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“We have two ears and one mouth so that we

can listen twice as much as we speak.”

• What does the quote mean? Do you agree with it?

• What is more important in communication: listening or speaking?
• What are the qualities of a good communicator?
• What problems might occur when communicating with someone?
Complete these collocations. Some words can be
matched to more than one verb.
1. Receive
a) Animosity f) Message
2. Share
b) Confusion g) Miscommunication
3. Grasp
c) Feedback h) Misunderstanding
4. Prevent
d) Ideas i) Thoughts
5. Interpret
e) Meaning
6. Lead to
Complete these collocations. Some words can be
matched to more than one verb.
1. Receive – message, feedback
2. Share – ideas, thoughts, feedback
3. Grasp - meaning
4. Prevent – miscommunication, confusion, misunderstanding
5. Interpret – message, feedback, thoughts
6. Lead to – misunderstanding, animosity, confusion, miscommunications
Create your own questions

1. Receive – message, feedback

2. Share – ideas, thoughts, feedback
3. Grasp - meaning
4. Prevent – miscommunication, confusion, misunderstanding
5. Interpret – message, feedback, thoughts
6. Lead to – misunderstanding, animosity, confusion, miscommunications
Watch the video and decide

• What is the transmission model?

• What is the transactional model?
• What are perceptual filters? (hasta 03:10)
Complete these rules with one word
• #1: ____ actively with the verbal and nonverbal feedback of others, and adjust your
message to facilitate greater understanding.
• #2: Listen with your eyes and ears, as well as with your ____. Remember that
communication is more than just words.
• #3: In the rush to ____ ourselves, it's easy to forget that communication is a two-way
street. Be ____ to what the other person might say.
• #4: Be aware of your personal perceptual ____. Elements of your experience, including
your culture, community, and family, influence how you see the world.
Watch the second part to check
• #1: ____ actively with the verbal and nonverbal feedback of others, and adjust your
message to facilitate greater understanding.
• #2: Listen with your eyes and ears, as well as with your ____. Remember that
communication is more than just words.
• #3: In the rush to ____ ourselves, it's easy to forget that communication is a two-way
street. Be ____ to what the other person might say.
• #4: Be aware of your personal perceptual ____. Elements of your experience, including
your culture, community, and family, influence how you see the world.
Rules of good communication
• #1: ENGAGE actively with the verbal and nonverbal feedback of others, and adjust
your message to facilitate greater understanding.
• #2: Listen with your eyes and ears, as well as with your GUT. Remember that
communication is more than just words.
• #3: In the rush to EXPRESS ourselves, it's easy to forget that communication is a two-
way street. Be OPEN to what the other person might say.
• #4: Be aware of your personal perceptual FILTERS. Elements of your experience,
including your culture, community, and family, influence how you see the world.
You want someone to clarify what You didn’t hear something
they have said

You want to explain/clarify something You want to check if you understood

you have already said what someone has just said
You want someone to clarify what they You didn’t hear something
have said

• I don’t get it • Would you mind speaking more slowy?

• Could you be more specific? • Can you say that again?
• I don’t fully understand • Could you repeat that?
• Can you elaborate on that? • I didn’t catch that
• I don’t quite follow
You want to explain/clarify something You want to check if you understood
you have already said what someone has just said

• In other words, … • Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying that

• To put it another way … …
• To be more specific … • If I understood you correctly, …
• Let me clarify that … • So, you’re saying that …
• Just to be clear, you’re suggesting that …
• Do you agree with the 4 rules of good communication?
• Do you think that people tend to use too many words to
communicate their ideas?
• What can we do to be better communicators?
• In what kinds of situations do you have to ask someone to
rephrase what they’ve said?

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