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 This course is an introduction to the New Testament literature
itself and to academic approaches to that literature. It presents
a panoramic view of the content, main characteristics, and
message of the books of the New Testament in light of their
historical, political, socioeconomic, cultural, and religious
environment, it also includes the New Testament world,
textural criticism, inspiration, archaeological insights, and special
introduction of the New Testament, including the synoptic
problem as well as their importance as literary expressions of the
faith and history of the early church. Moreover, this course will
have a general overview of Christology in the New Testament
and the problem on the quest of the historical Jesus versus the
Jesus of the Kerygma.
 Neither previous familiarity with the New Testament or with
scriptural interpretation nor basic Christology is expected.
Believers in all walks of life need a basic familiarity with the
New Testament and to get to know Jesus as the foundation for
Christian life and doctrine. So it is the hope of this course that
the students come away from this course having read the entire
New Testament with an appreciation for each work's defining
characteristics and come to know Christ that would provide a
solid foundation from which Christians may base their
interactions with the world and other faiths making then truly a
follower of Christ.

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