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Social Contract Theory

The Nexus of Society and Symbiosis of citizens .

By Group No. 8
Members and contributions
 Ali Haider ;
Introduction, Origin and History
 Nusrat Azeem ;
Characteristics and Arguments of Socrates
Sajawal Yaqoob ;
Social Contract theory by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and
Jean Jacques Rousseau.
 Ajer Shaheen ;
Criticism, Application and Relevance. Conclusion of the

 This theory explains the implicit or explicit agreement among people living in a
society or between the community and its rulers as a result of which individuals
come together to form a society and willingly agree to abide by certain rules and
laws in exchange for protection of their natural rights.
 First use in 1837

Elements of social contact theory.

 State of nature.
 Social contract.
 Sovereignty
Origin and History

State of Nature:
● Hypothetical pre-societal condition with the existence of people without an
overseeing authority.
● Lacked government, institutions, rules, politics etc.
● Individuals lived independently and were free to do whatever they please with no
defined duties or obligations.
● It was like an existence where each man lives for himself.
● Individuals have freedom but may face challenges such as insecurity and conflict.
Conflict and Competition

As there was no central authority to enforce rules or resolve disputes. This lead to
conflicts and competition over resource.
 Thomas Hobbes described state of nature as.
Where no one all is looking out for another
Unlimited freedom
 State of nature is not historical reality. Its a conceptual tool.
 Social contract.
Its often imagined as single historical event. However, it is a
conceptual framework for understanding the origin and justification of the
government and societal structures. Its ‘’ coming into being’’ is less about a
concrete moment and more about a gradual evolution of ideas and interpretations.
Characteristics of social contract

 Free and Independent individuals.

 Peace and security.
 Entered into an agreement.
 Obedience of the Government.
 Legitimacy of the government.
 Rights and Obligations.
Contributions of Socrates and Plato

 According to Plato:
 Individuals alone are insufficient to fulfill all their needs and desires. We require
social cooperation and specialization to achieve a fulfilling life.
 He emphasize the importance of dividing labor within society with different
individuals contributing their unique skills and talents for common goods
 According to Socrates:
 Socrates laid a ground work for social contract theory.
 He maintains that justice is paramount. By agreeing to live in a society by laws, one
can bind oneself to uphold those laws for the sake of collective goods.
 He raised fundamental question about the relationship between individual and
Role of modern thinkers

There are three modern authors

1- Thomas Hobbes
2-John Locke
3-Jean Jacques Rousseau
They provide the systematic technical view.
He published his book the Leviathan, in
Social contract 1651.
State of nature; if there is no government in
according to Thomas
Hobbes the state so state has chaos, Disorder,
insecure, and instable.
Three main reason of this conflict.
1- Competition. For sources and power.
2- Glory. one’s power is related to another.
3- Fear. No security one man all is always
fearful of violent death.

Truly hellish condition instead of nature.

Thomas Hobbes says life in state of nature
is solitary, poor, nasty, Brutish and short.
Why life is short because every person has
fearful of death.
How to come out of the state of nature?

According to Hobbes,
 The way to secure the life of the people and the secure peace to enter into the
agreement not to harm one another is called Social contract.
 Sovereignty.
 society is created by the agreement who will enforced agreement is sovereign.
 Every people surrender their rights to the sovereign.
 A sovereign is pointed by social contract.
 sovereign or king has absolute unlimited power.
 Hobbes give the concept of monarchy.
• John Locke says "State of nature is a peace of
goodwill and mutual cooperation and
Social Contract Theory preservation".
According to John Locke • It teach us that all human being are equal and
independence no one to harm other life liberties
and properties.
• The main focus of Locke on the natural rights life
liberties and properties.
• Locke says state of nature is very good and golden
age of society.
• But problem is that the common right of punishment
will not work properly, if someone violates the
natural rights.
• There will be disagreement the right quantity of
punishment. This will create conflict which turns
state of nature into the state of war.
According to Locke,
How to come out of the  People make the social contract.
state of nature?  People will surrender the right to enforce the
law of nature to the political community.
 political communities appoints government it’s
responsibility to enforce the natural of laws.
 According to lock.
 Through the contract Locke want only limited
 Government is based on the consent of
 John lock give the concept of democracy.
Social Contract Theory
According to Jean
Jacques Rousseau Rousseau says state of nature is the state of bless.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau ideas differed greatly from those

of his predecessors, John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.

With the passage of time disparity of wealth and power

is become intolerable.
" Men is born free, but everywhere he is in chains".
He gives the concept of "General will" .
Rousseau give the concept of direct democracy.
Criticism on Social Contract Theory

Refining Ideas
 No theory is without its criticism.
What exactly is the role of criticism? Identifying Weaknesses

Fostering intellectual progress

 Hypothetical Nature
 No existing proof of the contract.
 Assumption of universal consent
 Gives a mechanical view to the society
 Neglects the emotional complexity of human interaction
Criticism on Locke’s Idea

 Criticism on Locke’s Idea

According to Locke,
Government works for the people,
it should not infringe on the natural rights.
Critics argue that the theory holds,
 Excessive protection of natural rights.
 Limits governmental allowance and law enforcement.
Criticism and Rousseau

 Criticism on Rousseau's Idea

 Unrealistically assumes that in the state of nature was peaceful.
 Focuses more on general welfare and ignores individual rights.
 Criticism on the theory by Rousseau himself
 .To him, the social contract came into being for two reasons;
One being peace and
Other being the right to property to anyone who was lucky enough to
possess one.
 He believed it was a fraudulent contract that was inequal to rich
Criticism by Feminists Race Conscious Criticism

Feminist thinkers like Carole Pateman and Scholars like Charles W. Mills and
Susan Okin criticize traditional social Angela Y. Davis critique the social
contract theory. contract theory from a race conscious
 Excludes women as it has roots it standpoint.
patriarchal societies.  Overlooks racial diversity .
 Focuses more on public sector.  Sees White as the norm.
Application and Relevance

 Laid the foundation of modern political philosophy.

 Helps in understanding the relationship between the government and the citizens.
 Locke’s theory had a significant impact on liberal democratic thought influencing
American and French Revolutions.
 Plays more or less a direct or indirect role in various approaches developed
towards ethical theory.
 Continues to influence perspectives and stimulate discussions on various

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