Record Management Adjested

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Vision Ethiopia Congress

for Democracy
Summary of Filing
Records Management
€ Definition
€ Summary Records Management
€ Types of records
€ Common types records
€ Values of records
€ Objectives of records management
€ Electronic Record Storage
€ Elements of records management,
€ Factors to be considered in selecting filing equip.,
€ Filing Organization
€ Filing systems
€ An out guide with printed line
Record Management

Definition:- Records Management is a

systematic administration of records and
documented information for its entire life
cycle from creation up to its final
Summary of Records Management
• Records serve as a source of information & remind
actions taken/events that occurred,
• With information Managers & officers solve problems
& Make decisions,
• Information is a raw material, it is the lifeline and
power of any organization,
• Records are Memory of the organization
• The objectives of filing are not only to preserve the
records of the organization but also to have an easy
and quick reference,
• Records management like any
managerial function is goal oriented
and service minded,
• Filing is the most important yet one
of the most neglected duties,
• Record management is a control
function which eliminate errors
• Types of Records Management

Paper & paperless Records

A) Readable form B) Displayable form

A Readable Form:- is visually using naked eye

on a paper

A Displayable Form such as Archeological

remnants of the past, Technological
innovations & Monuments.
Why Record Managing?

• Good records management practice supports
the goal of getting the right information to the
right people at the right time.
• Knowing which documents and information
should be retained, why they are retained, and
how long to retain them reduces clutter and
streamlines workflow.
• Well organized and managed information
is quickly and easily retrieved when
• Awareness of the requirement to retain
records to support actions and decisions
enhances transparency in governance.
Why Record Managing?
Because We:
Will keep past important information
Will use it for estimate future
Will keep track of trade activities
Will keep our customer information
Will use them for Decision Making.
Will give Fast and Reliable services
Common Types of Records

• Forms:- such as invoices, purchase orders,

purchase requests,bills, receipts,
• incoming & out going correspondences,
• financial documents,
• legal documents such as contracts, licenses,
personnel and trade union agreements, etc.
Record cont…

• In the form of
• Paper,
• Microfilm,
• Computer tape / disk,
• CD,
• Videotape,
• E-mail, etc.
Values of Records
• Administrative value
• Legal value
• Informational value
• Economical value
• Research value etc.
Objectives of Records Management
• A) Providing good services to all dept,
• B) Minimizing cost & maximizing services,
• C) Improving system to increase efficiency,
• D) Design short & long term training ,
• E) Create incentives to motivate workers,
• F) Maintaining & storing records
• G) Developing efficient record circulation
rules & evaluate the system for
• H) Timely supervision to avoid
redundancy and dead files etc.
Element of Records
• Record Creation
• Record Storage &
• Record Retrieval
• Record Retention
• Record Disposal
Record Creation

• The creation is the starting point of the life of the

record. Creation is the first element of the record
Record Storage &Protection
•The most routine assignment in storage & protection
will be to distinguish which record is active, inactive,&
should be isolated as dead. Active files are files in
operation or referred frequently as a guidance &
Record Retrieval
Means getting filed records back from the storage into
use since the motto of filing is ‘File to Find’ efficient
retrieval system save time of the file. The record office
personnel shoulder the responsibility for the flow of the
right information to the right authority from the right
Record Retention
The retention period is the period of time during which
records must be kept before they are disposed off.
Record Disposal
Is the final handling of the record when records become
in active and they are no longer needed.
Factors to be considered in Selecting Filing Equipment

• Expandability to hold more files

• Protection of files from damaging factors
• Fitness to the space available for record storage
• Convenience for filing & finding speed
• Easily Maintenance
• Durability
• Space Economy
• Cost Effectiveness etc.
Filing Organization
• Centralized filing Organization
• De Centralized filing Organization
• Mixed(Networking) filing Organization
Records of common interest are
actually located under one supervisor &
this frequently called the central files.
Filing System
Filing is the process of arranging many kinds
of records in a neat orderly and efficient
manner for present and future purposes.
Alphabetical filing
 Subject filing
Numerical/Chronological filing
Geographical filing

Addis Ababa University

►Region -------- Addis Ababa
►City--------------Addis Ababa
B/Dar ► Sub- City------------Gulele
University ►Wereda--------------02
File Requisition Sheet
• Department-----------------------Date------------
• Subject-----------------------------------
• Date of the letter----------------------
• Name-------------------------------------
for record use only
An out Guide with Printed Line
Name of Date of
the subject File No. the letter Enclosure Taken by Date Taken Signature

123 August
2 Abebe Kebede September
Albert Einstein
Reference Material
• Records Management
• Administrative Secretary
• Company’s Secretary
• Secretarial Science & office Practice
• Secretarial Procedure & Administration
• Office Organization & Management
• Select 3 to 5 Govt.Organization in
Addis Ababa and try to look and
observe their Filing Organization &
Management and submit project
paper including seen problems &

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