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Section 2

Pre-assessment questions
Q.1 PCV vaccine is recommended by IAP in which of the following special situation?
A. Chronic cardiac conditions
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Q.2 Which of the following are the catch-up immunization vaccines suggested by IAP?
B. Hepatitis B
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Q.3 should be given to all children younger than 2 years, adults and older
children with certain medical situations.

Q.4. If a dose of is missed, subsequent immunization should be given at the
next visit as if the usual interval had elapsed.
B. Hib

Q.5 PCV is recommended in special situations in adolescents at age.
A. 2-3 years
B. 4-5 years
C. 7-8 years
D. 15-18 years

Post-assessment questions
Q. 1 Which of the following vaccines are suggested as “prioritized vaccines” for adolescents in India
by IAP?
A. Dengue vaccine
B. Varicella vaccine
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Q.2 Yellow fever vaccine should be given subcutaneously at the dosage of to
A. 0.3 ml
B. 0.5 ml
C. 0.75 ml
D. 1 ml

Q.3 ABC along with her 10 years old daughter visits the clinic for the vaccination of HPV.
ABC: Hello, “I am here for the vaccination of my daughter for the HPV vaccine. One of my friend
suggested me to get my daughter vaccinated, I find it unnecessary to be very honest, I haven’t even
heard of the infections for which this vaccine is required. I told her its not important, but I thought let
me give try to understand about this (arrogantly waiting for the nurse to oppose and hear an
Nurse: Hello ma’am, how old is she?
ABC: She is 10 years
Nurse: Okay…. HPV is a huma papillomavirus vaccines that protects against cervical cancer, anogenital
warts, vulvar, vaginal and anal cancer
ABC: Cancer? Are you serious?...laughs off and is ready to leave without getting the child vaccinated
As a nurse, what will be your counselling strategy to convince the mother for HPV?
A. Just let her go
B. Talk about the benefits of vaccine, the safety and how the vaccine helps to prevent the disease
C. Ask her to check the information related to the vaccine on Google
D. Ask her to connect with her friend who suggested her the vaccine to understand the reasons
Q.4. XYZ along with her 13-year-old son with cochlear implants hurriedly visits the family doctor
for the vaccination of PCV
XYZ: Hie, this is my son, I am here for his PCV vaccination that is due. (worried look)
Nurse: Hello ma’am, please have a seat. How old is your son?
XYZ: He is 13 years old; he has these implants; I hope there is no problem with that…!
Nurse: Absolutely not ma’am, infact PCV is recommended in special conditions and cochlear
implants belongs to the list of conditions in which vaccines are recommended
XYZ: You know I am not that confident and not sure if should really go ahead (confused) with this….

As a nurse, what will be your approach to address parental concerns about PCV vaccines?
A. Just let her walk away
B. Inform and counsel her on the benefits of PCV along with facts and information from CDC
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Q.5. PQR along with his 12-year-old daughter visits the clinic for the missed vaccination of Hep B
PQR: Hi, this my daughter, I missed her vaccination for hepatitis B last year because we were shifting
to a new place. Also, her first dose for HPV is due.
Nurse: Hello sir, please have a seat…. How old is she?
PQR: She is just 12 years old; I am really concerned about the missed dose; do we really need to start
all over again?
Nurse: No sir, there is no need to start all over again
PQR: Worriedly looks at the nurse..!
As a nurse, what will be your advice to this parent?
A. Advice on the catch-up schedule for Hep B and ask the parent to talk to the pediatrician for more
information on the same
B. Advice the parent to get the daughter vaccinated for HPV
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above


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