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Quality Leadership

Dr. WABALA Samuel

6/25/2021 Course Code & Name 1

• Quality leadership is an alternative that
emphasizes results by working on methods.
• In this type of management, every work
process is studied and constantly improved so
that the final product or service not only
meets but exceeds customer expectations.

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Quality leadership and return on investment

• In 1950, Deming described this chain reaction of getting

a greater return on investment as follows:

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Principles of quality leadership
• These principles are more conducive to long-term thinking, correctly directed
efforts, and a keen regard for the customer’s interest.
• The principles of quality leadership are:
i. Customer focus,
ii. Obsession with quality,
iii. Effective work structure
iv. Control yet freedom (e.g., management in control of employees yet freedom
given to employees)
v. Unity of purpose
vi. Process defect identification,
vii. Teamwork
viii. Education and training.
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Quality structure
• Management must lead the transformation process.
• To give quality leadership, the historical
hierarchical management structure needs to be
changed to a structure that has a more unified
purpose using project teams.
• Major gains in both quality and productivity can
often result when a team of people pool their skills,
talents, and knowledge
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Quality teams
• Teams need to have a systematic plan to improve the process
that creates mistakes/ defects, breakdowns/delays, inefficiencies,
and variation.
• For a given work environment, management needs to create an
atmosphere that supports team effort in all aspects of business.
• In some organizations, management may need to create a
process that describes;
i. Hierarchical relationships between teams
ii. The flow of directives
iii. How directives are transformed into action and improvements
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Quality items
i. Degree of autonomy and responsibility of
the teams.
• The change to quality leadership can be very
• It requires dedication and patience to
transform an entire organization.

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Responsibility for Quality
• Top management must drive fear from the workplace and creating
environment where cross-functional cooperation can flourish.
• The ultimate responsibility for quality in the organization lies in
the hands of upper management.
• In order for an organization to become a quality organization, all
levels must actively participate, and, according to Dr. Edwards
Deming, the key to successful implementation of quality starts at
the top.
• It is only with their enthusiastic and unwavering support that
quality can thrive in an organization.

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Manager’s Responsibility for Quality.
• The project manager is ultimately responsible for the quality
of the project.
• The project manager selects the procedures and policies for
the project and therefore controls the quality.
• The project manager must create an environment that fosters
trust and cooperation among the team members.
• The project manager must also support the identification and
reporting of problems by team members and avoid at all costs
a “shoot the messenger” mentality.

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Team responsibility for quality
• The project team members must be trained to identify
problems, recommend solutions, and implement the
• They must also have the authority to limit further
processing when a process is outside of specified limits.
• In other words, they must be able to halt any activity that
is outside of the quality limits set for the project and
work toward a resolution of the problem at any point in
the project.
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Quality circles
• Quality circles are small groups of employees
who meet frequently to help resolve company
quality problems and provide
recommendations to management.
• Quality circles were initially developed in
Japan and have achieved some degree of
success in the United States.
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Responsibility of quality circles
• The group identifies problems, analyzes data,
recommends solutions, and carries out
management-approved changes.
• The success of quality circles is heavily based
upon management’s willingness to listen to
employee recommendations.

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Elements of quality circles
• The key elements of quality circles include:
i. They give a team effort.
ii. They are completely voluntary.
iii. Employees are trained in group dynamics, motivation,
communications, and problem solving.
iv. Members rely upon each other for help.
v. Management support is active but as needed.
vi. Creativity is encouraged.
vii. Management listens to recommendations.
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Benefits of quality circles
• Improved quality of products and services
• Better organizational communications
• Improved worker performance
• Improved morale

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