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Chapter I Establishing a Framework for Business Communication

Prof. Artemio Pealbert Gonzlez Inco 3005 September 2010

Business Communication
What is Communication? Its the process of exchanging information and meaning between or among individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, and behavior. The main purposes for communication are: to inform to persuade to entertain

Business Communication
How do we communicate within our careers? Attending meetings and writing reports related to strategic plans. Presenting information to large and small groups. Explaining and clarifying management procedures and work assignments. Evaluating and counseling employees. Promoting the companys products/ service and image.

Business Communication
The communication process includes: expressing feelings conversing speaking corresponding writing listening and exchanging.

The Communication Process

Effective communication is essential to success in todays work environments. Effective business communication does not occur automatically. An effective communicator anticipates possible interruptions in the communication process. There are unlimited ways the message may be misunderstood.

The Communication Process


The Communication Process

The Communication Process

The Communication Process

The Sender
Designs the message selecting words that clearly delivers the message. Selects nonverbal signals that fortify the verbal message. Primary Objective to encode the message in a way that the message received is as close as possible as the message sent.

The Communication Process

The Sender
Knowledge of the receivers educational level, experience, viewpoints, and other information aids the sender in encoding the message.

The Communication Process

Interferences Behaviors that may interrupt the
communication process. Words not present in the receivers vocabulary. Ambiguous, nonspecific ideas that distort the message. Nonverbal signals that contradict the verbal message. Expressions such as: Uhhhh, or grammatical errors, gestures or dress styles that distract the receiver. Differences in the educational level Mental distractions

The Communication Process

The sender selects an appropriate channel and transmits the message.
Selecting an inappropriate channel can cause the message to be misunderstood and may affect human relations with the receiver.

Channels of Communication

Channels of Communication

Two way face to face:

Informal conversations Interviews Oral presentations Speeches Video conferences

Channels of Communication

Two Way face to face: Advantages: Instant feedback Nonverbal Signals Personal Connection

Channels of Communication

Special Considerations: Usually appropriate for transmitting sensitive or unpleasant news.

Channels of Communication

Two Way, not face to face Telephone conversations Online Chats

Channels of Communication

Advantages: Instant feedback real-time connection

Channels of Communication

Special Considerations: Lacks nonverbal elements Verbal message must be clear

Channels of Communication
One way not face to face Examples: Letters Memos Reports Emails Fax Voice mail

Channels of Communication

Advantages: Message considered more permanent and official.

Channels of Communication

Special considerations: Lacks nonverbal elements and instant feedback. Possible confusion must be anticipated and prevented.

The Communication Process

The Receiver:
The receivers task is to interpret the senders message, both verbal and nonverbal. This process is referred as decoding. The receiver responds to the senders message; this process is called feedback. Feedback may be verbal and nonverbal.

Communicating within organizations

Organizational Communication- is concerned with the movement of information within the company structure. Communication can involve sending messages to both large and small audiences.
Internal messages are intended to persons within the organization. External messages are directed to recipients outside the organization.

Communicating within organizations

Levels of Communication: Intrapersonal- communication within oneself Interpersonal- communication between two people Group- communication among more than two people. Organizational- groups combined in such a way that large tasks may be accomplished. Public- reaching many with the same message.

Communicating within organizations

Communication Flow in organizations: Some are structured and planned; others are not. Formal Communication channel: Created by management
to control individual and group behavior.

Informal communication channel: Develops as people

interact within the formal, external system, and certain behaviors patterns emerge. It changes constantly.

The grapevine: The best known informal communication

system; messages may originate anywhere and follow various paths .

Communicating within organizations

Directions for Communication Flow:

Downward- flows from the supervisor to the employee Upward- feedback to downward communication Horizontal-Interactions between organizational units at the
same level.

Legal and Ethical Behavior

Ethics- refers to the principles of right and wrong that guide
you in making decisions that consider the impact of your actions on others as well as yourself.

Causes of illegal and Unethical behavior

Excessive emphasis on profits Misplaced loyalty Obsession with personal advancement Expectation of not getting caught

Diversity Challenges as a strategic force influencing communication

Differences between the sender and the receiver in areas such as culture, age, gender, and education require a sensitivity on the part of both parties so that the intended message is the one received. Understanding how to communicate effectively with people from other cultures has become more integral to the work environment.

Diversity Challenges as a strategic force influencing communication

Successful communication must often extend barriers of language and requires a person to consider different world views resulting from societal, religious or other cultural factors. As the world markets expand , US employers at home and abroad will be doing business with more people from other countries.

Diversity Challenges as a strategic force influencing communication

Diversity Skills- ability to communicate effectively with both men and women of all ages, cultures or minority groups. International Issues- Understanding a person from another culture who may not speak your language well or understand your culturally based behaviors.

Diversity Challenges as a strategic force influencing communication

Intercultural issues- Mosaic's used to describe the combination of all the different cultural workforce in the US. Gender Issues- Managers must be prepared to communicate effectively with workers of different nationalities, gender, races, ages.

Culture and Communication

Managers with the desire and the skill to conduct business in new international markets will confront problems created by cultural differences. Culture is the product of peoples living experiences within their own society. Culture include behaviors and beliefs, these affect how people perceive the world, what they value and how they act.

Barriers to intercultural Communication

Ethnocentrism- The belief that your own culture is superior to others. The wrongly belief that the specific patterns of behavior desired in their own cultures are universally valued. Stereotypes- When we form a mental picture of the main characteristics of another group, creating performed ideas of what people in this group are like.

Barriers to intercultural Communication

Interpretation of Time- How a culture perceives time ad its use. Personal space requirements- The distance between people function in communication as personal space or personal territory. Body Language- Basic body gestures have varying cultural meanings.

Barriers to intercultural Communication

Translation Limitations- Words in one language do not always have an equivalent meaning in other languages. Lack of language training- People from other cultures appreciate simple efforts to learn a few common phrases.

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