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The surveys was carryout to know the customer

satisfaction in the project. And these was measure
into four main part. Wait time, order accuracy, table
turn time. Table turn usability.
Firstly, our first milestone was to know how ease to
use tablet. These was achieve by 58% rated neutral
and easy to use. These was achieved with the ease
layout of the app and the efficiency and quick
Secondly, how easy was to order from the app on
the tablet. 74% of customer are were neutral and
An over was that i achieved 4 milestone
Which are:
order accuracy which is 72%
Wait time which is 56%
Software usage which is 28% of highest been
Check out software which is 40% showing they are
If not, what went wrong?
- Wrong entree was brought out
- Didn’t leave off the parsley
- Didn’t leave off the cheese
- Didn’t make the substitution I wanted
- Entree was overcooked
- I asked for a side of fries and got mashed potatoes
Proper training should be carryout to all waiters
- allow customer to make their chooses
- make room for cancel order or substitude
- add consumer cook preferences
- update the site once food stuff get out of stock. To
enable the customer place another order

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