection or construction of
research tool
After conducting the experiment, subjects
are to be measured in terms of DV in order
to know clear effect of treatment.So, an
appropriate tool should be selected for
measuring DV. The research tool should
be reliable and valid. Generally, any of
check list, rating scale , schedule,
questionnaire, record schedule,
psychological test, achievement test,
diagnostic test, observation and interview
is used as a research tool in experimental
selection of research design
Various research design are there for experimental research.The researcher should select an
appropriate design by keeping in mind the ability of controlling extraneous variable of the
same.By keeping in mind the expected degree of control over extraneous variable, any of
the following experimental research design is selected.
• One Group Pre - test , post - test Design
• Two Groups Static Design
• Two Groups - Randomised Subjects - Post - test - only Design
• Two Randomized Groups - Matched Subjects - Post - test - only Design
• two Randomized Groups - pre - test - Post test - only Design
• Solomon Three Randomized Groups Design
• Solomon Four Randomized Groups Design
• Factorial Design
• Counterbalanced Design
• Non Randomized Two Groups Pre- test , Post - test Design
• One Group Time Series Design
• Control Group Time Series Design
Defining Population and Selection of
Population of research is defined at this
stage.While Deciding it, the researcher should take
care of selection of such a sample that can represent
it properly. He should limit his population by
keeping in mind this point.
Proper method should be used for sampling by
keeping in mind the experiemntal design selected for
research because each design needs specific type of
As replication of experiment is an experiment is
an essential element of experimental research ,
researcher should decide about the selection of
sample for each trial of experiment. Probable size of
Sample is also decided here. Method of making the
group equivalent , if required , is also decided at this
Planning of Experiment

Detailed plan for conducting an

experiment is prepared here with
precision. Many variables have to be
controlled in experimental research,
so the plan is prepared to control the
situation perfectly as far as possible.
External and internal validity of an
experiment also have to be
maintained to get true result of
experiment. So, while planning the
experiment, this factor is also kept in
Pre Test
This step is followed only of the
Pre – test - post – test type of research
design is adopted for research, otherwise
this step in ignored. Appropriate research
tool is used at this stage for collecting
data. Data are maintained properly for
analysis after completion of experiment.
implementation of experiment
Experiment is conducted at this stage.
Researcher takes enough care to stick to
the plan and to control the situation in a
planned way. If required, he implements
an alternate plan in the case of emergency.
data Collection
Data are collected after completion of research
by using a tool developed or selected by the
researcher. Sometimes data are collected at
different stages of experiment depending upon
the design selected for experiment.
data Analysis and Interpretation
Data analysis is done at this stage in order to obtain the
results of experiment. An appropriate statistical technique is
used for that. The researcher should use parametric test,
only if the basic conditions of the same can be fulfilled,
otherwise non parametric test should be applied for data
analysis. Data analysis should be done in such a way that
all the hypotheses of research can be tested properly.
Results are interpreted after data analysis.
Replication of Experiment
The experiment is replicated at this stage. Data
on the basis of replication are also collected
and analysed at this stage and results are
interpreted. Replication of the experiment must
be done in experimental research that is
conducted in any subject. It must be done in
the field of education, psychology and
sociology also because such researches are
carried out to study behaviours of living beings
and many uncontrollable extraneous variables
affect their behaviours. So, for getting true
results of experiment, the replication of
experiment must be done in the researches of
these fields.
Derivation of findings
Findings are derived at this stage on the
basis of interpretation of the result of both
experiment and replication of experiment. If
the same result are found in both, more
reliable findings in terms of effect of an IV
can be derived. Findings are written in easy
and clear language without using any
statistical and research related terminologies.
REport Writing
At the end of research process, the research
report is prepared contained details of entire

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