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● Is the use of input (resources)

efficiently and effectively to
produce the desired output
● Use of management functions is
the key in attaining the goals and
objectives of an organization.
● It is regarded as the process of coordinating while overseeing
performance of individuals working together in an
organization,so that they could accomplish their chosen aims or
Management: Its Functional Definition
Management refers to the processes, techniques in
coordinating activities of people, the direction of actions
toward common goals.
● Make decisions. They develop a process for choosing,
from available alternatives, actions that will achieve
desired results.
● Organizing and staff the positions. They determine
the structure and allocation of jobs and they place
people in them.
● Plan . They anticipate the future, discover alternative course of
action, and set guides for future decisions.
● Control activities. They measure actual performance and guide it
toward some predetermined goals
● Lead the group toward its objectives. They motivate subordinates in
their performance to achieve common objectives. This function
includes supervision in situations where the managers are in direct,
visual contact with subordinates.

In order to perform these activities, the managers must focus on other

activities including reviewing objectives, maintaining efficient
communications, encouraging innovations, motivating subordinates, and
achieving coordination among the various parts of the organization.

Planning Organizing Leading Controlling

● Defining the goals, establishing
strategies for achieving those
goals, and develop plans
integrate and coordinate
● This step involves mapping out
exactly how to achieve a particular

The organization’s goal is to
improve company sales. The manager
will decide which steps are necessary
to accomplish that goal.
● Arranging and structuring work to
accomplish organizational goals,
determining what tasks are to be
done, who should do them, how
tasks are to be grouped, who
reports to whom, and where
decisions are to be made.
● After a plan is in place, a manager
needs to organize the team and
materials according to plan. Assigning
work and granting authority are two
important elements of organizing.
● Working with and through people to
accomplish the goals, motivating
employees, help resolve work group
conflicts, influence individuals or teams
as they work, select the most effective
communication channel, or dealing in
anyway with employee behavioral
● A manager needs to do more than just
plan, organize, and staff the team to
achieve a goal. The manager must also
lead. Leading involves motivating,
communicating, guiding, and encouraging.
It requires the manager to coach, assist,
and problem solve with employees.
● Ensuring that goals are being met and
that work is being done, managers
must monitor and evaluate
performance, and actual performance
must be compared with the set goals.
If those goals aren’t being achieved, it
is the manager’s job to get work back
on track.
● After the other elements are in place, a
manager’s job is not finished. The
manager needs to continuously check
results against goals and take any
corrective actions necessary to make
sure that the plan remains on track.

Direction: Answer the following questions below:

1. Give at least two (2) goals that you might set for yourself during
this semester. What are your plans to attain your goals?
2. State where you agree and disagree that a supervisor should be
exempted from taking an overtime pay for extra hour of work.
3. State where you agree or disagree, a supervisor should be more
of a leader than a boss.

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