Revision Sheet Nazi Control

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Nazi Germany – Nazi control and Hitler’s dictatorship

From 1933, Hitler was able to turn Germany into a dictatorship under his complete control. Firstly, he was able to take control
between 1933-34 using the Emergency Decree, Enabling Act and the Night of the Long Knives and once he was in firm control
the Nazis used a variety of methods to keep control over the German population. The success of Nazi control is highlighted in
the lack of opposition throughout the Nazi years.

Fear and Terror Propaganda

Everyone is Germany lived under Josef Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, used propaganda to brainwash Germany
constant fear of the Nazi state, it was Propaganda focused on; the greatness of Germany, the Fuhrer cult, the Aryan Race
the prime method of control and attacking Germany’s enemy's (communism and Jews)
The Gestapo (Nazi secret The Nazis produced over Goebbels controlled all
police) could tap phones, raid 1000 films and ones The stations and cheap
controlled all
houses and could imprison you Eternal Jew encouraged ‘peoples receivers’ were
without trail, Over 160,000 anti-Jewish feelings made so 70% of homes
were arrested for ‘political Anti-Nazi papers had one. Hitler's
crimes’, hundred were killed. were shutdown, speeches were common.
The Nazis controlled
The Gestapo used informers to watch negative news Loudspeakers were put
all music, books and
local communities, you could be taken was censored. up in streets so all could
plays. It had to be
for Anti-Hitler jokes or not doing the listen
Heil Hitler salute.
The SS were a fanatically loyal Aryans
under Himmler, they had unlimited Censorship The Fuhrer Cult
power. They ran the concentration The Nazis censored everything – The Nazis developed he
camps and they took out the SA in the all anti-Nazi ideas were banned 'Führer cult’. The aim was for
Night of the Long Knives The Nazis controlled what people Germans to idolise and
Concentration Camps like read, saw and heard – it was part follow their leader – like a
Dachau had over 100,000 of their indoctrination god.
inmates. Camps were used 1,600 newspapers were shut down
for Nazi enemies. Hard During WW2, only positive news stories
labour, beatings and murder were shown to show Nazi successes.
were common In 1933, 20,000 Jews books were burnt
Writers, film makers and artists could
The Youth only produce pro Nazi arts
Germanys children had their whole Jazz music was banned
lives controlled, through education and
Telling an Anti-Nazi joke was a crime, Controlling Workers
youth groups. They could not escape
leading to a fine or imprisonment. Hitler banned all Trade
Nazi brainwashing.
Unions in May 1933 and
Education in schools was used made strikes illegal. Workers
to indoctrinate boys and girls. had to join the DAF which
There was anti-Jewish The Legal System
took away their rights.
propaganda and Nazi The Nazis also controlled the legal
ideology in every lesson system – the Enabling Act meant that Workers had their wages
the Nazis could pass any law they dropped and hours
The Nazis banned all other
wanted and meant Hitler had no increased to over 60 per
youth groups and used
opposition in the government as he week. They could not leave
their own to create loyal
banned other parties in July 1933 their jobs without
Nazis for the future
They even encouraged children to Whilst the ‘People’s Court’ used Nazi
snoop on their own parents, loyalty to judges who swore on oath of loyalty to Benefits of the KDF were
Hitler was the priority. Training loyal Hitler. Over 44 crimes became offered to keep workers
future Nazis was key. punishable by death, 40,000 were killed ’happy’ with cheap holidays

The Nazis banned RE in Other methods of control 15% of women were

schools, closed church schools Jews and minorities had their civil rights sacked from jobs, they
and set up their own Reich stripped away and were put into camps, were forced into being
Church in 1936 to reduce to ghettos and eventually killed in Death housewives under Nazi
power of the church. Camps during WW2. rule.

1. ‘The use of fear and terror was the most important method in controlling
Revision Germany between 1933-45’ How far do you agree with this interpretation?
Questions 2. Explain how was Hitler able to establish a dictatorship between 1933-34

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