Digital Media Personal Selection and Online Assessment

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Digital Media

Personal Selection and

Online Assessment Agregar texto
Arletta Pérez Hernández

The impact of social media and gamification in traditional selection

Digital Media + Assessment:
Social Media Recruitment
What’s different in SM
Personal Selection?

1. Passive mechanism

2. Low goal consistency: more than hiring best applicant

3. Less constrains: information received is more than

information requested

4. Consequences
don’t depend on the candidate’s behaviour
(Hartwell & Campion,
The process of Social Media Judgements
-Missing information= devaluating effect
-Negative information has heavy impact
-Fullfilling prophecies

How does SM -Volumen of information

assessment Underlying Constructs and Validity

• Targeted Constructs Approach

work? • Market Test Approach

Subgroup differences and Potential Adverse Impact:

The Digital Divides- internet access

Individual Differences

(Roth et al.,
+Info,+time,+speed Ethics,Validity

Additional information beyond structured forms, Potential for invasion of privacy

more reliable
Potential for intentional bias and discrimination.
Reduce uncertainity before face-to-face

Cost-efffectiveness Hard to use in an standarised way because of the

available job info
Permanent information

( Evaleocha & Ugbah, 2018; Iddekinge et al., 2013)

Do‘s Dont‘s
Use consistent constructs for screening
Not to engage in SM in absence of job analytic
SM assessment based on job analytic info

Conduct validity studies, are the more effective than

Avoid unstructured SM assesment!
other traditional processes?

Avoid sharing information found with the

Provide mandatory training on Using SNS Profiles
+ several assessors

Use employed based website

(Iddekinge et al 2013; et al., 2013)

Digital Media + Assessment:

• Gamification: “game design elements in non-game

What’s different about
• an assessment that has been enhanced with game
gamification elements.

assessment? • techniques of game-design research

• as personalised as possible

Amstrong et al.,2016)
Reasons to use it:
-Candidates find it more appealing
-More difficult to know the answer

How does -Display natural behaviours

-Popular in younger generations

works? Soft skills and Game-related competencies
Fluid intelligence
” Adaptability + Integrity
Flexibility Curiosity
(Georgiu et al., 2019; Nicolaou et al.,2019 )
game-design Validity
Could increases organizational attractiveness
More studies should be conducted

Simultaneously in several locations Risk of violating data privacy

Large group of candidates Discrimination bias

More reliable information

Chamorro-Premuzic et al., 2017;

Georgiu et al., 2019)
• attractive interface
• fantasy component of the game
• keep balance between assessment and game mechanics

• Data privacy and access must be consensual and transparent
• Create clear boundaries around data ownership and sharing
• Ethically and in non-discriminary manner

(Georgiu et al.,
“There is a potential mismatch
between the purposes of some SM
and an organization’s use of data
drawn from SM”

(Roth et al.,
Armstrong, M., Ferrell, J., Collmus, A., & Landers, R. (2016). Correcting Misconceptions About Gamification of Assessment: More
Than SJTs and Badges. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9(3), 671-677. doi:10.1017/iop.2016.69

Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Akhtar, R., Winsborough, D., & Sherman, R. A. (2017). The datafication of talent: How technology is
advancing the science of human potential at work. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 18, 13-16.

Hartwell, C. J., & Campion, M. A. (2020). Getting social in selection: How social networking website content is perceived and used
in hiring. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(1), 1-16.

Georgiou, K., Gouras, A., & Nikolaou, I. (2019). Gamification in employee selection: The development of a gamified assessment.
International journal of selection and assessment, 27(2), 91-103.

Melanthiou, Y., Pavlou, F., & Constantinou, E. (2015). The use of social network sites as an e-recruitment tool. Journal of
Transnational Management, 20(1), 31-49.

Roth, P. L., Bobko, P., Van Iddekinge, C. H., & Thatcher, J. B. (2016). Social Media in Employee-Selection-Related Decisions: A
Research Agenda for Uncharted Territory. Journal of Management, 42(1), 269-298.

Van Iddekinge, C. H., Lanivich, S. E., Roth, P. L., & Junco, E. (2016). Social Media for Selection? Validity and Adverse Impact
Potential of a Facebook-Based Assessment. Journal of Management, 42(7), 1811-1835.

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