Growth and Development: Prepared By: Israa Jaber

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Prepared by : Israa Jaber
Prolonged exposure to war and uncertainty
means that many children are in a state of
'toxic stress'. Children in Syria, Yemen,
Ukraine and many other war-torn countries
share the same experiences of loss, and
destruction and could have lifelong
implications on their physical and
psychological well-being.
In both Gaza and Israel, where the number of
civilian casualties continues to grow, with
every airstrike and rocket fired, children's
Around the world, children living in
conflict zones have been bombed and
starved. They have seen their friends and
families die, and schools and hospitals
turned to rubble. They have been denied
food, medicine and vital aid, and been
torn away from their lives as they flee the
fighting. The psychological toll of living
through continuous conflict, not knowing
if this day will be their last, is enormous.
Surviving is just the beginning for them.
Distressing conflict-related events can
affect children's psychological and
• Impact of war on children's
mental health
The impact of war on children's mental health
is profound, encompassing a range of
detrimental consequences. Conflict breeds
anxiety, loneliness, and insecurity among
children, affecting their psychological well-
being significantly.
Prolonged conflicts exacerbate these effects,
leading to severe and long-term consequences
on the psyche of children. Additionally, the
association between war and elevated levels of
family violence against children contributes to
heightened rates of intimate partner violence.
The toll of war on children's mental
health includes immediate stress
responses and an increased risk for
specific mental health issues. The cycle
of war and violence creates a
particularly vicious impact on children,
subjecting them to the trauma of war.

As a result, children exposed to war

manifest a higher rate of mental
disorders compared to their
• Impact of war on children's educati
The impact of war on children's education is
profound and multifaceted. In conflict zones,
schools and educational facilities often
become targets, resulting in the disruption and
even destruction of learning environments.
Alarmingly, children in conflict-affected
countries are 30% less likely to complete
primary school compared to their counterparts
in non-conflict areas. Wartime attacks on
education have far-reaching consequences,
with military use of schools disrupting
This jeopardizes a child's fundamental
right to education, requiring dedicated
efforts to protect education itself in
these challenging environments.
Furthermore, the psychological toll is
significant, as children exposed to
war face terrifying situations that may
lead to enduring impacts such as
post-traumatic stress disorder.
The war environment can even
transform education into a negative
investment, resulting in an increased
• Impact of War on Children's
The impact of war on children's
development is extensive and
multifaceted. Children exposed to war
face a range of adversities that
profoundly affect their physical,
emotional, and psychological growth.
Social and cultural losses occur as
children may lose their community and
its culture during war, sometimes having
it reconstituted in refugee or diaspora
War and displacement expose children
to adverse conditions, negatively
impacting their psychological
development. In the context of modern
warfare, children are the most
vulnerable group, losing their protective
and secure environment and being
exposed to and affected by various
forms of trauma.
Armed conflict directly and indirectly
affects children's physical, mental, and
behavioral health, influencing every
organ system. The right to play,
Child Labor
War and conflicts have a profound impact on
child labor, exacerbating the vulnerabilities of
children and pushing them into exploitative
labor practices. The disruptions caused by
wars and disasters often lead to economic
instability, displacements, and the breakdown
of social structures, making children
especially vulnerable to child labor.
In conflict zones, the destructive impact on
socioeconomic environments increases the
risk factors associated with child labor. Armed
groups, sometimes recruiting children as
soldiers, subject them to extensive forms of
■ The Middle East and North Africa, for
instance, have witnessed an increase
in child labor due to conflict and mass
displacement, highlighting the
detrimental consequences of war on
the prevalence of child labor.
■ The war in Yemen has been
particularly alarming, with over
400,000 children leaving schools to
engage in work as a result of the
How to help children
affected by war ?
■ Support Organizations: Contribute to
organizations that focus on providing
protection, education, and psycho-social
support for children affected by war.
■ Educational Programs: Support classroom-
based programs that combine psycho-
education, skills building, and counselor
contact, as they have shown effectiveness in
helping war-affected children.
■ Awareness and Advocacy: Raise awareness
about the plight of war-affected children and
advocate for policies that prioritize their well-
■ Direct Assistance: Contribute to initiatives
providing direct assistance to affected families,

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