What Was The Henrician Reformation?

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What was the Henrician

Can you break down
LO: To understand the complexity of the Reformation these words?

The Henrician Reformation is the phrase used to describe

England's break from the Roman Catholic Church, beginning
with Henry VIII in the 1530s.
The English or Henrician Reformation

Henry VIII’s desperation for a son caused the

Reformation in England because……

Complete the sentence with precise

supporting knowledge.

Push yourself
Would Henry VIII have reformed the Church in England if Martin Luther had not
already started the Reformation in Germany?
Catholic vs Protestant
Features of Roman Features of
Catholicism Protestantism

Catholic and Protestant Churches
Annotate the pictures of the churches you have been given.

Catholic Protestant
1. Rood Screen 1. Pulpit for preaching
2. Mass book in Latin 2. Book of Common Prayer in English
3. Priest 3. Minister
4. Stone alter, on the east wall of the 4. Plain Communion table, pulled away from the east
church wall of the church.
5. Candles 5. Royal coat of arms.
6. Statue of the Virgin Mary 6. Bible in English.
7. Stained-glass windows 7. Plain glass windows.
8. Nave 8. Wall tablets on which the Ten Commandments
9. Colourful paintings on the walls and the Lord's Prayer are written.
10. Alter rail 9 . Plain, whitewashed walls
The English Reformation
Henry VIII’s marriage problems and his failure
to secure an annulment for his first marriage
were obviously key in his decision to change
the Religion in England in 1533. But
subsequently under the influence of more
Protestant advisors monasteries were
dissolved and the Bible was translated into
English for the first time. However this was a
far as Henry intended the changes to go.
Churches remained richly decorated and
services were conducted in Latin.

How ‘Protestant’ was Henry’s Church?

The European Reformation continues
Whilst Henry was leading the English Reformation in Europe the story of
the Reformation was becoming more complicated.

We believe that the

We believe in the sermon is central to
Scriptures are the faith.
ultimate source of Wooden cups and
authority not the Pope. plates can be set on
We celebrate the tables for the
Eucharist in memory of congregation to share
the Last Supper. bread four times a
There should be no
organ music or

Why were there so many different versions of Protestantism?

The different types of Protestantism in 1500s

Huldrych Zwingli Martin Luther Henry VIII

Is the Pope Head of the Church?
Should the Bible be in the vernacular?
Should the mass/eucharist be celebrated?

Should church services be in the vernacular?

Should there be ‘ceremony’ at church with

singing, alters, chalices etc….
The different types of Protestantism in 1500s

Huldrych Zwingli Martin Luther Henry VIII

Is the Pope Head of the Church? No No No
Should the Bible be in the vernacular? Yes Yes No
Should the mass/eucharist be celebrated? Not really Yes Yes

Should church services be in the vernacular? Yes Yes No

Should there be ‘ceremony’ at church with No Yes YEs

singing, alters, chalices etc….
Henry’s Later Years
Between 1536 and 1540 Henry closed
down all the monasteries and
nunneries in England and Wales.
Abbots who cooperated were given
pensions. Those who did not were
hanged. Henry kept some of the land
for himself and sold the rest off.
Henry also ordered that church
services should take place in English
and in 1539 an English copy of the
Bible was put in every church.
What's the truth behind why the Henrician
Reformation happened?
1) Henry was spoken to by God and With your partner, rank
genuinely needed to make the these interpretations of
change. the reasons for the
2) Anne was pregnant and he Henrician Reformation.
wanted a legitimate heir.
Catherine was infertile and could
Put the interpretation
never provide him with one.
with the most credence
3) Henry was poor and wanted the
at the top and the least
money from the monasteries. He
was persuaded by Cromwell. credence at the bottom.
4) Henry was power hungry and the
religion (and divorce) issue linked Be prepared to explain
directly to his power as King. your decisions.
Push Yourself - Are there any
links between these reasons?
Conclusions and Reflections
Why is it important that all of the interpretations
about the Henrician Reformation are true to an
extent? What does it tell us about religion in the
sixteenth century?

How different are the stories of Henry VIII and Martin


In what ways are they similar?

How could you use The Tale of the Two Bishops to

shed light on the story of the Henrician Reformation?

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