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 Introduction

 Where to put up an online newsroom ?

 Do’s and Dont's
Hi folks. My name is Bill Stoller. This is my first visit to
India and I am really excited. I am all the more excited
to stand here in front of so many Indian business
tycoons and getting an opportunity to explain the
concept of an Online Newsroom to all of
you. And yeah one more thing please feel free to ask
as many questions as you want.
Hey now
a norma
l , old
Ohk so w
hy don’t
we try a
nd comb
the news ine
room wi
the Inte
Voila! W
hat we
have is c
alled an
‘Online N

Wait! Can you state in precise terms what exactly
?’is an ’Online Newsroom

Surely Mr. Rampal.In the "old days," the press

kit reigned. Big bulky folders loaded with press
releases, glossy photos and slides were
standard. They were expensive to design, costly
to reproduce and required lots of manpower and
.postage to assemble and distribute

Today, you can simply direct a reporter to a web

URL, where all your press materials and high
definition artwork awaits, ready to be used. It's a
.huge time and money saver
Actually before answering that I
must say that it is a very valid
question. Some companies prefer
to have it as a
section on their main site, visible
to all as a link on a menu bar or
other navigational element. Others
build entirely separate sitesjust for
the media.
.There are pros and cons to each

But where do I
exactly put up an
? ‘Newsroom
Let us look at the
1st option i.e.
Having a link on
your main

Putting it as part of your main Of course, since you'll need to

site allows a journalist to "poke provide clear links to the online
around" your site, absorbing news room to help such
more of the feel and culture of reporters find their way back,
your company and its products. anyone visiting your site can
It also makes it easier if the access your press materials.
O reporter wants more This is probably not an issue
information about a particular but, if you feel potential
product than can be found in customers may become
your media materials. confused if they wander into
the online news room, this
could be worth considering.
Now let us look at the 2nd option i.e. having a
’separate website as your ’Online Newsroom

Creating a separate site allows The reporter however, will be
you to tailor everything to suit unable to quickly "poke
the needs of the reporter and around" the
prevents the possibility of main site as described above,
confusion for potential so you may consider that in
customers visiting your main your decision
Well there surely Sir, but are there
are Mr. Ambani any general Do’s
There are some and Dont's that
standardDo’s and ? we can follow
Dont's which
should always be
The DO’s Are DO offer the opportunity for
journalists to enter their e-
mail address if they wish to
be kept abreast of the latest
DO provide a link to your news from your company,
consumer FAQ page and an e- but don't link it in any way to
mail link for customer service the ability to access any
to give non-journalists a place .portion of the site
to go to get their questions
answered. Here's what
Gateway says, "Gateway press
contacts are only able to
provide assistance for
qualified members of the news
media. They are not qualified
to respond to product or
technical support needs...If
you are not a member of the
news media, please feel free to DO hire a professional
visit our pages for Product designer who has a
".Service and Support portfolio that includes
simple, easy-to-
navigate, clean-looking
DON'T try to lay out the online news
room if you're not a talented web
designer. Don't use flash, heavy
java scripts,etc. The face you put
DON'T force
forth to the media must be highly
journalists to
professional, and the ease of
register or sign in
navigation and logical flow of the
for access. They're
.news room is vital
busy folks and may
very well decide not
to bother. Make life
as easy as you can
for them
And Sir what all should I include in
?my Online Newsroom

Well Mr. Mallya there are a number of things that

.’must be there in your ’Online Newsroom
Personal Contact Info - The name,
address, e-mail, phone number,
fax number and cell phone number of your
primary media contacts
must be front and center. If you have an
Instant Messaging ID,
.put it in there, too

Press Releases. Place press releases in

chronological order (most
recent at the top). Keep traditional press
release formatting and
.use easy-to-read fonts

Search Tool. Make it easy for journalists to

find just what they want, by making all your
.press materials fully searchable
Executive photos,product photos, charts, graphs,
and other appropriate artwork. Provide multiple
versions -- 72 dpi (lower resolution) for online
publications and websites, and 300 dpi higher
resolution) for offline publications. Put instructions
such as To download, right-click and choose "save"
next to the graphics. Make sure your pitch letters
and press releases provide links to the appropriate
.artwork on your site

Backgrounders,executive bios, white

papers, investor relations info (if applicable),
fact sheets, speeches, awards, streaming
media of: press conferences, product
demonstrations, president's
.speeches, etc

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