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Current CSR News Final Project Milestones The Great Debate

MBA 292C-1 Professor McElhaney 04.18.07

CSR in the News

CSR in the News

CSRwire-hosted CSR Directory: More than 2,000 Organizations in 95 Countries

Americans Report Increased Environmental Consciousness and Expectation That Companies Will Take Action

National survey finds almost half of Americans are now environmental "doers;" highlights untapped opportunity for sale of green products

CSR in the News

An Inconvenient Tooth: Food Is Major Contributor to Climate Change

It turns out that food (and all the energy it takes to make it) is one of the largest human activities contributing to global warming. The average American creates 2.8 tons of CO2 emissions each year by eatingeven more than the 2.2 tons each person generates by driving, according to recent research (Echel and Martin, 2006). Beginning on Earth Day, 2007, Bon Apptit Management Companythe nation's pioneer in "greening" food service, is launching a national campaign to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions and help their guests do the same.

CSR in the News

Ecofuture Introduces CarbonFree(TM) Light Bulbs

Ecofuture, a Hudson, Ohio based startup announced today the launch of The Bulb (, a new brand of Energy Star certified light bulbs with a carbon footprint of ZERO. Ecofuture offsets all CO2 emissions generated from the use of each light bulb (over the entire life of the bulb - up to 10,000 hours) through a donation to, making The Bulb the world's only CarbonFree light bulb.

CSR in the News

Volunteers Struggle to Find Opportunities They Want

As Americans observe National Volunteer Week, more than half say they wont or are unsure if they will volunteer more in the coming year, with many saying its because they cant find an opportunity thats right for them, a new survey by Nationwide Mutual Insurance shows.
Nearly half of survey respondents acknowledge difficulty in finding opportunities that match their desire to make a difference, personal values or skill sets. Survey respondents said key factors in attracting them to a volunteer opportunity include:

The ability to use personal skills The ability to support a cause that aligns with personal values The ability to make a personal connection The ability to make a difference The ability to work directly with people being served by the nonprofit

CSR in the News

Companies that Help Gen Y Employees Volunteer Their Workplace Skills to NonProfits Can Gain Recruiting Advantages

Nearly Two-thirds of Gen Y Employees Surveyed Prefer Companies that Let Them Volunteer Skills Fewer than One-third of Companies Have Compelling Programs

Final Projects: The Countdown

Projects: In-Class Presentations

April 25th

May 2

Astrazeneca HP Levi Lori Bonn OSH Driscolls Brown Forman Grupo Nueva

Delmonte eBay Fulcrum Dow Grizzlies William Sonoma Wells Fargo Intel

Projects: In-Class Presentations

May 9 (last class)

Dreyers PWM

Projects: Format for Final Deliverable

Team & company liaison introduction Company overview (brief) Project Scope Methodology Recommendations Implementation guidelines Value of project

To company To your learning, MBA education

Thank company

The Great Debate

The Great CSR Debate

PRO Team Leader: Mike Abbott

CON Team Leader: Lorin May

First PRO Team (5-7 minutes to lay out statement and position): Pedro, Mike A., Hans, Mike P., Melissa, Matt E. First CON Team (5-7 minutes to lay out statement and position): Jeff D., Iris, Elizabeth L., Steven O., Lorin, Margot

The Great Debate

Second PRO Team (rebuts first CON, extends position, 5-7 minutes): Maria, Sarah, Mike T., Annabelle, Joe, Akif
Second CON Team (rebuts first PRO, extends position, 5-7 minutes): Shirin, Cristin, Adrian, Yang-Yang, Wiam, Nick PRO Closing Argument: (restates position, 3-5 minutes): Alec, Steven A., Elizabeth S., Theresa CON Closing Argument: (restates position, 3-5 minutes): Amy, Gabi, David, Emily

The Great Debate

Judges: Q & A (10 minutes)

3-5 questions per side Determine winner Give specific feedback/ reasoning for vote, discuss what worked, what did not work Roni, Daniel, Jennifer, Brooke, Jason

Time Keeper: Jason

Good Debating

Examples Data Persuasiveness

Blend of ethos, pathos, logos

Strong Communication Skills

Verbal & nonverbal

Use of physical presence and space

Conviction Think like opponent Cite experts Well-prepared presentation Use of visuals and words Well-researched

The Judging Criteria

Presentation 20%
Clarity of ideas and organization (0-5 points) Poise/stage presence (0-5 points) Voice/volume, speed and understandability (0-5 points) Comprehensiveness (hit on main points), but concise (no rambling) (0-5 points) Total for Presentation

Persuasiveness 30%
Rationality of argument (0-10 points) Emotional appeal of argument (0-10 points) Strength of argument (0-10 points) Total for Persuasiveness

Quality of evidence 25%

Credibility and variety of sources cited (0-13 points) Use of data (0-12 points) Total for Quality of evidence

Responding on feet 20%

Performance during rebuttal (0-10) Quality and brevity of responses to questions (0-10) Total for Responding on feet

Judges discretion 5%
For overall performance or anything else not listed above (0-5)

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