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The Earth is Flat

Nombre: Pierre Romani Monzón

Profesor: Astohuayhua Valle Patrick Grover
Salón: 4to A-I
How is it?
Neither so new nor so old
• Christine Garwood, author of "Flat Earth: The Story of an Infamous Idea,"
states that it is "a fallacy of history" that everyone from ancient times to
the Middle Ages believed the Earth was flat and was only disabused of it.
"crazy idea". " when Christopher Columbus managed to reach America
"without falling off the edge of the world".
• "With extraordinary few exceptions, no educated person in the history of
Western civilization from the third century onwards believed that the
Earth was flat," historian Jeffrey Burton Russell stated in 1997.
Photos and boats
With the rise of scientific rationalism, which seemed to undermine the authority of the Bible, some
Christian thinkers decided to launch an attack on established science.
An English inventor named Samuel Birley Rowbotham (1816-1884) assumed the pseudonym
"Parallax" and founded the new school of "Zetetic Astronomy" (meaning "skeptic", from ancient Greek.
Rowbotham toured England arguing that the Earth was a stationary disk and that the Sun was only 400
miles away.
In 1870, the Dutchman John Hampen, famous for leading polemics, wrote about the flat Earth and
described the scientist Isaac Newton - author of the theory of gravity - as "a drunkard or a madman".

Hampden's ideas, like those of many flat earthers, were based on religion: much of the evidence for his
theory came from the Holy Scriptures.

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