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Definition of Power

 Power represents the rate at which work is done or energy is

 In the maritime domain, power is crucial for ship propulsion.
It determines how quickly a ship can overcome resistance and
 The unit of power is the watt (W) or horsepower (hp).
 Shipengines, whether fueled by diesel, gas, or other sources,
generate power to drive the ship’s propellers.
 ina ship diesel engine, the interplay between energy, power,
and work is fundamental to its operation. Let’s delve into the

 Energy:
A ship diesel engine operates on the principle of internal
 Itconverts the chemical energy stored in fuel (usually diesel)
into mechanical energy.
 During combustion, the fuel ignites within the engine,
releasing energy in the form of expanding gases.
The engine efficiently transforms a portion of this released
energy into mechanical power.
Here’s how it works:
The engine consists of cylinders with pistons.
As the combustion gases expand, they push the pistons
This linear motion is then converted into rotational motion
via the crankshaft.
The crankshaft drives the ship’s propeller, generating thrust
to propel the vessel.
The work produced by the engine is the result of the
expanding combustion gases pushing the pistons.
This work is transmitted through the crankshaft to perform
useful tasks, such as turning the propeller.
The propeller’s rotation creates hydrodynamic forces that
move the ship through water.

In summary, a ship diesel engine efficiently converts

chemical energy into mechanical power, which drives the
ship’s propulsion system. The intricate dance of energy,
power, and work keeps the vessel moving across the waves
Internal combustion engine
Power Generation on Ships
 Shipboard power is generated using a prime mover (such as a diesel engine)
and an alternator (an alternating current generator).
 The alternator works based on the principle that when a magnetic field around
a conductor varies, a current is induced in the conductor. This alternating
current is then used to power various ship systems and equipment.
 Exploring Wind Energy:
 In pursuit of climate targets, the shipping industry has adopted energy-saving
strategies, including friction-reducing hull coatings and slower vessel speeds.
 Additionally, there’s growing interest in exploring innovative carbon-cutting
technologies and renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, for ships3.
 Continuous Improvement:
 Continuous advancements in energy efficiency remain crucial. These
improvements will help absorb the extra cost of alternative low- and zero-
carbon fuels, ensuring a more sustainable maritime industry.
The Ship Drive Train
Propulsive Efficiency
 Model testing has determined that a ship has an EHP of 30,000 HP at a speed
of 19 knots. Assuming a propulsive efficiency of 70%, what SHP is required to
be installed to achieve 19 knots?
Effective Horsepower (EHP
Total Hull Resistance (RT)

The power required to propel a ship through the water is the product of total
hull resistance and ship speed, and so engine power increases even more
rapidly than resistance.
Often, ship power is roughly proportional to the cube of the speed, so doubling
(2x) the speed of
a destroyer from 15 knots to 30 knots will require 2^3 = 8 times as much
Components of Total Hull Resistance
Calculation of Effective Power in Marine Engines on Ships
Calculating Shaft Power in Marine Engines
 Calculate the cylinder constant ((k2)):

For power in kW: (k2 = 1.30900 X D^2 XS)

(k2 = 1.30900 (0.6)^2 X 0.8 = 0.748 {kW})
For power in BHP: (k2 = 1.77968X D^2 XS)
(k2 = 1.77968 X (0.6)^2 X 0.8 = 1.014 {BHP})
 Calculate the indicated engine power ((Pi)):

 (Pi = k2 X n X pi)
 (Pi = 0.748 X120 X 12 = 1073.76 {kW})
 Calculate the mean effective pressure ((pe)):
 (pe = pi - k1)
 (pe = 12 - 1 = 11 {bar})
 Calculate the effective engine power ((Pe)):
 (Pe = k2 X n X pe)
 (Pe = 0.748 X120 X 11 = 976.32 {kW})
 Calculate the shaft power (considering 1% less due to
friction in the thrust bearing):
 Shaft Power ≈ 0.99 (Pe)
 Shaft Power ≈ 0.99 (976.32 = 966.56 {kW})

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