Lesson 2

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Oshwal Academy Nairobi

Campus Here
Subject: Science
Chapter/Topic: ROCKS, The rock cycle and soil
Year: 6
Teacher: Mr. Paul
Sedimentary rocks and fossils Discuss & copy

Sedimentary rocks are made from small pieces of other rocks stuck
• Very small pieces of rocks are called sediments.
• Sedimentary rocks may contain fossils
The process of formation of sedimentary rocks
A river carries, or transports, pieces of broken rock as it flows along.
When the river reaches a lake or the sea, its load of transported rocks
settles to the bottom. We say that the rocks are deposited. The
deposited rocks build up in layers, called sediments. This process is
called sedimentation.
Discuss & copy

• The weight of the sediments on top squashes the sediments at the

bottom. This is called compaction. The water is squeezed out from
between the pieces of rock and crystals of different salts form. The
crystals stick the pieces of rock together. This process is
called cementation.
• These processes eventually make a type of rock called sedimentary
rock. It may take millions of years for sedimentary rocks to form.
• Here are the different processes in order:
Transport → deposition → sedimentation → compaction →
How sedimentary rocks look like… Discuss

Sedimentary rocks like sandstone form layers!

Types of sedimentary rocks Discuss & copy

There are three types of sedimentary rocks

1. Sandstone 2. Shale 3. Limestone
1. Sandstone is formed by sand grain stuck together. It is
resistant to weathering. It can be red, orange, yellow or grey.
2. Shale is formed by very fine-grained sediments which are
softer than sand grains. It is soft and can be broken with your
hand. It is grey in colour.
3. Limestone is made from layers of shells. It is white or grey. E.g
Activity 1answers Pg. 72 Discuss &
1. Any one from heating and cooling of rock to break up surface layers;
plant roots breaking up surface rock and rain loosening and
dissolving rock.
2. The river uses the broken rocks to scrape the sides and bottom of its
3. On the sea bed or lake bed
4. Because the rocks are formed of layers
5. Weathering; eroding; transporting; depositing; sedimentation

Oshwal Academy Nairobi 7

Activity 2: Identify and describe sedimentary rocks Pg. 73
Discuss Q1 to Q3. Copy Q 4 and 5
4. Sedimentary rocks are formed of sediments stuck together.
Sedimentary rocks form in layers.
5. Missing words Left – sandstone Middle – shale Right – limestone

• A fossil is the preserved remains or traces of a dead organism.

• Fossils are formed through a process with multiple stages
called fossilization, and this takes place over many, many years.
• After an animal dies, the soft parts of its
body decompose leaving the hard parts, like the skeleton,
behind. This becomes buried by small particles of rock
called sediment.
• As more layers of sediment build up on top, the sediment
around the skeleton begins to compact and turn to rock
Think like a scientist … Execute and discuss
Copy and answer Q1,2 Pg. 76
l1 a Sediments on the sea bed b Minerals
2 Because sedimentary rocks form in a sea or lake where the
animals’ dead bodies lie.
Thank you

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