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GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam

GMR Institute of Technology

Enhancing Alzheimer's Care with Deep

Learning: A Comprehensive Web
Solution with Face Recognition,
Medicine Reminders and Location

Apr 8, 2024


Apr 8, 2024 1
Enhancing Alzheimer’s Care with Deep Learning

CH.RAM PRASAD (21341A0530)

G.MANIDEEP (21341A0540)
GMR Institute of Technology

B.TEJASRI (21341A0516)
S.MOHITH (22345A0507)
B.PRAVEEN (21341A0511)

Under the guidance of

Dr. P.Kanchanamala
Associative Professor
GMR Institute of Technology
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by a decline in cognitive
functions, memory loss, and behavioral changes. It is the most common cause of dementia,
affecting primarily older individuals. Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, and
treatment focuses on managing symptoms and improving the quality of life for affected
individuals. So, for helping them a web application that will incorporate with a Medicine
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reminder system, Location tracking system and Face recognition system utilizing deep learning
models is Formulated. When an Alzheimer's patient interacts with someone, the facial
recognition system can quickly identify the individual and provide relevant information about
them, such as their name, relationship to the patient, and any important details. For this a model
is constructed using MTCNN for face detection and FaceNet for face recognition. This
technology can help Alzheimer's patients maintain social connections and reduce feelings of
confusion or anxiety when interacting with unfamiliar people. Additionally, the web application
will include a medicine reminder system, that will send reminders to the patients, ensuring they
take their medication on time and in the correct dosage. Location tracking system for patients
who may wander or get lost. This feature can help caregivers locate the patient in case they
wander away from home. The goal of our project is to support individuals with Alzheimer's
disease, enhancing their safety and social interactions.

Alzheimer's disease, Deep Learning, Face Recognition, MTCNN, FaceNet, Medicine Remainder
System, Location Tracking
Base Paper
Wu, C., & Zhang, Y. (2021). MTCNN and FACENET based
access control system for face detection and recognition.
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 55, 102-112.
GMR Institute of Technology


1. Main Objective is to improve the living standards of Alzheimer’s.

2.Provide accurate Face detection and Face Recognition

3.Notify with Medicine Remainder System .

4.Location Tracker for Safety.

5.Combining all these features into one single web Application.

Alzheimer's disease presents a significant challenge to healthcare systems worldwide,
characterized by its progressive nature and profound impact on cognitive functions and daily
life. With no current cure, managing symptoms and improving the quality of life for affected
individuals is paramount. In response to this pressing need, we introduce a novel approach
leveraging advanced technology to support Alzheimer's patients – a comprehensive web
application integrating three vital systems: facial recognition, medicine reminder, and location
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The cornerstone of our application lies in its ability to provide real-time assistance to
Alzheimer's patients during social interactions. Utilizing state-of-the-art deep learning models
such as MTCNN for face detection and FaceNet for face recognition, our system swiftly
identifies individuals the patient interacts with, offering pertinent information such as their
name, relationship, and relevant details. This innovative technology aims to alleviate the
challenges faced by Alzheimer's patients, facilitating smoother social interactions and reducing
feelings of confusion or anxiety.
Beyond social interaction support, our web application incorporates a robust medicine reminder
system. Timely medication adherence is crucial for managing Alzheimer's symptoms effectively.
Our system ensures patients receive timely reminders, aiding in medication compliance and
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dosage accuracy, thereby enhancing treatment outcomes and overall well-being.

Furthermore, acknowledging the propensity of Alzheimer's patients to wander or get lost, we

integrate a reliable location tracking system into our application. Caregivers can effortlessly
monitor the patient's whereabouts, swiftly locating them in case of wandering incidents. This
feature not only enhances patient safety but also provides caregivers with peace of mind.

In summary, our research endeavors to address the multifaceted challenges encountered by
Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers through the development of a comprehensive web
application. By harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology, we aim to empower
individuals with Alzheimer's disease, enriching their lives, promoting safety, and fostering
meaningful social connections
GMR Institute of Technology

Face Recognition Using

FaceNet and MTCNN

Live Location Tracker CAREBOND

Medicine Remainder
Literature survey
Reference 1 :
Wu, C., & Zhang, Y. (2021). MTCNN and FACENET based access control system for face detection and
recognition. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 55, 102-112.
Description :
 The proposed system combines the multi-task cascaded convolutional neural networks (MTCNN) for rapid face
detection and alignment, and the FaceNet network with an improved loss function for face verification and
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 MTCNN consists of three CNNs (P-Net, R-Net, and O-Net) that filter non-face windows, obtain accurate face
candidate sets, and generate bounding box coordinates.
 FaceNet maps face images to a multi-dimensional space and measures similarity through spatial distance. It uses
the Triplet Loss function, which is improved in this system by incorporating the joint supervision of ArcFace
Datasets Used :
 WIDER Face dataset is used to train MTCNN network The dataset contains 393703 images, and 32203 faces
with high variability in scale, pose and occlusion are marked.
 LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild) dataset is selected as the training set of FaceNet, which contains 5749 people
with a total of 13233 face images
 Integration of both MTCNN and Facenet is implemented to propose new system for face recognition system.
 MTCNN architecture’s P-Net, R-net, O-net networks are helpful in finding the bounding boxes and to detect the
 FaceNet utilizes to find Face embeddings of the MTCNN detected face based on this we can classify the faces
Disadvantages :
 Some disadvantages of the current research include limited sample sizes, lack of long-term studies, and potential
bias in data collection .
Results :
 The system achieves a recognition accuracy of 99.85% and can be effectively applied to face detection and
recognition in access control systems
Reference 2 :
Khan, S. S., Sengupta, D., Ghosh, A., & Chaudhuri, A. (2023). MTCNN++: A CNN-based face detection algorithm inspired
by MTCNN. The Visual Computer, 1-19.
Description :
 MTCNN++ is a deep neural network framework inspired by MTCNN, designed for reliable face recognition in high face
density images. It performs equally well or better than the MTCNN library.
 MTCNN++ is a modified version of MTCNN, a multi-task cascaded convolutional neural network framework for face
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detection and alignment. It has been designed to address the increasing security concerns in crowd-centric topologies and
provide reliable face recognition in high face density images.
 The framework modifies the layer density by increasing the neuron count and incorporates a 20% dropout for better
recognition of faces.
Datasets Used :
 The training of the MTCNN++ model was done on a dataset comprising 113,586 human faces in a bucket of 9661 images.
The dataset consisted of photographs from varied events, presenting multiple human expressions.
 Wider Face dataset is used to compare the performance with other models
 MTCNN++ has been compared to other face detection algorithms like HaarCascade and Dlib, and it outperforms them in
terms of accuracy.
 Deep learning models can automatically learn and extract complex features from raw data, eliminating the need for
manual feature engineering .

Disadvantages :
 The framework might struggle with partially occluded faces, where only a portion of the face is visible. This can lead
to inaccurate detection or missed detections.
 While the number of false positives (incorrectly identified faces) might be low, they can still be problematic.
.Results :
 The accuracy of MTCNN++ varies from 87.7% to 99.7%, depending on the face count per image. It performs better with
a large face count per image.
Reference 3 :
William, I., Rachmawanto, E. H., Santoso, H. A., & Sari, C. A. (2019, October). Face recognition using facenet (survey,
performance test, and comparison). In 2019 fourth international conference on informatics and computing (ICIC) (pp. 1-6).
Description :
 FaceNet is a deep convolutional network-based method for face recognition that has shown excellent results and superior
performance compared to other methods.
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 By integrating the TensorFlow learning machine and pre-trained models, the training time needed for FaceNet is
significantly reduced.
 Describes about integration machine learning and triplet loss training for recognition.
Datasets Used :
 YALE, JAFFE, AT & T, Georgia Tech, Essex datasets used to compare various models.
 FaceNet method shows superior accuracy compared to other face recognition methods.
 FaceNet achieves up to 100% accuracy on various standard face image datasets.
 Utilizes deep convolutional networks for optimized face embedding.
 Implements triplet loss training to minimize gaps in face recognition.
Disadvantages :
 FaceNet method requires complex computing and long training time.
 FaceNet' s worst accuracy was 77.67% on the faces96 dataset.
 FaceNet may have lower accuracy on certain datasets.
 FaceNet’ s triplet loss training minimizes gap of anchor and positive.
Results :
 FaceNet method achieved 100% accuracy on YALE, JAFFE, AT&T datasets.
 FaceNet outperformed other methods with VGGFace2 pre-trained models.
Reference 4 :
Schroff, F., Kalenichenko, D., & Philbin, J. (2015). Facenet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering.
In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 815-823).
Description :
 The paper presents a system called FaceNet that learns a mapping from face images to a compact Euclidean space, where
distances directly correspond to a measure of face similarity .
 By integrating the TensorFlow learning machine and pre-trained models, the training time needed for FaceNet is
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significantly reduced.
 Describes about integration machine learning and triplet loss training for recognition.
Datasets Used :
 LFW is a widely used dataset for face recognition research, consisting of 13,000 labeled images of faces collected from
the internet.
 YouTube Faces DB is another dataset used for face recognition, containing videos of celebrities downloaded from
YouTube. It consists of 3,425 videos of 1,595 different individuals.
 Leverages special techniques (triplet loss and online triplet mining) to learn effective face representations, leading to
better performance.
 Introduces harmonic embeddings and harmonic triplet loss for comparing different face recognition models.
 Uses compact 128-byte representations for faces, requiring less space than previous approaches.
Disadvantages :
 The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational requirements of the FaceNet system.
 The limitations and potential biases of the training dataset used for FaceNet are not discussed.
 The paper does not compare the performance of FaceNet with other state-of-the-art face recognition systems.
Results :
 The paper utilizes the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset, achieving a new record accuracy of 99.63% on this
dataset .
 Another dataset used is the YouTube Faces DB, where the system achieves an accuracy of 95.12% .
Reference 5 :
Mehala, M., & Viji Gripsy, J. (2020). Voice based medicine reminder alert application for elder people. International Journal
of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 2284-2289.

Description :
 Voice-based medicine reminder app for elderly with safety and security features.
 Designed to assist elderly in taking medications at the correct time.
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 Customized medication reminders to improve medication compliance.

 Free mobile application for elderly independence and daily life activities.

 Free application for mobiles, aiding elder persons' daily activities.
 Reduces need for health care professionals to monitor elder persons.

Disadvantages :
 The existing system requires monitoring by individuals, increasing burden.
 No mention of potential drawbacks or limitations in the research paper.

Results :
 Successfully implemented system to assist elder people with daily activities.
 Developed Android app for voice-based medicine reminder for elderly individuals.
Reference 6 :
Mun, H. J., & Lee, M. H. (2022). Design for Visitor Authentication Based on Face Recognition Technology Using
CCTV. IEEE Access, 10, 124604-124618.
Description :
 The system uses deep learning algorithms to analyze facial features and match them with stored user data for accurate
 Utilizing tiny-YOLOv3 on the Jetson Nano, it achieves efficient processing with a frame rate of 6.5 FPS
GMR Institute of Technology

Datasets Used :
 Face data collected using CCTV: This dataset consists of facial images captured by CCTV cameras, containing seven
features for each visitor.
 Annotated dataset for classification: The collected face data undergoes an annotation process to prepare it for
classification tasks. This dataset likely includes labeled images with corresponding categories or classes.
 Comprehensive logging functions enhance security by recording visitor faces, count, and visit times.
 Efficient real-time verification with a high detection speed of 6.5 FPS and 86.3% accuracy ensures reliable face
 Increased security through multi-factor authentication options like fingerprint and face recognition, reducing reliance on
vulnerable password-based authentication.
Disadvantages :
 Face recognition technology's accuracy can be affected by various factors like lighting conditions, facial angle, and
occlusions, leading to false positives or false negatives.
Results :
 Efficient real-time verification with a high detection speed of 6.5 FPS and 86.3% accuracy, ensuring reliable face
Reference 7 :
Alansari, M., Hay, O. A., Javed, S., Shoufan, A., Zweiri, Y., & Werghi, N. (2023). Ghostfacenets: Lightweight face recognition
model from cheap operations. IEEE Access.
Description :
 GhostFaceNet is a lightweight face recognition model that outperforms traditional models, using inexpensive
transformations for better representation, making it ideal for devices with limited resources.
Datasets Used :
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 The MS1MV2 dataset and the MS1MV3 dataset, which are cleaned versions of the MS-Celeb-1M dataset, were used to
train the GhostFaceNets models.
 The GhostFaceNets models were evaluated using various benchmarks, including LFW, AgeDB-30, CFP-FP, CFP-FF, CP-
LFW, CA-LFW, VGG2-FP, IJB-B, IJB-C, and MegaFace.
 They utilize Ghost modules, introduced in GhostNetV1 and GhostNetV2, which employ inexpensive linear
transformations to extract additional feature maps, improving information representation.
 Despite their lightweight nature, GhostFaceNets offer superior performance compared to State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) big
convolutional neural network (CNN) models, while requiring lower computational complexity.
 GhostFaceNets trained with the ArcFace loss on the MS-Celeb-1M dataset achieve State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) performance
on various benchmarks.
Disadvantages :
 Faint Recognition Whispers: GhostFaceNet's lightweight structure might whisper recognition hints, but occasionally its
voice fades compared to the louder calls of heavier models.
 Feature Flickers: When faced with diverse faces, GhostFaceNet's lightweight demeanor may lead to flickers in feature
recognition, like a shy performer on a vast stage.
Results :
 GhostFaceNets demonstrated exceptional performance on all benchmarks, achieving State-Of-The-Art (SOTA)
performance and proving to be among the most advanced models in terms of efficiency and 98% accuracy
Reference 8 :
Koubaa, A., Ammar, A., Kanhouch, A., & AlHabashi, Y. (2021). Cloud versus edge deployment strategies of real-time face
recognition inference. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 9(1), 143-160.
Description :
The paper looks at how to put a face recognition app either on big servers (cloud) or small devices (edge). It tests three ways to
do this and checks how well they work on different computer chips. They find ways to make the app faster using special
software, but it uses more power. Another tool saves power but isn't as fast. The study tells us about the problems they faced
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and how they solved them.

Models Used:
 MTCNN (Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks) was used as a face detection.
 FaceNet, a deep learning model for face recognition.
 Provides a real-world case study on deploying a face recognition application using MTCNN detector and FaceNet
 Provides a benchmarking study for all devices in terms of frames per second, execution times, energy and memory usages.
Disadvantages :
 Lack of comprehensive discussion on drawbacks or limitations of proposed deployment strategies.
 Limited coverage of GPU platforms and edge devices in benchmarking study.
 Inadequate depth in discussing scalability and impact on quality-of-service of proposed deployment architectures.
Results :
The paper outlines a real-world case study on deploying a face recognition application, proposing three inference architectures
and evaluating performance across various GPU platforms, highlighting TensorRT's speed advantage but higher energy
consumption compared to TensorFlow, with TFLite emerging as the most efficient framework.
Reference 9 :
Cahyono, F., Wirawan, W., & Rachmadi, R. F. (2020, September). Face recognition system using facenet algorithm for
employee presence. In 2020 4th international conference on vocational education and training (ICOVET) (pp. 57-62). IEEE.
Description :
 The comparison survey evaluates FaceNet and Openface models for face recognition accuracy in an employee presence
system. It utilizes SVM for classification, known for its effectiveness in face recognition tasks. Additionally, it compares
FaceNet with VGG16 and CNN models to assess overall performance.
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Datasets Used :
 FaceNet: Employee face dataset with 150 images of 15 identities.
 Openface: 500,000 images from CASIA and FaceScrub datasets.
 FaceNet achieved perfect accuracy of 100% in face recognition.
 Openface had an accuracy of 93.33% in face recognition.
 Support Vector Machine (SVM) for facial feature classification.
 Feature extraction with FaceNet using Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN).
Disadvantages :
 Dataset size lof emoloyees is only about 150 entities.
Results :
 FaceNet achieved 100% accuracy, Openface achieved 93.33% accuracy.
 FaceNet recognized faces with a probability range of 0.25-0.51.
 Unrecognized faces had a probability range of 0.09-0.17.
Reference 10 :
Moura, A. F., Pereira, S. S., Moreira, M. W., & Rodrigues, J. J. (2020, December). Video monitoring system using facial
recognition: A facenet-based approach. In GLOBECOM 2020-2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference (pp. 1-6).
Description :
 Evaluates FaceNet approach using Labeled Faces in the Wild benchmark.
 Real-time facial recognition system modeled with FaceNet and SVM.
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 Dataset created with photos of 28 participants for experimentation.

 Triplet loss function ensures image embeddings are closer within same class.
Datasets Used :
 Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset with 13,233 images.
 YFD dataset with a total of 97.23% accuracy.
 Facial recognition reduces errors in security systems and authentication processes.
 Deep learning enhances image processing speed and accuracy.
 Utilization of support vector machine (SVM) for classification of FaceNet embeddings.
 Real-time facial recognition system combining FaceNet and SVM.
Disadvantages :
 It gets only 90% accuracy in real time scenario.
Results :
 Real-time facial recognition system reached 90% accuracy using FaceNet.
 FaceNet combined with SVM classified embeddings with 90% accuracy.
 Facenet achieved high accuracy and AUC metrics in experiments
Reference 11 :
Chowdhury, B. D. B., Masoud, S., Son, Y. J., Kubota, C., & Tronstad, R. (2021). A dynamic HMM-based real-time location
tracking system utilizing UHF passive RFID. IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, 6, 41-53.
Description :
The paper presents a method for tracking objects accurately, with an average error of 0.36 meters. It uses a special matrix to
decide where an object might move next based on its current position. This method also includes a passive RFID system,
which involves components like a reader, tags, access points, and a system to process the data collected.
Methods Used:
The paper proposes a method merging range-based and range-free techniques for object tracking, using regression modeling to
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link distance and signal strength. It combines DKNN and HMM models to predict object movement, employing the Viterbi
algorithm for optimal path finding. Additionally, it integrates a passive RFID system with a reader, tags, access points, and
data processing.
 The proposed framework combines range-based and range-free techniques for object tracking, resulting in improved
accuracy with an average tracking error as low as 0.36m.
 By integrating DKNN and HMM models, it enables probabilistic tracking inference, while regression modeling
establishes a relationship between distance and RSSI for accurate tracking.
 The Viterbi search algorithm optimizes movement paths, and the inclusion of a passive RFID system ensures
compatibility with established tracking technology.
Disadvantages :
 Absence of Discussion on Challenges: Without addressing potential challenges or issues during implementation or
application, there may be unforeseen obstacles that hinder the effectiveness or practicality of the framework in real-world
 Limited Comparative Analysis: Without comparing the performance of the proposed framework with existing tracking
methods, it becomes challenging to assess its relative advantages and disadvantages, potentially overlooking alternative
solutions that may offer better performance or efficiency.
Results :
 Introduces a DKNN-driven HMM-based framework for UHF passive RFID.
 Offers adaptability to environmental changes and robust tracking accuracy.
 Extensive experiments validate effectiveness, achieving a minimum tracking accuracy of 0.36m.
Reference 12 :
Qi, S., Zuo, X., Feng, W., & Naveen, I. G. (2022, December). Face recognition model based on mtcnn and face net. In 2022
IEEE 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Description :
 Combines MTCNN for face extraction and FaceNet for feature extraction.
 MTCNN utilizes P-Net, R-Net, and O-Net stages for accurate face detection and extraction.
 FaceNet extracts feature vectors using Inception V1.
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Datasets Used :
 Utilized the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset with 13,233 images, achieving an 86.0% accuracy.
 Constructed a face feature library based on LFW dataset data for efficient recognition tasks.
 Achieved improved accuracy and speed in face recognition by combining efficient face extraction with MTCNN and
comprehensive feature extraction with FaceNet, enhanced by Triplet Loss for better feature similarity determination.
 The model exhibits robustness, versatility, scalability, and integrates state-of-the-art techniques for competitiveness in the
Disadvantages :
 Limited comparison with existing models, hindering assessment of its uniqueness.
 Inadequate details on experimental design, affecting result reproducibility.
 Neglecting biases in the LFW dataset, potentially limiting real-world applicability.
Results :
 MTCNN efficiently extracts faces using convolutional neural networks, while FaceNet captures high-dimensional feature
 Triplet Loss enhances feature similarity determination for better recognition.
 Reframing the problem as a feature set classification task improves efficiency.
 Euclidean distance and a threshold are used for successful recognition.
Reference 13 :
Gu, F., Lu, J., Xia, G., & Feng, Z. (2021, May). Face verification technology based on FaceNet similarity recognition network.
In 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS) (pp. 1362-1367). IEEE.
Description :
 Presents FaceNetSRM, an improved face verification algorithm based on FaceNet.
 Replaces FaceNet's Euclidean distance module with a similarity recognition module (SRM) for enhanced robustness and
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Datasets Used :
 Utilizes CASIA-WebFace and C-facev1 datasets for training.
 CASIA-WebFace: Widely recognized dataset containing diverse face images.
 C-facev1: Self-made dataset tailored for research, complementing CASIA-WebFace or providing additional data for
specific scenarios or demographics.
 CASIA-WebFace dataset provides diverse, high-quality face images, enhancing generalization.
 C-facev1 dataset targets specific characteristics or demographics, refining training and improving algorithm's robustness.
 Combined approach ensures comprehensive training and improved performance across various face verification scenarios.
Disadvantages :
 Lack of detailed information about training datasets.
 No discussion on algorithm drawbacks or challenges.
 Limited comparisons with other algorithms beyond FaceNet.
Results :
 FaceNetSRM significantly enhances face verification accuracy, particularly in Chinese face verification, with a 1.5%
overall improvement over FaceNet and a remarkable 2.8% boost for Chinese faces.
 Replacement of the Euclidean distance module with a similarity recognition module (SRM) improves robustness and
Reference 14 :
Taigman, Y., Yang, M., Ranzato, M. A., & Wolf, L. (2014). Deepface: Closing the gap to human-level performance in face
verification. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 1701-1708).
Description :
 DeepFace is a powerful face recognition system developed by Facebook AI Research.
 It uses deep learning and 3D modeling to accurately identify faces, achieving near-human levels of performance.
Datasets Used :
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 DeepFace was trained on a massive dataset containing four million facial images belonging to over 4,000 identities.
 It was tested and evaluated for performance on the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset
 DeepFace achieved improved face recognition accuracy, nearing human-level performance.
 It utilized a combination of 3D modeling and deep neural networks for effective face representation.
 The system addressed challenges such as variations in pose, illumination, and facial expression.
 DeepFace's advancements include leveraging a large labeled dataset for generalization and achieving significant progress
in benchmarks like Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) and YouTube Faces dataset (YTF), approaching or surpassing
human performance while reducing error rates.
Disadvantages :
 Unconstrained scenarios pose challenges in aligning faces due to factors like pose and non-rigid expressions, complicating
accurate recognition.
 DeepFace's effectiveness heavily relies on access to large labeled datasets for training, which may not always be feasible
or available.
 Real-world variations in lighting, pose, and expression present ongoing challenges despite the use of deep learning
techniques to mitigate them, potentially limiting the system's performance in certain contexts.
Results :
 DeepFace achieved 97.35% accuracy on the LFW dataset, reducing errors by 27%.
 Even after label correction, it reached 92.5% accuracy, and its face representation alone achieved 97.00% accuracy,
improving state-of-the-art error rates.
Reference 15 :
Ameta, D., Mudaliar, K., & Patel, P. (2015). Medication reminder and healthcare-an android application. International Journal
of Managing Public Sector Information and Communication Technologies (IJMPICT), 6(2), 39-48.
Description :
 An Android application designed for medication reminders and doctor-patient interaction.
 Patients can set alarms for medication dosage timings and receive notifications accordingly.
 The system includes modules for setting alarms and receiving notifications, with detailed data descriptions.
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 A patient login module allows access to registered doctors and appointment details.
 Notifications for medication timings are delivered through SMS and email.
 The system is easy to implement, cost-effective, reliable, and scalable.
 Reminder functionality works even if the phone is switched off.
 Improves attendance at healthcare appointments and enhances medication adherence strategies.
Disadvantages :
 Existing systems often require special hardware, making them costly and time-consuming.
 Some apps lack features like multiple alarms for medication reminders.
 Certain apps, like DoseCast, may fail to notify without a 3G or Wi-Fi connection.
Results :
 Developed an Android app with user-friendly features for medication reminders and healthcare management.
 The app supports disease-wise and location-based searching, distinguishing it from existing reminder systems.
 Implemented an alarm system for medication dosage timings to boost medication adherence.
 Additional features include doctor and hospital search, appointment scheduling, and health tips.
Reference 16 :
Sam, S. M., Kamardin, K., Sjarif, N. N. A., & Mohamed, N. (2019). Offline signature verification using deep learning convolutional neural network
(CNN) architectures GoogLeNet inception-v1 and inception-v3. Procedia Computer Science, 161, 475-483.
Description :
 The study focuses on offline signature verification using CNN architectures.
 CNNs like Inception-v1 and Inception-v3 are employed for signature classification.
 Inception-v1 outperformed Inception-v3 in classifying 2D signature images.
 Future work includes using regularization techniques and more advanced CNNs.
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Datasets Used :
 GPDS Synthetic Signature Database from University of Valencia, Spain.
Methods used:
 Dynamic time warping, neural networks, wavelet-based approach, structural approach, SVM.
 Inception-v1 achieved 83% validation accuracy, Inception-v3 reached 75%.
 Inception-v1 had lower training time due to fewer operations.
 GoogLeNet used inception module for efficient network depth.
Results :
 Inception-v1 achieved 83% validation accuracy, Inception-v3 achieved 75%.
 Inception-v1 had an EER of 17, Inception-v3 had an EER of 24.
 Inception-v1 outperformed Inception-v3 in classifying 2D signature images.
 AUC scores showed Inception-v1 and Inception-v3 performance with different users.
Reference 17 :
Kaziakhmedov, E., Kireev, K., Melnikov, G., Pautov, M., & Petiushko, A. (2019). Real-world attack on mtcnn face detection system. In 2019
International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON). IEEE. https://doi. org/10.1109/sibircon48586.
Description :
 Investigated security of MTCNN face detection system against real-world attacks.
 Proposed method to attack MTCNN detector using printed face attributes.
 Addressed security concerns in face detection systems with reproducible attack.
 Explored optimization processes to enhance robustness of adversarial attacks.
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Datasets Used :
 Real-world attack on MTCNN face detection system dataset.
 Investigated security of MTCNN face detection system in real-world scenario.
 Proposed reproducible and robust way to attack MTCNN detector.
 Introduced face attributes printed on masks or faces for attack.
Methods used:
 Attacking face classification layer of P-Net.
 Attacking bounding boxes layer of P-Net.
 Attacking output layer of O-Net.
 Attacking the whole network.
Disadvantages :
 Limited defense against adversarial attacks in the physical domain.
 Vulnerable to minor input changes leading to misclassification.
 Lack of complete solution to mitigate adversarial attacks in practice.
Results :
 Proposed method breaks MTCNN detector in real-world scenario.
 Real-world attacks on MTCNN face detection system were successfully conducted.
Reference 18:
Peng, S., Huang, H., Chen, W., Zhang, L., & Fang, W. (2020). More trainable inception-ResNet for face recognition. Neurocomputing, 411, 9-19.
Description :
 Face recognition model with trainable parameters for improved performance.
 Focus on training stability and performance enhancement in deep CNN models.

Datasets Used :
 VGGFace2, MS1MV2, IJBB, LFW datasets were used.
GMR Institute of Technology

 Improves stability and performance of deep convolutional neural networks.
 Enhances accuracy and stabilizes training process in face recognition models.

• Results :
 Proposed model improved accuracy notably and stabilized training process.
 Trainable parameters enhanced accuracy without increasing computational complexity significantly.
 TRSF PReLU achieved 96.53 TAR (FAR 1e3) on LFW dataset.
 Introduction of TRSF increased generalization on different datasets.
Reference 19:
Zhang, N., Luo, J., & Gao, W. (2020, September). Research on face detection technology based on MTCNN. In 2020 international conference on
computer network, electronic and automation (ICCNEA) (pp. 154-158). IEEE.
Description :
 Face detection using MTCNN for accurate face positioning and feature extraction.
 MTCNN enhances detection accuracy in low-resolution, off-face images.
 MTCNN utilizes NMS algorithm for optimal face border detection.
 Experiment setup includes Python, TensorFlow, and OpenCV for face detection.
GMR Institute of Technology

Datasets Used :
 Wider face dataset with 32203 images and 393703 faces.
 Wide face dataset for training convolutional neural models.

 MTCNN offers high accuracy in face detection tasks.
 One-stage model provides faster face detection speed.
 Deep learning technology enhances face detection algorithms.

Disadvantages :
 Challenges in off-face, low-resolution image detection.
 Difficulties in accurate key point positioning under uneven illumination.
 Subjectivity in controlling sample sizes for training face detection algorithms.
 Loss of image information when changing size and aspect ratio.

Results :
 MTCNN achieved a map of 85.7 on the wider face dataset.
 MTCNN returned boundary box and five feature points of the face.
Reference 20:
McNeely-White, D., Beveridge, J. R., & Draper, B. A. (2020). Inception and ResNet features are (almost)
equivalent. Cognitive Systems Research, 59, 312-318.
Description :
 The research paper compares features extracted by Inception and ResNet.
 It discusses how Inception and ResNet features are linked by transformations.
GMR Institute of Technology

Datasets Used :
 ILSVRC2012 dataset for training CNNs.

 Inception and ResNet features are linked by affine transformations.
 Extract similar properties from images, despite structural differences.
 Inception may extract properties more robustly than ResNet.
 Features can be approximated by an affine transformation of each other.

Disadvantages :
 Lack of disclosure on whether systems perform similarly or differently.

Results :
 Inception and ResNet features are not equivalent in image classification.
 Loss of 4.5% when mapping Inception features onto ResNet features.
Reference 21:
K. Wickrama Arachchilage, S. P., & Izquierdo, E. (2020). Deep-learned faces: a survey. EURASIP Journal on Image and
Video Processing, 2020(1), 25
.Description :
 Survey on deep face recognition systems, evolution, and performance analysis.
 Discusses network architectures, loss functions, classification algorithms, and benchmarking datasets.
 Microsoft Research used deep residual learning for image recognition.
GMR Institute of Technology

 DLIB library provides face recognition components using ResNet-34.

 Analyzed 18 face recognition systems, benchmark results, and open issues.

Datasets Used :
 VGGFace2, IJB dataset, Facebook dataset, Google dataset.
 Survey covers deep face recognition systems, network architectures, and benchmarking datasets.
 Discusses evolution of network architectures and state-of-the-art face recognition systems.
 Comparative analysis of loss functions, classification algorithms, and face datasets.
 Experimental study compares openly accessible face recognition frameworks for accuracy and speed.

Disadvantages :
 Limited publications report computational complexity of face recognition systems.
 End-to-end face recognition research is still open.

Results :
 Analyzed 18 face recognition systems' performance on three benchmarks.
 Conducted experimental study comparing DLIB, OpenFace, and FaceNetRe for accuracy.
Reference 22:
Mattmann, C. A., & Zhang, Z. (2019, November). Deep facial recognition using tensorflow. In 2019 IEEE/ACM Third
Workshop on Deep Learning on Supercomputers (DLS) (pp. 45-51). IEEE.
Description :
 The Deep Learning facial recognition model using Tensorflow for law enforcement.
 Dataset creation, network implementation, and training on Maverick2 supercomputer.
 Challenges in reproducing dataset, code porting, and distributed GPU training.
GMR Institute of Technology

Datasets Used :
 VGG-Face dataset with 2,620,000 images recreated for Tensorflow. [1]
 Training cases with images of 4, 128, and 2,622 celebrities.

 Reproducible dataset creation using Tensorflow for facial recognition.
 Achieved 77.99% validation accuracy on the VGG-Face celebrity dataset.
 Resilient to variations in facial features like poses, hairstyles, and accessories.
 Easy data augmentation with Tensorflow functions for network construction.

Disadvantages :
 Limited availability of original URLs for dataset reproducibility.
 Challenges in porting code to distributed GPU training.

Results :
 Achieved 77.99% validation accuracy on 2,622 celebrity dataset.
 Used TensorFlow v1.13.2 and Horovod v0.16.4 for implementation.
 Recreated VGG-Face deep learning facial recognition network on Maverick2.
Reference 23:
Zhang, Q., Wang, X., Zhang, M., Lu, L., & Lv, P. (2024). Face-Inception-Net for Recognition. Electronics, 13(5), 958.
Description :
 Face-Inception-Net model for face recognition in various scenarios. [1]
 FIN-Block enhances model performance with flexible composition paradigms. [1]
 The model achieves high TAR@FAR0.001 in mainstream benchmarks.
GMR Institute of Technology

Datasets Used :
 CASIA-WebFace
 MS-wo-RFW

 Face-Inception-Net offers versatile composition for model adjustments. [1]
 Achieved highest average TAR@FAR0.001 in various benchmarks. [2]
 Novel framework for face recognition with competitive performance. [2]

Disadvantages :
 Limited availability of original URLs for dataset reproducibility.
 Challenges in porting code to distributed GPU training.

Results :
 Face-Inception-Net achieved highest average TAR@FAR0.001 of 95.9%. [1]
 Face-Inception-Net outperformed ConvNeXt and InceptionNeXt models. [1]
Reference 24:
Serengil, S. I., & Ozpinar, A. (2020, October). Lightface: A hybrid deep face recognition framework. In 2020 innovations in intelligent
systems and applications conference (ASYU) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Description :
 Review of face recognition followed by lightweight hybrid high-performance framework. [1]
 Framework enables switching face recognition models easily. [1]
 Modern face recognition pipeline stages: detect, align, represent, verify. [2]
 Representation stage involves facial image vectorization for verification.
GMR Institute of Technology

Datasets Used :
 VGG-Face, FaceNet, OpenFace datasets utilized for face recognition models.
 Lightweight hybrid face recognition framework with switchable models. [1]
 Covers all stages of face recognition pipeline. [2]
 Utilizes popular face recognition models. [2]
 Enables adaptation of human-level face recognition tasks with minimal code. [2]

Results :
 Proposed hybrid framework enables switching between state-of-the-art face recognition models. [1]
 Best split points for threshold in model metric pairs provided. [2]
Reference 25:
Zhiqi, Y. (2021, March). Face recognition based on improved VGGNET convolutional neural network. In 2021 IEEE 5th
Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC) (pp. 2530-2533). IEEE.
Description :
 Improved VGGNet for face recognition with MicroFace algorithm.
 MicroFace has 96% recognition rate with practicality.
GMR Institute of Technology

Datasets Used :
 CASIA WebFace database for testing and training samples.
 CASIA WebFace dataset with nearly 500,000 face images.

 MicroFace algorithm achieves 96% recognition rate with practicality.
 MicroFace requires small training samples and has lower computer requirements.

Disadvantages :
 VGG-16 requires massive training data, leading to slow convergence.
 VGG-16 has large storage space, resulting in extended training time.
 VGG-16 lacks extracted eigenvalues, leading to low recognition rates.

Results :
 Improved algorithm achieves 96% recognition rate with practicality.
 MicroFace model recognition rate is over 96% with CASIA WebFace.
 Final recognition rate of the improved algorithm is 96.26%.
Comparison Table
Title year Objectives Limitations Advantages Gaps

The system achieves

Quickly and accurately detect and 1. Small sample FaceNet extracts a recognition
align faces in images using MTCNN. sizes. embeddings from accuracy of 99.85%
MTCNN and FACENET 2. Absence of the faces detected
by MTCNN, enabling and can be
GMR Institute of Technology

based access control Improve face recognition accuracy long-term

Reference 1 system for face detection 2021 using FaceNet and enhanced loss studies. effective effectively applied to
and recognition. functions, making it robust to 3. Possible bias classification of face detection and
various conditions like lighting and in data faces based on their recognition in access
facial expressions. collection. unique features. control systems

The framework
may struggle
: with partially
1. Introduce MTCNN++, a CNN- hidden faces,
based face detection algorithm leading to MTCNN++ has been The accuracy of
inspired by MTCNN, aimed at inaccurate or compared to other MTCNN++ varies from
Voice based medicine
improving upon the performance missed
detections. face detection 87.7% to 99.7%,
and efficiency of traditional Although false algorithms like depending on the face
reminder alert methods. HaarCascade and
Reference 2 application for elder 2023
2. Enhance face detection accuracy positives
they Dlib, and it count per image. It
people. and speed to address the can still cause outperforms them in performs
large face
better with a
count per
requirements of various terms of accuracy. image
applications such as surveillance, issues,
especially in
biometrics, and computer vision sensitive
systems. applications like
Title year Objectives Limitations Advantages metrics Gaps

• FaceNet achieves
up to 100%
• Conduct a survey on face • Complex accuracy on
Face recognition using recognition techniques using computing various standard Almost 100 % accuracy
facenet (survey, 2019 FaceNet. and long
• Perform performance tests and training time. face image
datasets. for various tested
Reference 3 performance test, and comparisons of different face datasets
recognition methods based on • Utilizes deep
GMR Institute of Technology

FaceNet to evaluate their convolutional

• Dependence networks for
effectiveness and suitability for on large optimized face
various applications. datasets embedding.
• Implements
triplet loss
training to
minimize gaps in
face recognition.

• Introduces
• The paper “FaceNet: A Unified harmonic
Embedding for Face Recognition • It requires embeddings and • The paper utilizes
and Clustering” aims to: complex harmonic triplet the Labeled Faces
• Develop a system, FaceNet, that calculations loss for in the Wild (LFW)
A unified embedding for 2015 learns to connect face images to and a lot of dataset, achieving a
a compact space where time to train. comparing new record
Reference 4 face recognition and different face
clustering. distances show how similar recognition accuracy of 99.63%
faces are. models. on this dataset .
• Show that tasks like face • Its
recognition and clustering can performance • Uses compact
128-byte • Another dataset
be easily done in this space heavily relies representations used is the YouTube
using FaceNet. on having a for faces, Faces DB, where
• Use a deep learning network to large dataset requiring less the system achieves
optimize the embedding of labeled space than an accuracy of
directly, unlike previous faces. previous 95.12% .
methods. approaches.
• Limited to voice
interaction: Might
not be accessible for
• Develop a voice-based users with speech
medication reminder app for difficulties.
elderly users. • Relies on user setup:
Voice based medicine • Offer a user-friendly interface Accuracy depends on
reminder alert for users with vision problems users correctly
Reference 5 application for elder 2020 or limited technical skills. entering medication
GMR Institute of Technology

people. • Improve medication details.

adherence among elderly • Paper might not
users for better health address security:
outcomes. Storing medication
information securely
on the app needs
• CCTV image quality • Integrates with
limitations: Might existing CCTV: Efficient real-
affect facial Saves cost by
• This paper proposes a visitor recognition accuracy utilizing already- time
authentication system using (low resolution, installed with a high
Design for Visitor facial recognition technology lighting issues). cameras. detection
through CCTV cameras. • Privacy concerns: • Potential for speed of 6.5
Authentication Based
• Develop a visitor Facial recognition for increased
Reference 6 on Face Recognition 2022 authentication system using visitor authentication security: Facial FPS and 86.3%
Technology Using facial recognition technology. raises privacy recognition can ensuring
CCTV. • Leverage existing CCTV questions. enhance
cameras for visitor monitoring • Security security reliable face
and identification. considerations: measures authentication
System security is compared to .
crucial to prevent traditional
unauthorized access. methods.
Runs faster and
smoother: Less
Accuracy trade-off: processingneeded GhostFaceNets
GhostFaceNet might power demonstrated
be less accurate than for
GhostFaceNet. exceptional
Develop a lightweight face complex models Perfect for low- performance on all
recognition model called (depends on the benchmarks,
power devices: achieving State-Of-
"GhostFaceNet" using paper's findings).
Lightweight face
efficient techniques. Maintain Limited to specific Ideal for
smartphones or The-Art (SOTA)
Reference 7 recognition model from 2023 high accuracy in face tasks: The paper performance and
cheap operations. recognition despite using a might focus on embedded proving to be among
less complex and resource- specific applications systems with the most advanced
GMR Institute of Technology

friendly model. (e.g., mobile face limitations. models in terms of

unlock) and not all Potentially
broader efficiency and 98%
recognition application: Face accuracy
scenarios. recognition on
more devices if
proven effective.
Cloud deployment:
Might suffer from
latency issues due to
This paper compares two internet reliance. Provides a real-
approaches for deploying a Edge deployment: world case study
Cloud versus edge
real-time face recognition Limited processing on deploying a
system: cloud-based and power on edge face recognition
deployment strategies edge-based. devices could affect application using
Reference 8 of real-time face 2021
The objective is to determine accuracy. MTCNN detector
recognition inference. which approach offers the Focus on and FaceNet
best performance for tasks deployment - Paper recognizer
like facial recognition. might not explore
limitations of the
face recognition
system itself.

FaceNet achieved
perfect accuracy
Accuracy depends on of 100% in face
training data: Unclear Openface had an
Develop a face recognition performance on accuracy of FaceNet achieved
system for monitoring unseen faces (new 93.33% in face 100% accuracy,
Face recognition system
employee presence. employees). recognition. Openface achieved
Reference 9 using facenet algorithm 2020 Utilize the FaceNet algorithm Security
for employee presence. to accurately recognize Feature extraction
considerations: Needs with FaceNet 93.33% accuracy.
employees' faces. measures to prevent using Deep
GMR Institute of Technology

unauthorized access Convolutional

or misuse. Neural Network

Limited by FaceNet's
performance: Evaluates FaceNet
Inherited weaknesses approach using
This paper proposes a video from the underlying Labeled Faces in
monitoring system for facial tech. the Wild Real-time facial
Video monitoring recognition using a technique Privacy concerns: benchmark. recognition system
system using facial called FaceNet. Facial recognition Triplet loss reached 90%
Reference 10 recognition: A facenet- 2020 FaceNet helps the system raises ethical function ensures accuracy using
based approach. identify people in videos by questions about user image FaceNet.
creating unique facial privacy. embeddings are
signatures. Video quality closer within
dependence: Might same class.
struggle with blurry or
low-resolution videos.
Works in real-time
Relies on strategically for constant
Develop a system for tracking placed UHF readers - location updates.
the location of objects or limits tracking area. Uses passive UHF
people in real-time. Might struggle with RFID tags -
potentially lower Accuracy: Depends
A dynamic HMM-based
real-time location This system relies on UHF dense environments cost and no on reader
Reference 11 tracking system 2021 passive RFID tags instead of due to signal battery placement and tag
utilizing UHF passive GPS. (UHF stands for Ultra- interference. maintenance. location (unclear in
RFID. High Frequency, and passive Performance depends Offers flexibility - paper).
means the tags don't need on tag placement
GMR Institute of Technology

batteries). accuracy for precise track

location. objects/people
without GPS
accuracy and
MTCNN acts as the speed in face
bloodhound, sniffing out Training data details recognition by
faces in pictures and videos, missing - unclear real- combining
even if they're tricky to see. world performance. efficient face
Then, FaceNet takes over like Focus on technical extraction with
Face recognition model
a skilled analyst, examining aspects - potential MTCNN and
Reference 12 based on mtcnn and 2022 the faces and creating a weaknesses not comprehensive
face net. unique "facial fingerprint" for discussed. feature extraction
each person. By working Limited comparisons - with FaceNet,
together, these techniques unsure of best enhanced by
aim to make face recognition approach overall. Triplet Loss for
super accurate and reliable. better feature
This research improves an existing The paper focuses Combined
face recognition system called on technical details approach ensures
FaceNet. The improvement focuses but lacks comprehensive
Face verification on making FaceNet more reliable information on training and
technology based on (robust) and adaptable training data, improved
Reference 13 FaceNet similarity 2021 (generalization) by swapping out a performance across
part of the system. It's like algorithm various face
recognition network. limitations, and
replacing a car's engine part to broader verification
make it run smoother on different comparisons. scenarios.
Running DeepFace DeepFace
DeepFace is a super good face takes a lot of It utilized a achieved
Deepface: Closing the recognition system created by computing power,
GMR Institute of Technology

Reference 14 gap to human-level 2014

Facebook AI. It uses fancy so it might not combination of 3D 97.35%
computer stuff to learn from work on weaker modeling and deep accuracy on the
performance in face
millions of faces and recognize devices. Facial neural networks for LFW dataset,
verification. effective face reducing errors
people almost as well as a human recognition can be representation. by 27%.
can. creepy! This paper
might not discuss
how to protect
user privacy.
This Android app aims to simplify Focuses only on Technical
medication management and basic reminders testing:
Medication reminder 2015 doctor communication. You can set The system is easy
up reminders with details about and alarms for to implement, cost- Measure
Reference 15 and healthcare-an medication. reminder
android application. your meds, receive alerts to avoid Lacks features like effective, reliable, delivery
missed doses, and view a list of medication and scalable. accuracy and
your doctors with contact tracking, refill notification
information. The app also allows reminders, or delays.
secure messaging with your doctor doctor
and might offer features like appointment
medication information and scheduling.
tracking in the future.
Requires training data: powerful deep
Utilize deep learning for depends on learning:
offline signature verification Performance
the quality and quantity of Potentially more
(verifying signatures on accurate signature
signatures used to train the verification than Inception-v1
Offline signature documents). achieved 83%
verification using deep Leverage two specific deep models.Computational cost: Deep traditional validation
learning convolutional learning architectures: methods. accuracy,
Reference 16 neural network (CNN) 2019
architectures GoogLeNet, Inception-v1, and learning models can be
resource-intensive to run Offers two Inception-v3
GoogLeNet inception-v1 Inception-v3. on devices. architecture achieved
and inception-v3. Enhance the accuracy of for forgeries: The options: Allows for 75%.
offline signature verification Potential
paper might not discuss comparison and
compared to traditional selection of the
GMR Institute of Technology

methods. how well the system

handles forged signatures. best performing
model for offline
Focus on specific attack: Raises security
Investigate the security of the potential vulnerabilities of awareness:
Might not cover all
Real-world attack on MTCNN face detection MTCNN. potential
Reference 17 mtcnn face detection system.
system. In 2019 Develop a method to attack explore similar attacks on weaknesses
Limited to MTCNN: Doesn't
MTCNN face
International Multi- MTCNN using easily other face detection detection.
Conference on 2019 reproduced manipulations
Engineering, Computer (like printed facial attributes). systems.
Defensive strategies not
Offers a practical
attack method:
and Information Demonstrate the
Sciences (SIBIRCON). effectiveness of this attack in focuses on the attack, not Provides
explored: The paper
developers to
a real-world scenario. potential methods to improve MTCNN's
mitigate it. robustness.
Faster training for
face recognition
Might require extensive models: Potentially
Improve the training - The paper might reduces the time
efficiency of Inception-ResNet testing and resources
propose modifications that needed to train
for face recognition tasks.
Reference 18 Address limitations associated need
thorough evaluation Inception-ResNet TRSF PReLU
confirm their
with the standard Inception- effectiveness. for this achieved
More trainable ResNet architecture in the task.Potentially 96.53 TAR
context of face recognition. Potential lack of
inception-ResNet for 2020
face recognition. comparison with other broader (FAR 1e3) on
Enhance the overall methods - The paper might applicability: If LFW dataset.
performance of face successful, the
recognition systems using a focus solely on its approach modified
GMR Institute of Technology

modified Inception-ResNet without comparing it to

model. alternative face recognition Inception-ResNet
could benefit
techniques. various face
Investigate the security of the
MTCNN face detection
Reference 19 Develop a method to attack
Research on face MTCNN using easily
detection technology 2020
based on MTCNN. reproduced manipulations
(like printed facial attributes).
Demonstrate the
effectiveness of this attack in
a real-world scenario.
Reference 18
Improve the training
efficiency of Inception-ResNet
for face recognition tasks.
Reference 18 Address limitations associated
with the standard Inception-
More trainable
ResNet architecture in the
inception-ResNet for 2020 context of face recognition.
face recognition. Enhance the overall
performance of face
recognition systems using a
modified Inception-ResNet
Investigate the security of the
GMR Institute of Technology

Real-world attack on MTCNN face detection

Reference 17 mtcnn face detection system.
system. In 2019 Develop a method to attack
International Multi- MTCNN using easily
Conference on 2019 reproduced manipulations
Engineering, Computer (like printed facial attributes).
and Information Demonstrate the
Sciences (SIBIRCON) effectiveness of this attack in
a real-world scenario.
Reference 18
Existing Model/Architecture of your project
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Proposed Model/Architecture of your project
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