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Module 4: Sustainable Practices

Topic: Compliance based code of ethics

Nirbhay Kashyap
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course Content

Module 1: Philosophy and Ethics

Module 2: Ethical Issues and Practices at


Module 3: Code of Ethics

Module 4: Sustainable Practices

Module 5: Ethics in Different Domain

Professional Skills Development Activities:
1. Students will carry out an industrial survey /interview /focus
group discussion to identify and understand the translation of
professional values and ethics in daily work practices. Students will
compile a minor project report based on it.

2. The students will develop a case study based on any major violation
of professional ethics by studying newspaper articles, policy
documents, discussions paper in parliament media interviews and
documentaries etc (Give presentation in team of 3).

3. The students will carry out a home assignment by writing a review

of literature on ethical issues and practices in his/ her area of study.

• Green Practices
• Ethics to handle VUCA environment
• Important of sustainability
Sustainable Practices
• Sustainable practices are the
processes services employ to
maintain the qualities that are valued
in the physical environment. Living
sustainably is about living within the
means of natural systems
(environment) and ensuring that our
lifestyle doesn't harm other people
(society and culture).
Example of Sustainable Practices

• Wind energy
• Solar energy
• Crop rotation
• Water efficient fixtures
• Green spaces
Principles of Sustainable Practices

• Enhance liveability
• Create opportunities for
economic prosperity
• Foster environment
• Embrace design excellence
• Demonstrate visionary
leadership and strong
Green Ethics

• Green ethics is the moral relationship of human beings

to and the value and moral status of the environment
and its nonhuman content.

• Green ethics is the study of the ethical basis of

environment or discussion of the ethical basis of
environmental protection.
Need of Green Ethics

• To overcome the following questions.

1. What are the environment damage produce by the

present generation?

2. What acts must be give up to slow such damage?

Green / Environmental Damage

• Pollution:
1. Air pollution
2. Water pollution
3. Land pollution

• Resource depletion:
1. Depletion of Species & Habits
2. Depletion of Fossil fuels etc..
Green Ethics Principles

• We should have profound respect for nature.

• We must maintain a harmonious relation with other
• Everyone should take responsibility for this impact on
• Local & indigenous environmental knowledge should be
• We must plan for the long term.
VUCA Environment

• VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and

ambiguity. It describes the situation of constant,
unpredictable change that is now the norm in certain
industries and areas of the business world.
VUCA Environment Continued…
• Volatility is the rate, amount, and magnitude of change.

• It brings Drastic, rapid shifts can bring about instability

for organizations and leaders, but even the minor shifts
that occur daily, such as new and “immediate” priorities
that disrupt plans, or the increasing need to “multitask,”
are changes that increase volatility.
• Lack of clarity about the challenges
and their current and future

• Uncertainty can result in an over-

reliance on past experiences and
yesterday’s solutions or to analysis
paralysis as we sift through more
and more data.
• The amount of dependency and interactive effect of
multiple factors and drivers.

• Requires to think in more creative, innovative and non-

linear way; to be able to deal with shades of gray (as
opposed to black and white) solutions.
• The degree to which information, situations, and events
can be interpreted in multiple ways.

• Ambiguity increases doubt, slows decision-making, and

results in missed opportunities (and threats). It re-
quires that leaders think through and diagnose things
from multiple perspectives.
Ethics to handle VUCA Environment

• Volatility can be overcome by clear

• Uncertainty can be overcome by
• Complexity can be overcome by
• Ambiguity can be overcome by
Communication in a VUCA Environment
How to overcome communication barriers

• Be ethical.
• Be transparent.
• Be open and honest in all
• Be relevant.
• Share information and perspectives
that are valuable to workers.
• Personalize and be personable.
• Address negative discussion head –
Important of Sustainability

• Sustainability maintains the health

and bio capacity of the environment.
• Sustainability supports the well-being
of individuals and communities.
• Sustainability promotes a better
- where there is little waste and
pollution, fewer emissions, there are more
jobs, and a better distribution of
Important of Sustainability Continued…

• Sustainability is important for development-

-because of the passage of time the generation changes and with
this change society wants more and more benefits from the
resources which are present in our nature.

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